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KSR-e (No Negative Feedback Please)

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I want to thank  @KSRe-dev. This MOD is pretty tight. I am just beginning my playthrough and do not know if it will hold up in the long run... but i am LOVING it so far. 
I must admit it is a bit more of a hardcore approach than i truly desire from the game.

Without the dynamic element or procedural missions, this more 'procedural' [pun] approach to Missons has restored my love for the game. WMCC does not use the patch manager and is compatible with this. I want to respect your wishes from the closed thread and not give too much away.  I cannot wait to delve into this deeper.

So the patch manager.
Using the date of Release i went through every possible iteration  within a couple degrees of pre 1.9.1 patchmanager versions for each PM dependent mod i use. I spent a couple hours trying various versions / uninstalling them.  I cannot get any of them to work, this is probable due to a lack of my technical proficiency.  So this is the only PM mod i can use aside from Head lamp .

I would like to plead for you to eventually bring this up onto the current patch manager version. I understand your very limited time and can understand if you want to wait great intervals between updating the dependency aspect...  but there are some other kick ass  mods (some QOL) I would greatly appreciate the use of. I will not harp on this subject or try to take a side, simply asking that you put this somewhere on the todo list.

Again... i wanna thank you for taking the time to make this mod. It appear that i was the first to DL this version of KSRe, and so far i am having alot of fun. It more  structure than i wanted, less than i expected

[some reason RP-1 came to mind] but i am loving every moment of my journey.

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There is a small issue with the Flea SRB and the new model scaling.

It is not game breaking but leads to some serious complications when trying to achieve a build where you are using a flea as an anchor point. The further you go from the originial flea & each subsequent iteration of the particular SRB compounds.


With a single SRB its not that big a deal. But anything offest radially from the center is proportionally egged by the distance of the offset in array.


These are all Flea SRBs  in a build i am attempting to complete some of the missions. I am finding it very difficuly to work within the constraints of this distortion.
 I Noticed this is way worse if you radially attach a flea to something other than a flea.


Just wanted to bring to attention.

Back to Kerbaling

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After trying to play for a little while longer, the problem creates much more difficulty than anticipated.

Considering that the Flea SRB is the first Signicant producer of DV  its use becomes somewhat critical in succeeding.

I have tried to elusively use the node anchor and still attach enough engines to complete the mission. 

I have hit a major wall with this bug.



This mod is so friggin fun.. I hope more people are giving it a go.

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@KSRe-dev i have no clue what was going on..  or how something like that happens.

I did a clean install of the game and put the  mods i used back in and it seems to work great. I am sorry that i did not go through this step before pestering you.
I feel like an ass. It seems like the most logical thing do to...

Usually i do a validate game files on steam, but since this was a cloned copy i didn't really know how to do that.
I followed a guide on how to do a recommended fresh install of steam and still keep my other instance.

They use the same folder location for save games though..? that was weird.

Thank you for taking the time to get back.

(The Problem is back)

Reproduced by making a center spoke ---> Truss  6x Symmetry ---> Repeat 6x Symmetry Truss ---> Attach 6x Symmetry  Flea SRB 


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I have been trying to think of ways to better articulate how to reproduce the problem. Went onto discord and attempted to gain some insight as to what may be causing the issue. As lovely as the community is it, it seems like i have either done something or do not know enough.

So after much though, I am thought a sketch might assist because i am somewhat inept with digital editing tools.

The way it cleared up upon launch. I dont know if that would have been the case on some of the builds, but the distortion becomes to great the further from the center of the wheel you get and makes design a real challenge.

This is a hand drawn example, but i felt it helped explain things in a way that would have taken too long with my skills at picture editing.


In the above example i begin with any truss component as the central "spoke' of the wheel. If I am attempted to make a craft with Decent DV, i need to put quite a few of these together.

If I attach another truss to the center spoke with 6x symmetry it looks fine until i attach a flea to the end of that.

The above diagram basically details the steps that i begin to encounter issues.
Step #1 Central Truss
Step #2 Attach Beam to Central Truss @ 6x symmetry
Step #3 Rotate Flea SRB and attach it node to node on the beam

Step #1 Central Trus
Step #2 Radially Attach Flea @ 4x Symmetry

This you were able to reproduce essentially in the example that cleared up at launch.

The problem seems to get worse if the flea is radially attached to a part in between

Step #1 Central Truss Section
Step #2 Radially Attach Beam to the Vertical Truss Section
Step #3 Radially Attach Flea SRB to the Beam

The example you showed was a single iteration of radially attached flea at 6x symmetry. 

i think the best way that you may be able to encounter more of the bug yourself is to attempt to build a ship that completes one of these 2 missions:

1) Reach 70km 
2) Make a craft capable of traveling over 1000 m/s over the ground

Attempted to build a craft on that scale with Flea SRB will require such a great number of them and in such creative placements, im sure you will encounter multiple instances of this problem, unless the severity of this bug seems to be somehow limited to my local system.

I really hope this helps refine the ability to discover this. 

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i appreciate the effort you have put into this. I likely will not continue playing it as they problem results in massive distortions unless i attempt complex work arounds.

I understand the idea of multiple approaches and work arounds. This has been the majority of what effort i have spent in continuing the mod once encounter the rescaled flea.

I have a hard time if you are suggesting that this bug is a change to further increase the challenge or my skill with troubleshooting... This is not the case. Trying to work with various combinations of up to 240 small booster with various cobbled together attempts to bypass the bug.

