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What did you do in KSP2 today?


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Finding the Oblique Impact Site on Gilly I then want to land there. 
It shows an crashing indicator, and you will crash into this if you say go at 30 m/s, but at 6 m/s it goes away. 

Returning from Minmus having farmed with the science lab there I get an very weird bug, The water in the ocean was gone. 
Here I'm 71 meter above the water level, I assumed this was an visual bug and I would just hover there or the water would come back on splashdown. 
But I continued to fall and the height indicator reset to the bottom of the ocean. 

On landing capsule was destroyed, heat shield survived, top compartment containing probe core and batteries popped off but was destroyed hitting the ground as only heat shield was felt. 
I reloaded to an quick save in the atmosphere at 15 km attitude, probably where I could not see water and it was back and I did an splashdown and collected over 1100 science. 

But capsule getting destroyed caused me to panic a bit as the exact same setup is used on my Moho, Eve and Duna mission. An drop test showed the capsule surviving landing on land. 

Having lots of fun in KSP 2 but the game is still very buggy. Not much to say about performance compared to KSP 1 

15 minutes ago, astrobond said:

Hi All :)

I finished successfully my All in One Grand Tour !



You put landing legs on that ship, is not an bringing a small lander more efficient? 

On 2/18/2024 at 3:55 PM, Aeolica said:

I can hardly ensure that my large SSTO (KLO payload 40t) can land safely on an aircraft carrier:wacko:




And you only used half of the runway. Carriers uses sets of light to guide pilot in on correct path but it don't look like you need them. 

Edited by magnemoe
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@magnemoe, I wanted to try with only two landers to avoid lots of optimals landers for each bodies, and with the efficiency of the big nuke engine this is ok like that :) .

Not sure that bringing a plane for laythe, a specific lander for Tylo and another lighter lander for all other bodies would be better than this 24 Tons all in one lander for all other bodies than Eve :)

I also wanted to go "Easy" way ;) 


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Today, instead of focusing on the Duna monument mission, I decided to try my hand at the Kapy Rock thing.  Built a rocket, strapped a lander with some wheels on it, and thought "If I can get close, I can drive to the edge of it.  Maybe.".  I then spent several hours overshooting, undershooting, and totally missing the thing.  The few landings I could get within a few kilometers?  Name your downfall, I suffered it:

  • Tipping over just before landing
  • Tipping over just after landing
  • Damage upon landing
  • No traction going uphill
  • No braking going downhill
  • No steering to go around hills
  • Landed on the coast...but in too much water to actually drive
  • I think I'm just over the rock formation, so I'll pull the chutes now...only to hit the side of the thing and fall all the way down
  • Kraken attacks

That's the SHORT list of what I've experienced.  I've heard people build planes and fly over it, ejecting the lander when they are literally right over it.  I'm no good with planes or cargo bays, so I haven't tried that yet.  But that may never happen; I'm just going to put this away for now before I uninstall.

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Reached Moho
Two landers who also is rovers, one is mostly backup. On top an special lander for the mohole challenge. 
Low on fuel but tanker comes in 5 days and I'm carrying extra methane for the landers, stage 6 is two small methane engines to burn off the leftover then I leave. 

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On 2/19/2024 at 10:50 AM, magnemoe said:

Having lots of fun in KSP 2 but the game is still very buggy. Not much to say about performance compared to KSP 1 

Performance is great as long as you place a limit on yourself on how many vessels you have in orbit.  When I only have 1 vessel, the game is so fast, the clock runs faster than real time. When I have 5 vessels in orbit, the clock runs around real time.

In my second game, I'm limiting myself to 5 vessels maximum.  It means progress will take more time in-game, but I will spend way less real time flying ships, and that's the real time sink.

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1 hour ago, rogerawong said:

Performance is great as long as you place a limit on yourself on how many vessels you have in orbit.  When I only have 1 vessel, the game is so fast, the clock runs faster than real time. When I have 5 vessels in orbit, the clock runs around real time.

