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Er, as far as I can tell, T.V.A means Tennessee Valley Authority, correct me if I'm wrong.

The SLS with its 100% success rate launches a bomb directly into the T.V.A.'s main facility. @TwoCalories wins!

Rock-paper-scissors-shoot, anything you wanna do!


An AI having an existential crisis

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Super-Tylo exists in the universe in complete harmony. Humanity gazes up into the infinite night sky and is awed by the majesty before them. People find themselves inspired to settle their differences and build a new harmonious and sustainable society. Starvation is no more, wars cease, poverty becomes a thing of the past, all diseases are cured, pollution is finally brought to an end, and that noisy neighbour finally comes to see things your way. Everybody wins. 

Rock-paper-scissors-shoot, anything you want to do!


A freeze-drying machine 


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