I would really suggest you attempt a play through while dealing with the experience. Not only to see if you could work through enough part counts and still resolve on launch. Unless we are experiencing completely different problems.
Considering the update path and this issue was introduced in 1.8 i am wondering if your own experience with the mission progression was before the bug and therefore less impactful on the overall experience.

It was really epic to recapture that initial feeling for a couple days and i will periodically check back on this project.

Good luck in all your efforts.

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There is no decouple unlocked at this point in the game. I would be very hard pressed to replicate that design.

Hence my suggestion you start and do a play through and not merely load up the game and see how it effects you.
The experience will be completely different as a play through.
The effect only being in the editor, makes it insanely frustrating to build normal rocket design approaches.
The editor may resolve on launch, but making something like this with the visual bugs in incredibly frustrating.

It is an amazing mod though.

Part of making it better will be admitting that there is a bug that needs to be addressed and  not trying to spin it as an intended consequence of the mod teaching you lateral thinking.
I have a feeling this may be resolved before long as people try to use the snippet of code you disseminated.  I have a feeling that this will not be viewed as acceptable consequences of scaling and will follow the thread with the code to see what comes of it.

Oh and i used the puff.  But as the flea was an SRB i am supposed to be able to use

I was trying to bring the bug to your attention. You are aware of it.  Best of luck


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A whole bunch of personal remarks have been removed. Please make your points without accusing each other of dishonesty. 

Also, if you see something on the forum which you believe is a problem, please just hit the report button and tell the moderators what you believe the problem is, and leave it at that rather than answer it yourself. That way people don't get mad at you, you don't get mad at others, and you don't waste your time getting aggravated. 

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As much as I would like to "try" this mod out, I continually run into a compatibility issue with Patch Manager.  Given the number of other mods that rely on Patch Manager being the most recent version, and of course, KSP no longer being compatible with 0.91 and all that...well...ya know....


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@Mike S

If you roll back Patch Manager to the 0.9.1 it and remove any PM specific mods. This mod will run fine despite the Main game Version not being 'supported' by that version of PM.

I cloned KSP2 vanilla and installed the specific mods w/ required compatibility.

This mod is well worth trying. You may have you reasons for not wanting to, but i will tell you that it is quite an extensive overhaul of the main game,
Similarly to the RO, RP-1, and other mods of that Nature.

By redesigning various aspects of the base game, like variable fuel, drag dynamics, Tech Progressions, and whatever else has been done... there are slightly different approaches that might be required to problems.
Also, the supplemental missions are exhaustive compared to the Base Game and much intuitive in progression.

It starts you from the ground floor of the agency. There may be a few issues. One thing i would hope to see added one day is a change in when the lander can is acquired bc Kappy Rock hits your mission list pretty early.

There is a bug as seen above. 
Aside from a few issues I've encountered i would rate this as an outstanding work in progress.

 Without trying to antagonize anyone i would recommend if you do give it a go.. to Try submitting bug reports as specific as possible but not actually engage in any long term back and forth exchanges about recommendations regarding the bug. Simply report and everything should be gravy.


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As stated, I am NOT disabling SEVERAL MODS I LIKE to try this mod out.  I like KESA, and community fixes and resources and....as stated, it isn't going to happen.  Updating the code might help, but disabling some of the mods I have would break the game for me.  Solid no.

I'm pretty sure I am not alone in this.

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  On 3/10/2024 at 6:48 PM, Mike S said:

As stated, I am NOT disabling SEVERAL MODS I LIKE to try this mod out.  I like KESA, and community fixes and resources and....as stated, it isn't going to happen.  Updating the code might help, but disabling some of the mods I have would break the game for me.  Solid no.

I'm pretty sure I am not alone in this.


From the latest release on SpaceDock, the mod no longer bundles Patch Manager 0.9 and instead depends on the latest version, so you're good to try it out

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This is listed as the offical thread on the spacedock download page. 

I am having trouble getting the newest version to work. 
The game hangs up indefinitely when loading some of the assets.

There was a previous comment that has been amended stating (IIRC) to delete the cache in the PM folder?
I think there is still some kind of issue with the most up to date version of PM.

Curious if anyone scanning this thread has had similar issues? 


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Current Version (0.20.5) Crashes on load up. I do not know enough to tell if the logoutput is also relevant, so i shared both.
The KSP2log shows something happening with hydrolox assets not wanting to load.

The game does load fine once i remove the mod folder, but i do not know if the nature of the conflict involved is due to my mod build, or something else.

Here are the links to the log files.
If others are required I will happily submit them and hope this project continues


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I see that the mod has received quite a few downloads on Spacedock.

I was wondering if anyone visiting this particular thread has had success in getting this mod to run?
If so, what MODs aer you running aside from KSRE.

History of Trouble (Currently KSRe 0.20.7.
Prior to removal from CKAN there was a 0.9.0 PM dependency. I was able to get that version running stable.
Since moving to 0.20.4 and the newest versions of PM were included into the mod, i have not been able to get the MOD to load successfully.

If anyone has had success please post here.

If there author views this still. I am encountering the same conflict as 0.20.5

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Yea. I cannot get it to work. I have tried to troubleshoot it myself but lack the experience to do so.

Earlier versions worked somewhat. First handful of missions were pretty fun.

It was a really cool mod, but the author seems to be in a self imposed exile

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I neither have any of the needed knowledge for this stuff, but what i observed was he updated the mod on the 14th and i believe patch manager also updated a day or so after he updated so that could be the cause?? Im tempted to go ahead and try to delete all my current mods and only install it and its dependencies and see if it works that way, however very very little information on this being possibly one of the best mods from what I've read, cant wait to try it out 

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