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[WIP] ASET IVA for the External Command Seat


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ASET IVA for the External Command Seat

This is mod idea I had dreamed for so long about, an actual interactive IVA for the stock External Command Seat ! :) 

Currently, the only way to see in 1st person view in the ext command seat is with Through the Eyes of a Kerbal mod, but you can't add any props to it (you can but it's janky and will not work well), so I did a little hackery here and there, converted the part to an actual pod-like behavior, and started laying out the props !  
For now, this is a low tech orbiter/lander version, but I'd like to make several flavors of this : orbiter/lander high tech (with MFDs and modern style props), plane low and high tech, and a rover high tech.

  • Todo :

- Currently there is one drawback with the way this is done : To make this IVA possible, I added a part similar to the ext cmd seat, but without the KerbalSeat module, and replaced it with module command, to make it behave like a normal pod, the Kerbal is then not visible on the external model anymore, but I could go around this by adding a B9partswitch model of a kerbal, for the player to turn on/off at his convenience, I'll see. Alternatively and for now, you can enable the IVA overlay, which is already cool in it self and arguably better, since it will display the props too.
- Polish the external appearance (back side) in external view with IVA overlay ON.

- Make other versions of this IVA ( and add Reviva support for it) : high tech orbiter/lander ; low/high tech plane (so with instruments and layout specific to planes) ; high tech rover ; MAS high tech ?

- look at VR compatibility

  • Dependencies : 

Module Manager

ASET consolidated Props and avionics

  • Optional but recommended mods :

NearFutureIVAProps : Only adds the small post it decorative elements.

  • Links to WIP releases :

- Releases · kurgut/ECS_IVA (github.com)


  • License, credits and thank you :

- License : (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0)

- Contains Assets derived from ASET props and avionics mods (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0).

- Once again, warm thanks to @JonnyOThan for his help with blender/unity. IVA creation is an obscure matter for the uninitiated for sure ^^


  • Pictures (click to enlarge) :

- Center panel :

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- Left panel :

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- Right panel :

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- External view with IVA overlay ON (design/layout unfinished) :

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Mun Sunrise :cool: 

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Cheers and happy IVA-ing ! :) 

Edited by kurgut
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Small update

Adds backface panels for the external view with IVA overlay ON.
Adds a seat that can swivel to go EVA by the back (that was pain ^^)
Add cockpit lights too (iirc they weren't there before, idk)

Release 0.2.4 · kurgut/ECS_IVA (github.com)

pics :

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Edited by kurgut
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  • 2 weeks later...

Bit of progress for ECS_IVA : added a "plane low tech" variant. For now it's just a copy of warbird's bonny internal, applied to the ECS part.
Still need edits and not yet released. (actually it could be confusing : it is the external command chair, but strapped inside a biplane. Could be mistaken for an actual cockpit) 

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Moving pictures :)  :


Edited by kurgut
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New WIP release : 0.3.1
Release 0.3.1-hotfix · kurgut/ECS_IVA (github.com)
- Adds a new low tech plane IVA variant : an interior inspired by the J-3 or equivalent old prop planes, (and by warbird cockpit mod : ) ), with the bare minimum instruments required to fly. : )
- New dependencies : Reviva and B9partswitch (to allow switching between the different IVA flavors of this mod).

Pics :


Right side :

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Left side :

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External view with IVA overlay ON :

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Quick showcase video :


Edited by kurgut
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  On 2/17/2024 at 11:44 PM, WolfieKSP said:

Hey Kurgut, I've got a problem, I'm using a non-stock techtree (CSI to be specific), and the external seat is very early game but the iva one is very late game, is there anything me or you can do to move them together?


Hi, for now you can go in the config of the part and change the line "techrequired" to "start", but I'll include a patch for it in the next release : )


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  • 4 months later...

@kurgut So, according to: "I could go around this by adding a B9PSwitch model of the Kerbal for the player to turn ON/OFF at his convenience, I'll see." please do this, i will include this in my mod.

Ps. this code is working only partially, the model is switching but still no visable kerbal:

        name = ModuleB9PartSwitch
        moduleID = seatExternalCmdmod1
        switchInFlight = true
        // Definicje podtypów
            name = seatExternalCmd
            title = "External Command Seat"
            name = seatExternalCmd_IVA
            title = "External Command Seat IVA"

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