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Everything posted by DwightLee

  1. Well there are still issues, things that need to be resolved, however it is a far cry better than it was before the Science release. We are still deep in early access. I am pleased at the progress.
  2. In KSP 1 I was able to place 4 vertical couplers at once, and then in the staging be able to separate them into different stages ( for asparagus staging for example ). I seem to be missing something in KSP 2, I cant seem to separate the couplers, If I move one, all 4 move. Is there something I am missing?
  3. in KSP 1 I often used what I would call drop tanks, and it was quite easy to see how much fuel was left in a single external tank so you knew when to separate it. I seem to struggle in KSP2 to know if there is fuel left in a coupled tank
  4. Unless I am missing something, I cannot check on the tracked missions while in the VAB, that would be nice to have.
  5. I feel like I went from a buggy mess that was not enjoyable to play.... to a playable game that I am enjoying tremendously.
  6. I was extremely disappointed quite a long time ago when Career mode was not going to be in KSP 2, just completed the first couple of missions, and my disappointment has disappeared. Exploration mode is an excellent replacement. I know you guys don't always hear much positive feedback, so I thought I would let you know this is as good or better than my old favorite way to play Kerbal
  7. Best of luck, looking forward to tomorrow
  8. Now that KSP 2 is becoming playable, we really need native support for ultra-wide monitors, 5120x1440 please
  9. There is an understatement. Looking forward to working with KSP post patch later tonight
  10. Yeah, the only KSP I am interested in anymore is KSP 2 Not for what it is at the moment, but for what it is becoming. It really comes down to why you are playing, if it is only for personal enjoyment, then by all means Play KSP1, in fact an Early Access is probably not right for you in any case. Some of us want to be on the ride from here, to what we see KSP 2 becoming.
  11. That would make me the oldest person I have ever even heard of! No not that, how about .... old as you pretend you are that would make me a LOT younger
  12. I look at the 2 mods list I install EVERY SINGLE TIME in KSP 1 and that says quite a lot. #1 Chatterer ( already taken care of in KSP 2 ) #2 Scan Sat ( increases my enjoyment of KSP 1, to have satellites that actually have a useful function ) I agree with probes before Kerbals as well
  13. Yeah and you could not even get into orbit when it first came out
  14. I do not believe it is overpriced for the full game that is coming, including science, progression, colonies, resource management, interstellar and multiplayer. Which is what I purchased. I purchased it with my eyes fully open that these features would not be available for some time, and the early access would be quite buggy and unoptimized. It shocks me how many people did not have their eyes open.
  15. The answer to that is obviously yes, if you have been around the gaming industry a while
  16. Personally I am having a blast with KSP 2. I would not recommend it to a non-KSP-enthusiast gamer yet, but for me it has been great!
  17. Yeah LOL that was my first clue, took me a while to look more closely and see it was identified as landed. Hence, no trajectory, interesting to note that it is still moving and in orbit over time regardless.
  18. Oh yeah... I am not upset, but a non-KSP enthusiast might be.
  19. Bug Report Launched a large ship with a payload bay into high orbit, released a smaller ship from that bay and planned to take that ship to dune. However the smaller ship is identified as "landed" when it clearly is not. Screenshot attached. ( also submited to private Division )
  20. Well right now KSP 2 is for what I would call KSP enthusiasts, to help test, report, experiment and basically assist while the game is updated to a more playable state. I am not recommending it to my non KSP enthusiast friends... yet. but I expect I will be recommending it over time. I am more than happy to be on this journey, but this journey is not for everyone.... yet
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