In my second game, I'm limiting myself to 5 vessels maximum.  It means progress will take more time in-game, but I will spend way less real time flying ships, and that's the real time sink.

Pretty amazing they haven’t  fixed these performance issues after a full year of release. Sucks we have to self limit the number of crafts we want in the game because of this nonsense.

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6 hours ago, rogerawong said:

Performance is great as long as you place a limit on yourself on how many vessels you have in orbit.  When I only have 1 vessel, the game is so fast, the clock runs faster than real time. When I have 5 vessels in orbit, the clock runs around real time.

In my second game, I'm limiting myself to 5 vessels maximum.  It means progress will take more time in-game, but I will spend way less real time flying ships, and that's the real time sink.

This sounds weird to me, for one the patched conic design lets out of sight objects only having to hold their orbital parameters and check for SOI changes in future. 

Now map view with lots of stuff going on will have an impact. 
Released an +50 or so probe cores in KSP 1 in a free return trajectory at the Mun, this lagged in map view as game had to view all the trajectories.
KSP 2 might be worse here, not noticed this myself but it makes it more relevant to remove unneeded crafts and junk.

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Docking issue around Moho, looks like having two docking ports separated by an separator is an bad idea as its kind of kills the docking ports. 
Docked Moho ship to tanker with no issues. 
Problem is that my Duna ship has the same design. 

But it just gave me enough transmitted science to unlock the large nuclear engine so sending Duna followup to guess where.

Here doing an correction burn on the way out from Kerbin.  Larger rover with radiation detector and orbital science lab on ship. 
Also more than enough dV

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On 2/19/2024 at 7:13 PM, astrobond said:

@magnemoe, I wanted to try with only two landers to avoid lots of optimals landers for each bodies, and with the efficiency of the big nuke engine this is ok like that :) .

Not sure that bringing a plane for laythe, a specific lander for Tylo and another lighter lander for all other bodies would be better than this 24 Tons all in one lander for all other bodies than Eve :)

I also wanted to go "Easy" way ;) 

Ok so the lander is the gold tanks the spheres stays in orbit, then it makes more sense. 

Me, building and testing for the Jool mission, lander who is also rover for Bop, Pol and Vall, two probe rover landers for Tylo, two arial drones for Laythe, two probes for studying the atmosphere of Jool. 

Also speed test, how fast can an capsule survive aerobrake coming home from other planets if ship is unable to enter orbit because low fuel. 

5 km/s is not an issue :) only ate up 1/8 of heatshield. Mun free return trajectory and made an second burn to go fast. 
Probably want to do an followup on this, Its not that I would reuse any of my current interplanetary crafts once I get the big ball tanks and getting more science home faster unlock them and other cool stuff faster, so an followup test is needed. 

Edited by magnemoe
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One of my first SUBMARINES learning the new game update got featured on by KSP 2!?

Its not my favorite design but that's what this game is all about!  Design and redesign!  And thank you for making me feel special.  haha

The game is so fun and the challenges keep the ideas flowing. 


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Collecting Bill and his 5 K science from Gilly.

And 6 K more science from Eve atmospheric probe. 

My best idea was to go to Eve early as window is closing fast. My largest regret was not sending much more stuff I could sent rovers 
600 transmitted from atmospheric science from each biome. 
Environmental and surface data is 1000+1200 transmitted science 

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3 hours ago, Heretic391 said:

2nd ever launch in Exploration mode has earnt us 62,601 science... :valwow:

Went to Gilly, Eve and made sure to visit almost all research locations by driving over 40km. 

I think that's a record.  I gotta go back and see if you posted your first launch to see what mission you designed to get enough science back to unlock the orbital survey module in a single go.

You sandwiched the rover between the de-orbit booster and the launch vehicle?

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7 hours ago, rogerawong said:

I think that's a record.  I gotta go back and see if you posted your first launch to see what mission you designed to get enough science back to unlock the orbital survey module in a single go.

