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[1.0.7] (KESA SOLAR) - Kesa Solar Space Agency Parts Mod : Solar panels


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Current parts

FSP-XS1 : Flat solar panel

CSP-XS1 : Curved solar panel 

CSP-SM1 Curved solar panel

CSP-MD1Curved solar panel

CSP-XL1Curved solar panel

DSPF-S1 : Deployable flat panel

DSPC-S1 : Deployable Curved Solar Panel

DSPC-M1 : Deployable Curved Solar Panel

DSSPC-M1 : Shielded Deployable Curved Solar Panel

DSPF-SAW1 : Deployable Station Solar Panel

DSPF-J1 : Flat Deployable Solar Panel x5

DSPF-S2 : Flat Deployable Solar Panel x2

DFSP-M25 :  Flat Deployable Solar Panel x25

DFSSP-M25 :  Flat Shielded Deployable Solar Panel x25

DSPF-L12 :  Flat Deployable Solar Panel 4x3

CSP-G5 / CSP-G375 / CSP-G25 : curved solar panels for rockets : 2.5 / 3.75 / 5m 

DSP-HUBBLE : Hubble Deployable Solar Panel

SP1-SAIL : Solar sail panel

SP1-PWRUNIT : Solar Power Unit




https://spacedock.info/mod/3453/Kesa Solar




Kesa Solar Screenshots






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Edited by JiMKesa
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10 hours ago, ManuxKerb said:

This is an awesome mod!

But i believe it does not work with the science upgrade. 

The solar arrays are not in the nodes to unlock. 

Or did i miss them ? (im only in tier 2 at the moment...)

It does work, but not in Exploration mode as none of the KESA parts are assigned a 'tech tree node'. The parts still work on Sandbox though I believe.

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On 12/24/2023 at 1:19 PM, Infinite Aerospace said:

It does work, but not in Exploration mode as none of the KESA parts are assigned a 'tech tree node'. The parts still work on Sandbox though I believe.

Are you (JimKesa) going to assign these to the Tech Tree?  I would like to use these in Exploration mode.

Edited by Apollo13
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10 hours ago, Apollo13 said:

Are you (JimKesa) going to assign these to the Tech Tree?  I would like to use these in Exploration mode.

I'm sure JimKesa will update the mod at some point in the future. There is however a tech tree editor that should allow the parts to be added to the tree, that said I've not really gave the tech node editor much more than a glance at this point.

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2 hours ago, JiMKesa said:

I'll update soon for ShadowDev Tech Tree integration. Today, ShadowDev update his mod for that. 
I need to know how to put Tech Tree config for my mod in Patch Manager.
As soon as possible, i'll update ;-)

You can look at how I did the patches to integrate KLSS into the stock tech tree as a reference if you want: https://github.com/Safarte/KerbalLifeSupportSystem/blob/main/plugin_template/patches/stock_tech_tree.patch

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Thank you very much for a lovely parts mod!   My first and favorite so far, kudos!
Sorry for this constructive criticism, I just hope to help you make this even greater. :)

Probable bug: The FSP-XS1 doesn't seem to work for me, it doesn't seem to detect stellar exposure and gives no power (the 500 ec battery does work though)
The DSP-Hubble clocks in at 350 Kgs!  Much heavier than similarily sized panels.  May I recommend a 'fair weight' of around 3/4 the Gigantor 's?   120 kgs or less maybe (and why is the in-game SAW1 so light? hmmm)
The DSPF-J1 feels off.  It's visually gigantic, but doesn't give much power (barely more than M25) and is very lightweight.   I would propose to make it go sort of between the Gigantor and SAW1 in energy produced? (somewhere between 12 and 55 ec/s)

Balance recommendations: Having a bit of EC along with solar panels is nice, but 500 ec for a 3kg panel feels quite unbalanced compared to the game.    Might I suggest keeping those batteries small  (20-50 EC for small panels 100-200 for large panels maybe?) just keeping in mind in-game batteries weigh about 1kg for 20 EC.

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On 1/2/2024 at 9:45 AM, Spacecat2000 said:

Thank you very much for a lovely parts mod!   My first and favorite so far, kudos!
Sorry for this constructive criticism, I just hope to help you make this even greater. :)

Probable bug: The FSP-XS1 doesn't seem to work for me, it doesn't seem to detect stellar exposure and gives no power (the 500 ec battery does work though)
The DSP-Hubble clocks in at 350 Kgs!  Much heavier than similarily sized panels.  May I recommend a 'fair weight' of around 3/4 the Gigantor 's?   120 kgs or less maybe (and why is the in-game SAW1 so light? hmmm)
The DSPF-J1 feels off.  It's visually gigantic, but doesn't give much power (barely more than M25) and is very lightweight.   I would propose to make it go sort of between the Gigantor and SAW1 in energy produced? (somewhere between 12 and 55 ec/s)

Balance recommendations: Having a bit of EC along with solar panels is nice, but 500 ec for a 3kg panel feels quite unbalanced compared to the game.    Might I suggest keeping those batteries small  (20-50 EC for small panels 100-200 for large panels maybe?) just keeping in mind in-game batteries weigh about 1kg for 20 EC.

I have to agree - I like the parts but it's WAY unbalanced to add that much EC. 

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Thank you JiMKesa!    The small not-working panel is now fixed, and things are much, much better balanced!
Hope you won't mind if I make another pass to spot oddities and outliers.  At this point it's almost nitpicking, so feel free to ignore me.  Hahaha!   
Again, just hoping to make your mod even better with a balancing pass... 

"In the XS and Small panels category, our outliers are..."
-I made a visual check of all small panels, only the DSPF-L2 struck me as odd: Visually it's barely bigger than a STAT-XL (1.25 EC/s)  and clearly smaller than the twice-its-weight S1 (4 EC/s)   yet still puts out 4EC/s.   I think it'd make more sense at around half that as it's half the weight of its big brother and visually half as small give or take... 
-The CSP-XS1 has 0.3 EC battery...  I blinked a few times, that should be 3EC, right?  :)

"In the medium category..."
Visual check, the DSPC-M1 and DSSPC-M1 struck me as quite large-looking for a 2EC/S panel,   I see you gave it twice the weight and twice the EC/s of its small cousin, but visually it's more like four times the area and... about as impressive as the CSP-G25 (4.5 EC/s)    My humble opinion is you could make that pair 3.5 or 4 EC/s, with about twice its current weight and it'd make more sense.
(Some folks would say the Hubble is higher performance per weight than the Gigantor, I don't mind, I'm not -that- nitpicky.)
Smashing job overall, I can't find fault with anything else!

"In the large and XL category..."
I ended up comparing G25, G5 and G375 and oops, the three have about the same weight and EC/s when the G5 is about twice the visible area of the G25. 
Since they're flush panels with no mechanisms nor batteries, I think you can get away with making the G25 noticably lighter  (how about 3-4 times the STAT-XL, so 20-25 kg?)   Then from there, make the G5 twice the weight and EC/s, and the G375 1.5 times... Roughly those values would make visual sense i believe.

All other panels have weights and EC values that are roughly balanced with the game's offers, yet give us a visual treat and variety.  I have to say again: Excellent work and thank you immensely! 

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Hy Steigleder.

Building a more powerfull RCS is possible but but player feedback requires preserving the balance of the game.

For the moment, i'm trying to code some new features for parts. After that, i will have a look.

Thanks for your message.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Symmetry for the DFSSP-M25 is odd. for instance, in 2x symmetry, one part will be facing outwards correctly while  the other will be facing the same direction and will be inside the craft. at least in mirror symmetry.

Edited by Kerbal410
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