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[Minor SPOILERS] Anomaly Locations (Don't post images of the anomalies!)


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  On 3/2/2023 at 2:07 AM, Tundra said:

After checking Gilly out, I don't believe that it is an intentional Easter egg.  Probably just a generation error.


There are two "features" smack dab at the south pole on Gilly.  I hesitate to say either is intentional (certainly not lore related), though the one I jokingly call "Gillyweed" looks like it may have been planned.  The other could be an homage, or more likely a generation error as @Tundra noted above.

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  On 3/2/2023 at 8:35 PM, Strawberry said:

Eeloo has one interesting thing on the south pole but its more of a terrain thing

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Moho also has something from KSP1 near the North Pole. Very dark!

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  On 3/2/2023 at 5:01 PM, Chilkoot said:

There are two "features" smack dab at the south pole on Gilly.  I hesitate to say either is intentional (certainly not lore related), though the one I jokingly call "Gillyweed" looks like it may have been planned.  The other could be an homage, or more likely a generation error as @Tundra noted above.


I revisited Gilly and I still don't see anything.  Maybe I'm just blind?

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  On 3/3/2023 at 1:35 AM, Tundra said:

Maybe I'm just blind?


I really doubt that :)

The 2 features at the south pole of Gilly are subtle, and are pretty much confirmed to be glitches as they also appear on other moons in the same location.  This is a no-spoiler-image thread, but you can see a screenshot with both features on Gilly in a post here: 

For a visual cue, I call them "Gillyweed" and "The Gilly Hole", which should make them jump out if you look at the screenie I posted over there.

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I understand the disconnect now - I was looking for some kind of monument in that location, but it's a... "geological feature" ;)

Here's another image with some seasonal lighting and a ship parked about as close as I could get it without the bug gobbling up the icon, in case others are having the same problems as me on Moho:

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For the anomaly features that are supposed to show up like a ship icon if you get close enough, I'm curious what graphics settings you guys are using. To keep the game playable I have mine turned down, and while I've been to two of these locations (Minmus and Duna), no matter how close I get I don't see an icon until I'm landed and it's my ship icon. In one attempt I was dropping into Duna at a shallow angle and most likely flew right over it at not too much altitude. In the map view I never saw any icon other than mine. Even in the flight view I didn't see the thing until I'd finally gotten my rover to land not to far away - and even then I had to peek under the horizon or wait until I was much closer. For site on Minmus, it was visual in flight mode once I was close enough, but again I never saw anything in map mode and so would never have had the first clue where to try to set down were it not for this thread.

The graphics settings I'm playing with right now are these:

  • Video
    • Game Screen Mode: Windowed
    • V-Sync: Off
    • Resolution: 2560x1440
  • Rendering
    • Anti-aliasing: Off
    • Anisotropic Filtering: Off
  • Quality Presets
    • PC: High
  • Visual Options
    • Environment Prop: On
    • Environment Prop  Density: Low
    • Environment Prop Draw Distance: Low
  • Water
    • Water Quality: Low
  • Shadow
    • Shadow Details: Low
    • Shadow Quality: Low
  • Atmospheric
    • Cloud Quality: Low

If the anomaly features are only visible in map view when you've got graphics turned up that's not a very friendly feature. Or maybe I'm blind or doing something wrong. I really just don't get how to search for these unless it's something that's perversely limited to those with better GPUs. If you're able to see them in Map view please post your graphics settings or let me know what the trick is? I'd like to be able to hunt for them and not just visit those others have reported.

Edited by schlosrat
to make it even more ambiguous
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  On 3/5/2023 at 6:18 PM, Vl3d said:

Please remove references to what the anomalies are. They do not appear on any map. The images in the OP show their locations based on vessels landed next to them.


Done! I've edited my post to make it even more ambiguous - not that I actually described any of the anomalies... but hey, I get where you're coming from.

Also, thanks for the clarification about the icons on the maps. I must have misunderstood the previous posts.

In return will you kindly post the graphics settings you're using that enable you to search for and find these things? Are you doing this in map view or in flight view? That would be useful to me, and quite possibly to others who would like to join the hunt!

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  On 3/5/2023 at 6:35 PM, Vl3d said:

They are there regardless of graphics settings. Just land at the spots marked and look around. You can't miss them!


Thanks @Vl3d. I've done that, and yes, at any settings you can see them once you're close enough.

Let me try my question another way. Suppose I'd like to orbit a body and look for anomalies. Clearly some people, yourself included, are doing that, right? I may be going about it wrong, so I'm looking for tips on *how to find them*, not how to find them once I've seen where someone else has found one. Surely people are not just setting down randomly all over planets in search of these things. You're doing it from orbit, right? Could you share your process or techniques for finding these things without foreknowledge of which spot to look in?


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  On 3/5/2023 at 6:57 PM, schlosrat said:

Could you share your process or techniques for finding these things without foreknowledge of which spot to look in?


Yes - I orbit as close as I can to the ground as time as I can while maintaining 50x or 100x time warp. This usually means ~20-50km. Then I zoom out the camera as much as possible and move it close to the ground and do a visual survey.

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Is there really no anomalies on Kerbin? Can we also check at the bottom of the ocean now or it really doesn't work out with the missing water physics?

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