You sandwiched the rover between the de-orbit booster and the launch vehicle?

First mission was to Dres. It gives the second highest science points in game and its not a difficult planet to visit. Earnt about 16k with a zero tek rocket.

And yes, the rover was sandwiched :grin:originally tested with a spaceplane but it was too hard to get the rover low enough to the ground to decouple .


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13 hours ago, Heretic391 said:


2nd ever launch in Exploration mode has earnt us 62,601 science... :valwow:

Went to Gilly, Eve and made sure to visit almost all research locations by driving over 40km. 



*briefly mumbles about how the fate of all the known cosmos rests in your hands*

Geez, that’s ridiculously impressive. I couldn’t possibly achieve anything like that. How long did it take to plan your course of action and actually get the rocket working?

But seriously, you have the patience of… well a really patient guy (or… you know… a youtuber who dwells in KSP 2). Great job, you’ve done some serious stuff.

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4 hours ago, NexusHelium said:


*briefly mumbles about how the fate of all the known cosmos rests in your hands*

Geez, that’s ridiculously impressive. I couldn’t possibly achieve anything like that. How long did it take to plan your course of action and actually get the rocket working?

But seriously, you have the patience of… well a really patient guy (or… you know… a youtuber who dwells in KSP 2). Great job, you’ve done some serious stuff.

Haha always love your comments :D The rocket took 1 week. Literally worked on it every night. A lot of the time was spent testing the lander, rover, gilly rover etc. Started questioning my sanity 2 days in. 

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Decided to finish up the Mun Arch mission. I wasn't expecting to complete it but I was pleasantly surprised. Last time I came in too hot, at the wrong inclination, and expected to have a double digit KM trek. This time I was able to match the inclination and touch down within 1KM. When I start getting sub 1k dV I get real antsy, so this is a one way until I work up the courage to try to return. I know, It's probably enough. But I don't KNOW that. 


First (second) time ever seeing the arch through my own handiwork.

Almost close enough to get out and touch.

I didn't quite get the whole arch in frame, and Bill appears to be mid bowel movement. Poorly planned picture. And the game has forgotten my flag texture again.

Next up was orbit Minmus with a probe. Same probe as I've posted in the past, just a different first stage so that I wouldn't have to fuss with the SM parts.

Inclination matched and on course to circularize.

Insertion burn to Minmus. Decided to capture with an orbit in reverse just because.

20KM orbit. Assuming no orbital decay it should be safe. Next  step is the Minmus monument. The Mun lander should be sufficient, although I might have to launch the tug with a higher orbit. I'll play with that concept next time. I'm planning on a polar orbit just for variety.

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Finally reached Duna, 
Ship is basically an copy of my Moho ship except more solar power. 
So it has the same issue with the small docking ports who render the port on the rover useless so they can only be used once, so first I do Ike, then the monument. 

Some air time on Ike
To me it makes much more sense to put wheels on a lander than legs. Now this lander has an tendency to tip up on front or back and want to stand like this. 
Probably an SAS issue, the larger one with 5 side tanks works better but is also many times heavier. 

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Well, it's been a while since I last shared... I think I had been banging my head against some wrinkled wings or something, then something about orbit lines. I just felt defeated after everything leading up to "For Science!". I had to take time for perspective and a fresh take on what the team wanted to present. Since then, I feel like I've almost forgotten how to play. Perfect! Ready to go!


So anyways, I start building...


I really wanted to fly to Kapy Rock in a plane. I wanted to do it on a little biplane, but I settled for this contraption. After a load for a photo op I had these wings. Perfect!


My mission to the Duna Monument was nearly successful, but suffered from lack of tech and build quality. I feel like if I had gone with a Biplane design as I had done before I may have succeeded. That or a larger wingspan in general. This was a bit small for a Duna plane. Worked well as a glider. Got atmo science, then got outta' atmo. Settled on stopping by Ike for meager science gains before heading back to Kerbin. This is where I learned that there are some workarounds for getting off of a body while maintaining orbit lines. I'll deal with it for now, but that's gotta be the number 1 bug now, right? Right?!




