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My computer died 2 weeks ago, now have one twice as fast xD

Just got started back and wanted to have a base so i made a re-fuelable mun lander.

The arch with the crater is a great spot to start the base.

I love this 1 man lander, only uses 1 tiny engine to skip along the mun surface with lots of fuel.


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A cool thing happened when editing in GIMP.


Creepy smiley face:


Also, the next bit of my Oceans of Eve AAR is taking shape. ETA, one week, give or take.


This is awesome. A kerbal... voodoo doll.. face.. thing?

An explanation s'il vous plaît?

This is beautiful.

Edited by Tw1
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I went interstellar for the first time! MtnrWi1.jpg

A somewhat botched Eveshot, but he made it home! BGgb8Si.jpg

A camping trip. oddbJyC.jpg


How'd he get the courage to do that? uEW2O3p.png

Edited by Souper
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Re-entry of a Space-X style reusable launch stage (in order to make it work with the in-game disappearance of craft at 23 km, the launch stage has to launch "straight up" well above the atmosphere to give the reusable upper stage time to circularize before switching back to the launch stage)


And, YES, despite the tiny parachutes (mostly to keep the engines pointed down and kill horizontal speed- they don't reduce the launch stage to a safe landing speed) the launch stage does make a soft powered-landing, like Space-X is currently attempting. I also deployed the parachutes a little early here- I didn't mean to deploy them while the rocket was still on fire. :D

Re-entry of the reusable upper stage (zoomed MUCH closer in- it's 2/3 the diameter of the launch stage)


The re-entry speed is super-high because I had JUST enough time to switch to the upper stage after landing the launch stage before the upper stage hit 23 km (the payload was a bit heavier than the nominal lifting capacity to an orbit at that altitude, but had its own engines, so the reusable rocket system didn't finish the circularization)

Edited by Northstar1989
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What mod is that Soyuz looking module docked to your station?

I believe that it is from his own parts pack: Home grown rocket parts but from the development thread. The other mod is Lack Luster Labs SXT pack.

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