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Ever since I picked up B9 Aerospace I've been screwing around with fighter planes (what can I say, I love 'em). So I figured I'd post what I've done so far. With the exception of the X-15 and the X-29, they all fly very well, although the only one I'd consider done is the F-15/ACTIVE analogue. A bit of a side note; I am using FAR and Deadly Re-entry.






As I said, only the one is done, the others are at various stages of tinkering, although most only need lights and some finishing touches. the X-15 is having some troubles on release from the carrier jet (might be because it's a five minute design. The X-29 on the other hand has a different problem altogether. It flys great at low to mid sub-sonic, but as soon as it gets to trans-sonic speeds it pitches violently (I can still easily keep it pointed forward though...) and then DE does this to it.


Notice the lack of engine and control surfaces? G-forces are a bitch.

Once I'm finished with these I figure I'll do some Russian and European jets as well (maybe an XB-70 if I can figure out how to make it look decent), but for now, I'll just keep on these.

EDIT: Both the F-15/ACTIVE and the F-16 analogues are capable of pulling off Pugachev's Cobra Maneuver (my standard F-15 can as well, to a certain extent). Can make for some really spectacular landings, among other things...

Edited by espm400
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How do you make them sink in water?

I modded a few stock models. One to act as a tank for a dense resource, one to generate the dense resource and one that gets rid of the dense resource. It was really simple.


Edited by Camelotking524
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Good afternoon all,

when I made this I had no idea someone had made one too until I saw a Scott Manley video about Star wars ships.

The one I saw was stunning and miles more real looking than mine.


It lagged to the point of being unusable. Pointless but pretty, like essex girls!

Anyway, I wanted to make one that was usable, to fly to other planets and, land? That is a LONG way off but fly she does and can make quite a long journey.

I want to have multiple probes to launch and a lander to fly down to what ever planet I am orbiting.

At present there is zero lag with this ship and its quite stiff too. :D not too wobbly.

Heres a pic of one of my first test flights. The engine array is unfinished.


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Finely a docking that went very well !!! (although automated)


I have added landing legs to the fuel tanker. Landing at KSP#1 should be no problem after transfer of fuel. Docking has been the hardest part of the game for me. Now for bigger stations and deep space explorer ship with enough fuel for those missions.

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Ever since I picked up B9 Aerospace I've been screwing around with fighter planes (what can I say, I love 'em). So I figured I'd post what I've done so far. With the exception of the X-15 and the X-29, they all fly very well, although the only one I'd consider done is the F-15/ACTIVE analogue. A bit of a side note; I am using FAR and Deadly Re-entry.

As I said, only the one is done, the others are at various stages of tinkering, although most only need lights and some finishing touches. the X-15 is having some troubles on release from the carrier jet (might be because it's a five minute design. The X-29 on the other hand has a different problem altogether. It flys great at low to mid sub-sonic, but as soon as it gets to trans-sonic speeds it pitches violently (I can still easily keep it pointed forward though...) and then DE does this to it.

Notice the lack of engine and control surfaces? G-forces are a bitch.

Once I'm finished with these I figure I'll do some Russian and European jets as well (maybe an XB-70 if I can figure out how to make it look decent), but for now, I'll just keep on these.

EDIT: Both the F-15/ACTIVE and the F-16 analogues are capable of pulling off Pugachev's Cobra Maneuver (my standard F-15 can as well, to a certain extent). Can make for some really spectacular landings, among other things...

Yes well done i can even tell which one it the f-15 so good job pal

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I was watching my satellite orbit Jool, because the game is pretty enough that just watching sky and terrain roll by is entertaining, when I noticed this nifty little conjunction of the three major moons.


So I hopped to my station orbiting Tylo and took the reverse-angle shot. :D


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I finally done it. I have finally made my own SSTO (and stock parts too). The pilot spent an hour in space and then burned to return to Kerbin. Unfortunately it became incredibly unstable during re-entry and fell apart. May the pilot forever inspire others to shoot for the stars.

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