I had about 600dv left in this glider that separates into a re-entry vessel with another 1200dv (ish). I'm proud of this return. It was my first return from Duna in KSP2.


This is a little Minmus Elevator I'll probably share in a video later. It's delivering a Tier 2 Rover. The rover and lift are cool, but the delivery process is quite unique since I don't have medium or large payload options. It shouldn't work, and it does- technically- which is totally great.

My "Super-Chonk" Vessel is at "Chonk-Site" on Minmus. It's somewhere between 15 and 25 tons short of satisfying the "Little-Chonker" mission. I think another "Super-Chonk" should satisfy the requirements, since it's only half-full. Bob took the rover to pick up bill. They're like Bert and Ernie, they just need to be together.

And this is how we get that sweet tech to unlock a sweeter landing at the Monument. I really need the bigger parts for the interplanetary round trips.




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48 minutes ago, Socraticat said:

Well, it's been a while since I last shared... I think I had been banging my head against some wrinkled wings or something, then something about orbit lines. I just felt defeated after everything leading up to "For Science!". I had to take time for perspective and a fresh take on what the team wanted to present. Since then, I feel like I've almost forgotten how to play. Perfect! Ready to go!


So anyways, I start building...


I really wanted to fly to Kapy Rock in a plane. I wanted to do it on a little biplane, but I settled for this contraption. After a load for a photo op I had these wings. Perfect!


My mission to the Duna Monument was nearly successful, but suffered from lack of tech and build quality. I feel like if I had gone with a Biplane design as I had done before I may have succeeded. That or a larger wingspan in general. This was a bit small for a Duna plane. Worked well as a glider. Got atmo science, then got outta' atmo. Settled on stopping by Ike for meager science gains before heading back to Kerbin. This is where I learned that there are some workarounds for getting off of a body while maintaining orbit lines. I'll deal with it for now, but that's gotta be the number 1 bug now, right? Right?!

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I had about 600dv left in this glider that separates into a re-entry vessel with another 1200dv (ish). I'm proud of this return. It was my first return from Duna in KSP2.


This is a little Minmus Elevator I'll probably share in a video later. It's delivering a Tier 2 Rover. The rover and lift are cool, but the delivery process is quite unique since I don't have medium or large payload options. It shouldn't work, and it does- technically- which is totally great.

My "Super-Chonk" Vessel is at "Chonk-Site" on Minmus. It's somewhere between 15 and 25 tons short of satisfying the "Little-Chonker" mission. I think another "Super-Chonk" should satisfy the requirements, since it's only half-full. Bob took the rover to pick up bill. They're like Bert and Ernie, they just need to be together.

And this is how we get that sweet tech to unlock a sweeter landing at the Monument. I really need the bigger parts for the interplanetary round trips.

Love that biplane, I'm working on an Eve rover but thinking that since I end aerobraking 30 km up I will have an serious cross range with some stubby wings instead of struts to increase wheelbase. 
And more wings are better than just two. 

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I.C.A.R.U.S TM "Near-Monthly" Report

This month at I.CA.R.U.S. TM construction has continued on the Euripides II-A station in LKO with the addition of the 2 crew wings and observation station using the newly developed "Hot-Rod" tug:


As it stands today the station is essentially feature complete but the skills and technology developed during it's construction will undoubtedly be indispensable  for the future of the Euripides Project.


Additional: A station inhabitant performing an EVA station check.


There have also been some developments in the unmanned "Odysseus" program, with the first images of Eve being transmitted back to Kerbin during a recent flyby of the Ithaca-E-1 probe:


In addition the Ithaca-D-2 probe has launched, winding it's way to Duna on a scientific mission with an unmanned landing as a secondary objective:



Happy Flying Kerbonauts!


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