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Space Warp 1.0.0

Space Warp is a modding API for Kerbals Space Program 2.

Space Dock
Source Code (MIT License)


  • Asset bundle support
  • Part modding
  • Mods menu
  • Console
  • Fancy UI stuff
    • Has an inbuilt stockalike UI skin for mods to use.
  • Addressables Support
  • Localization Support
  • Part Modding Support
  • App Bar Integration
  • Extension methods for common things

How Do I?

  1. Install space warp
    1. Download the zip file
    2. Extract it into the directory where KSP2_x64.exe is located, if done correctly there should now be a BepInEx folder under there
  2. Install Mods for space warp
    • It depends on the mod, if it is a zip file with a bepinex folder extract that into the root directory, otherwise put the folder under the mod into BepInEx/plugins
  3. Create mods for space warp
Edited by X606
Updated post to reflect new changes
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12 hours ago, linuxgurugamer said:

This does not appear to be compatible with BepinEx.  How is this better than BepinEx?

I'd say it's a simpler alternative honestly, it has slightly less built in features (Bepinex features a few things that we may/may never use, I am familiar from other games, a debuger is amongst them).

The issue is the community, at least for the early days, should choose and stick to one.  No offense to the authors here, but because it's an established convention elsewhere, I'd honestly advise using Bepinex.

Of course, if interoperability is attained, then this becomes a nonissue.

Edited by R-T-B
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35 minutes ago, R-T-B said:

I'd say it's a simpler alternative honestly, it has slightly less built in features (Bepinex features a few things that we may/may never use, I am familiar from other games, a debuger is amongst them).

The issue is the community, at least for the early days, should choose and stick to one.  No offense to the authors here, but because it's an established convention elsewhere, I'd honestly advise using Bepinex.

Of course, if interoperability is attained, then this becomes a nonissue.

Very much agreeded.

It'll be better to stick to bepinex, or possibly make this a plugin for bepinex as an abstraction layer

Edited by viperfan7
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It's just my humble opinion, but I'd say it's better to no create many mod managers unless we really have too. Bepinex gives a broad range capability: it let's running an arbitrary DLL within the game's bounds and tracks the dependencies, but doesn't care about the game specific logic (assets, bundles, etc.). Any more intelligent mod loading framework should be based on it instead of introducing an alternative branch. E.g. we can have a designated mod loader for the part only mods to simplify the part modders work.

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On 2/26/2023 at 6:49 AM, X606 said:

May I suggest replacing this link with the one that's compatible with the other mod loader?

Probably best to get people used to installing that one now while everything is still settling down, to avoid file conflicts.

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I would also like to suggest that this example file should be valid:

Currently it has fake values and embedded help text such as:

        "min": "...",
        "max": "... (can be * for no max version)"

... which makes it less of an example and more of a combination of an example and some inline documentation. The fewer changes and guesses an author has to make to get something usable, the better. (The top SpaceDock download using this framework so far has pasted the above text unmodified). For example, this would probably cover the 80%+ case right now:

        "min": "",
        "max": "*"
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Making a new forum post as I am the other lead dev of Space Warp, and I have more time for updating forums and such

Space Warp 0.3.0

Space Warp is a modloader for Kerbal Space Program 2 that supports loading C# based mods, and has the infrastructure in place for part modding as well (it has been tested, just the documentation is in progress)

BepInEx version space dock

Standalone version space dock

Source code (MIT License)


  • Loading C# based mods into KSP2
    • Using either compiled dlls, or runtime compilation with Roslyn
  • Dependency Checking
    • Can specify a min and max version of a dependency, and of Kerbal Space Program 2
  • Asset bundle support
    • Supports loading asset bundles for mods to use
  • Configuration
    • Has an inbuilt mod configuration system and window system
  • Fancy UI Stuff
    • Has an inbuilt stockalike UI skin for mods to use
  • Addressables support
    • Has an addressables loader that integrates with KSP 2 (Necessary for part modding)
  • Localization support
    • Also loads localization files for KSP 2 (Necessary for part modding)
  • Appbar integration
    • Adds ability for mods to integrate their own toolbar into the "app.bar" (just in flight for now, but more places in progress)

How do I?

  1. Install Space Warp
    • It is recommended to use the BepInEx version of space warp as that provides the most compatibility with other mods
    • Install BepInEx if using the bepinex version
    • Download the zip file from space dock, and extract it into the directory where KSP2_x64.exe is located, this should create a SpaceWarp folder and a Mods folder under that if done correctly
  2. Install mods for space warp
    • It depends on the mod, if it is a zip file with a space warp folder extract that into the root directory, otherwise put the folder under the mod into SpaceWarp/Mods
  3. Create mods for space warp
    • You can start with using TemplateGenV2.py on the Release page for space warp, this sets up the csproj and folder structure necessary for either Roslyn compiled mods or DLL mods
    • The wiki has some resources for space warp modding but needs updating
    • You can also ask on the KSP2 Modding Society Discord for help with modding
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31 minutes ago, cheese3660 said:

I was trying to make a new thread as this information should be at the top level of the page, as it is up to date to the most recent version of Space Warp

The standard procedure is to update the original thread.   We really don’t allow multiple threads on the same topic.   @X606will have to update the OP

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13 hours ago, cheese3660 said:

Alright, understandable, thank you

Next time you guys post an update, if you don’t want @X606 to be the maintainer of the thread, and would like to start a new thread, do these steps:

1) Post the new thread for the mod, with current release info.  
2) Immediately have that person post in this thread that they have taken over ownership of the thread.   -thread not mod (there’s potential license issues if you say mod)- and post a redirect link to the new thread at the end of this thread.   
3) @X606 , and by policy only them, should report this thread and ask for it to be locked.

These steps will transfer ownership to the new poster.    Normally we’d just wait for your next update to do this, but since I’m the one that forced you to merge without giving you the transfer option, I can go back and undo the merge manually.   This one time  ;p    That would give @cheese3660ownership of the new thread again, but I still need @X606to request a lock.  

EDIT: and then each time after when you post an update, edit the first post to reflect the intended changes, and add a post at the end to signify an update.  

Edited by Gargamel
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Hey does anyone else have issues with attaching wing parts after installing "BepInEx version space dock"?

For me without it installed the wings, stabilisers and control surfaces go from a pink rectangle whilst being dragged to a more triangular shape that you can then configure after being attached, with the BepInEx version of Space Warp installed they stay as the pink rectangle and cannot be configured (the sliders move but most of the values remain at zero and none of them change).  They even remain that way if you then launch the craft.  I haven't installed anything else, just BepInEx and Space Warp and the issue does not arise with just BepInEx installed. 

Edited by SP_S6
clarification in brackets
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1 hour ago, SP_S6 said:

Hey does anyone else have issues with attaching wing parts after installing "BepInEx version space dock"?

For me without it installed the wings, stabilisers and control surfaces go from a pink rectangle whilst being dragged to a more triangular shape that you can then configure after being attached, with the BepInEx version of Space Warp installed they stay as the pink rectangle and cannot be configured (the sliders move but most of the values remain at zero and none of them change).  They even remain that way if you then launch the craft.  I haven't installed anything else, just BepInEx and Space Warp and the issue does not arise with just BepInEx installed. 

Known bug, should be fixed in the next update

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