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  katateochi said:
Another perfect landing;

*upside down lander pic*

I was rather surprised by this one. Nothing broke! The reason its head first in the ground is due to it being a very light probe and the new legs being a bit ground-phobic. Landed at slight angle and the legs pinged it into the air.

At least they're better than the old ones right? Those things were craft-phobic.

anyway have a look at one of my lifters dropping it's first set of boosters


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Various career mode Screenshots:

1. The "New Depths" probe finishes it's mission by slamming into Jool in order to take atmospheric readings.


2. Jorbus Kerman showing off on Gilly


3. Ran out of fuel on Minmus return. Taking advice from an old Scott Manley video.


4. The beginning... and end of a Space Shuttle Program


(Don't worry, it was unmanned. I take my Kerbal's safety way too seriously :D)

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Sorry the images but i just got to show them.

Jeb Showing off after a landing at a slope


A failed Science station/refueling station...


...and here is the reason. DANG IT BOB, stop breakdancing on the Mun. Now i have to mount a rescue mission, good thing for the modular design of the landers


I just love the career mode. So many places to visit.

Mun Lander II on a polar landing


Mun Lander II on the canyon near the NAM



Rocket Solar Eclipse


Kerbin Rise


A return home maneuver gone wrong and saved it in the nick of time, closest altitude was 100m from the surface. At least Jeb is happy


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Mun arch in silhouette


I've been to this arch many times but I don't think I'd ever seen it at night like this, this game is seriously beautiful sometimes.

Couple shots from Muns North Pole



I love the north pole of Mun, its really fun to land (get stuck) in those deep trenches and the constant twilight makes it so atmospheric.

And finally one to remind you that this is KSP and not just a gorgeous back drop generator;


Jeb's face is priceless. He's a seriously lucky guy, there where no safety features on this design (they've now been added) but he walked away from it;


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  RocketPilot573 said:
WHOA! Those tracking dishes sure can move fast! Also, did the engine stall or something cause' this rover doesn't seem to be accelerating...


If you look closely at the MET timer, you can see that this entire event took place in only 3 seconds!

actually the really important question here is: "Is that the Death Star up there?"

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Managed to unlock some jet parts in career mode, so obviously Bob had to ride shotgun... on top.


  KAO said:


I'm pretty new to this game so I don't know much about mods, but good grief how did you get it to look so good? (kerbin texture etc)

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