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Kerbal Space Program 2 (maybe being restarted) Hype Train.


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46 minutes ago, Royalswissarmyknife said:

Science is most likely just going to be Ksp-1 science with different experiments.

if they had an amazing or at least a somewhat better system they would have said SOMETHING other then showing off one of the new science parts.

Besides science: Have they said, how colonies would really work? Or multiplayer? Or resource gathering?

Many believe that all these parts are (almost) finished, that only the buggy state of the game prevents the developers from swiftly integrating these modules one by one.

I, on the other hand, believe that they haven't even started yet.  That's why we don't hear anything about it.

We see the current state of development of the game. There is nothing more. That's all.

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We as the community have given them a lot of time to right the ship. I believed them at launch, and was even a pretty happy customer until they put it on sale before making any progress.

Actions speak louder than words, there’s no reason to believe what they say when they haven’t delivered anything yet.

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38 minutes ago, Carraux said:

I, on the other hand, believe that they haven't even started yet.  That's why we don't hear anything about it.

I find that unlikely. They have a pretty big team and they’ve got to be working on something. If not the roadmap items, then what?

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37 minutes ago, Periple said:

I find that unlikely. They have a pretty big team and they’ve got to be working on something. If not the roadmap items, then what?

Sorry for the misunderstanding. Of course they are working on the items on the roadmap. But I doubt that that there is much progress - besides 3D art / part modelling - on the items beyond science (maybe excpet for multiplayer).

I want to be wrong, btw.


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5 minutes ago, Carraux said:

Sorry for the misunderstanding. Of course they are working on the items on the roadmap. But I doubt that that there is much progress - besides 3D art / part modelling - on the items beyond science (maybe excpet for multiplayer).

In most games, art — models, animations, environments, etc — is the biggest single labor investment.  

A game only progresses as fast as its slowest discipline. In this case it appears to be engineering. When they get their house in order and catch up, things could speed up markedly.

We’ll find out how things stand in due course. I hope it’ll be good news!

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15 minutes ago, Periple said:

A game only progresses as fast as its slowest discipline. In this case it appears to be engineering. When they get their house in order and catch up, things could speed up markedly.

Not entirely true, for many games, especially ones using a COTS engine like Unreal.  If the art team is a bottleneck, engineers can fix bugs, improve or add features that depend less on art.   

Conversely, art can often work on content for which systems are fully implemented, or level work, etc.

Level design/scripting is similar to art, though more dependant on art for final implementation, though depending on the maturity of the game, asset reuse and repurposing can go a long way 

Non-level Design being slow does tend to limit everything though.  Production mismanaging things/dropping the ball even moreso.  Usually those disciplines are smaller headcount-wise and easier to hire for, but the dilemma is often that a team is not acknowledging the problem, due to institutional issues.

In KSP2s case specifically, art could be adding many more parts if design had them available to work on, things in the vein of existing parts vs ones that needed a new system like colonies.

1 hour ago, Periple said:

I find that unlikely. They have a pretty big team and they’ve got to be working on something. If not the roadmap items, then what?

They could be working on their other project.

Edited by RocketRockington
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9 hours ago, Carraux said:

Sorry for the misunderstanding. Of course they are working on the items on the roadmap. But I doubt that that there is much progress - besides 3D art / part modelling - on the items beyond science (maybe excpet for multiplayer).

I want to be wrong, btw.


I suppose it's possible, but I don't buy that. They've already told us that they're working on releasing Science. Fixing the flaws right now is 'foundation' work. Fixes that will apply to the whole roadmap. They couldn't release anything new until these flaws are taken care of first.

When Science is released, KSP2 will essentially be where KSP1 is at. Everything that comes after is brand new material. And with the 'Foundations' fixed, the updates will come faster afterwards.

I know enough about programming to know that it's like watching a duck swim. Slow and steady on the surface, frantic activity out of sight.

To say nothing of the fact that it gives modders more and more time, the community gets plenty of experimentation... By the time we get to the Colonies update, it'll be like playing KSP1 all over again, with better graphics.

Yes, we have to wait a lot longer than we expected; but I'm one of the people that pre-ordered No Man's Sky. Good things come to those who wait.

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After seeing playable framerates for the first time roving around Minmus, my hype meter is going up again.  Colonies will be the cornerstone release for me, I think - the "thousands of hours" clock will likely start ticking the day that feature releases.

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36 minutes ago, Moritz Space said:

Do you guys think the sneek peaks at the end used the new CBT system? I don't know why they would show planets in the kerbolar system otherwise and it also looked noticeably better in my opinion.

The Laythe scene was interesting. Probably hand-placed structures because you can’t represent them as a depth map.

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1 hour ago, Moritz Space said:

Do you guys think the sneek peaks at the end used the new CBT system?

Possibly/probably?  There's a lot riding on the CBT implementation and the performance improvements projected - terrain has been the #1 performance bugbear plaguing this game since day 1, and even with the 1.4 improvements, it's still pretty awful.  If Intercept wants to make KSP2 enjoyable on a 1070Ti - or even drop the min spec to something like a 970 - they must, must, must fix the terrain problems.

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3 minutes ago, Chilkoot said:

If Intercept wants to make KSP2 enjoyable on a 1070Ti - or even drop the min spec to something like a 970 - they must, must, must fix the terrain problems.

Big if. That’s three generations old hardware.

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29 minutes ago, Periple said:

Big if. That’s three generations old hardware.

It's min spec for Baldur's Gate 3 and Hogwart's Legacy.  It is easy?  No.  Is it possible?  Absolutely.

*E:  That came out snarkier than intended.  I mean to say that there are some recent games with much more challenging visuals that have min spec of 960/970.  I don't see KSP2 as a GPU-bound game with good optimization, and there have been a number of 3D professionals chiming in on the abysmal implementation of the terrain rendering.  On an older 1070 (non-Ti) laptop, I get pretty great framerates at 1080p *unless* there is celestial body terrain in the frame, and then it grinds to a halt.

Also, with an apparent target demographic of younger players this time 'round, keeping the min spec low is probably high on the priority list.  I do have high hopes for CBT - maybe a little too high lol ;)

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The part I'm focusing on is: "You'll be up to your ears in Science soon enough."

My guess is, they need to add heat effects first; and correct a few major bugs. Unfortunately, it's the complicated ones that take the longest.

Also of note, is the 'Mission Brief' button. Unless that's a mini-menu; I'm wondering if some missions will have 'intro videos' or something. If that's the case, then it's likely Science Farming will be harder. (Not a real problem. In KSP1, once you've unlocked everything, the science points are just to make money, which we know we won't have in KSP2)

Based on this, admittedly single image, I'm thinking the science will be more mission based. I'm actually hoping for that. To unlock 'Part X' you need to complete 'Mission Y'. To get a Colony in 'Biome 1', you need to complete the following experiment checklist...

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3 hours ago, Chilkoot said:

It's min spec for Baldur's Gate 3 and Hogwart's Legacy.  It is easy?  No.  Is it possible?  Absolutely.

Sure — but should it be a priority? Not a given.

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9 hours ago, AtomicTech said:



I noticed KSP1 running on a monitor in the Mission Control sneak peek. It's on the lower left corner.

EDIT: Oh, turns out that it's on a ton of more monitors in a less hidden spot. Welp... :P

As for the other sneak peaks, they are, I think, a construction vehicle, the large gravity ring part, the aforementioned Mission Control sneak peek, Kerbals with different eyelashes and freckles, a... tunnel thing? I'm not sure about that one. Then a beautiful mountain with clouds, and what looks like an Easter Egg on Laythe, somewhat reminiscent of the old whale skeleton except way, way, bigger.

And the deleted scene... lol! :D

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