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RLA Stockalike v10 released 11th August


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I like a lot the alternate "realistic model" for the LV-Nc. Look at that, isn't it cute, doing its best to slow down my Moho probe train? :)

(Or accelerate, depends on what frame of reference you like.)


I'd have just a small suggestion for the emissive maybe: the graphite next to the nozzle throat (and the throat itself maybe) should be the hottest part of the engine, up to yellow at max temp.

Edited by thorfinn
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  • 2 weeks later...

Love the stockalike pack but when I use any of your parts on my rockets I get Nullreference errors spammed every 0.1 second :/

Causes evil LAG

Edit: Odd, now it isn't happening, TESTING AWAY! :confused:

Edited by Boamere
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I have my Cutter edited up to 375 and 376 Atmo Vac respectively. It makes a WONDERFUL engine for the outer ring of tanks on an Eve lander.

Unfortunately, the new electric engines pack has to compete with Near Future Propulsion, which is an uphill battle to put it lightly.

If you're back at this, I'm just gonna mention HotRockets and say that perhaps you might look at doing some custom effects for the Cutter engine (I could probably work with Nazari to write a modulemanager piece for the rest of them but that one needs a custom effect and maybe some of the small engines too). I think that would make this pack look just beyond awesome.

Lastly, small aero parts. There seems to be a lack of good probe parts. radial parachutes, the atmo. nosecone, all these are parts I like to use on disposable atmo probes but are so large, it's problematic to incorporate. Even probe planes (I've done it before with Taviero aerospace, but that parts back is, to me, meh).


Okay, I lied, I have one more thing after that. Bubble/cellular tanks. Basically tanks that are a bunch of spherical/cylindrical/something-of-that-nature-esque tanks put together in a bubbly, lumpy configuration. I see them on a few IRL probes and landers and wanted to have some. Now, I have created something altair-esque with the small fuel tanks. Wish I had a pic.

Just some thoughts and ideas for you to mull over. Build whatever comes to your mind.

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  • 1 month later...

Looking at the balance of the Monoprop engines. The tiny has the same mass and thrust (0.05t, 1kN) as stock linear RCS giving it a TWR of 2.04, while the small and med have a TWR of 8.5 and 9.18, 4x better. Not sure what's to be done since I think you balanced small and med with other engines and tiny with RCS. But it does mean the small is so much better than tiny (0.06t vs 0.05t and 5kN vs 1kN).


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As far as I know, these parts are just that. Parts.

They are very well done and quite useful, but they don't use any plugins.

That's a good thing, because parts-only mods are usually the easiest to update between versions, as the changes are usually all in the part.cfg, and that's easy to fix.

For the moment, I don't think a patch is needed. Everything should work just like it did, just grab it from Spaceport and put it in GameData, same as usual has been since v0.20

If, for some reason that doesn't work, Hoojiwana is still active on this forum as far as I know.

If that doesn't work? Tell me what's broken, how, and I'll see if i can fix it with Module Manager.

I've been messing with part configs since... around v0.16, I think, and making Module Manger patches doesn't seem that much different, judging by the fact that the first time I made a module manager patch, it worked without a single hiccup. It probably helped that I was looking at Regular Expression stuff on StackExchange at the time.

:huh: Hey wait a second... Now that I think about it, Module Manager's functionality matches pretty well to what a RegEx parser is supposed to do, but tweaked to work with KSP config files. Cool. (ugh, 3am, I'm probably rambling again)

Bottom line: Rumors of parts-only packs breaking between versions are usually unsubstantiated.

If not, minor edits to the part.cfg should fix the problem.

If that doesn't work, something big probably changed behind the scenes, and modders are probably trying to figure it out as fast as they can.

After all, they probably want to use their mod just as much as you do!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think that, if anything, the monoprop or other hypergolic engines should have a higher TWR than ignited engines on account of simplicity -- although one has to account for the fact that most of the KSP engines have poorer TWR than real world ones. Matching them to the LV-48 seems about right though.

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So this mod looks really cool, but the front page has no summary. There actually seems to be a lot of mod threads with no description. What is the mod about? Why would anyone want to download it??

Just a suggestion. ;)

Why wouldn't you want to download it. It adds in more RCS thrusters, and more of the small sized parts like fuel tanks and engines

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So this mod looks really cool, but the front page has no summary. There actually seems to be a lot of mod threads with no description. What is the mod about? Why would anyone want to download it??

Just a suggestion. ;)

The imgur album in the main post is the summary. It has all the parts and their descriptions.

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Can someone assit with installing this please? I placed in my game data folder from but the parts dont show. Are they supposed to be in the root parts directory ?


I am confused as some addons don't need this and others do ..

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Can someone assit with installing this please? I placed in my game data folder from but the parts dont show. Are they supposed to be in the root parts directory ?


I am confused as some addons don't need this and others do ..

No, it shouldn't. What does you gamedata look like?

For me, it looks like Kerbal Space Program/Gamedata/RLA_Stockalike/parts

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Can someone assit with installing this please? I placed in my game data folder from but the parts dont show. Are they supposed to be in the root parts directory ?

Are you in career mode? Did you go to the R&D center to purchase the parts from already researched tech nodes?

The old Parts folder is almost never used, anything updated since last summer shouldn't use the old system. And this pack was updated for the new, GameData system, so that's where they should go.

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  • 1 month later...

Welp. Spaceport goes offline today, and with it, the download links for these great part packs. It's a shame that hoojiwana doesn't seem to be around anymore. :(

At least for myself, I downloaded all three part packs (plus the alternate models). However I'm not sure if the "Share Alike" license allows me, or any of us, to mirror the files on Curseforge or elsewhere without them actually being our work. I'll leave that up to the people who are better versed in that kind of thing. At least though I have the parts for future use, and they won't disappear on me together with Spaceport!

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Welp. Spaceport goes offline today, and with it, the download links for these great part packs. It's a shame that hoojiwana doesn't seem to be around anymore. :(

At least for myself, I downloaded all three part packs (plus the alternate models). However I'm not sure if the "Share Alike" license allows me, or any of us, to mirror the files on Curseforge or elsewhere without them actually being our work. I'll leave that up to the people who are better versed in that kind of thing. At least though I have the parts for future use, and they won't disappear on me together with Spaceport!

The Creative Commons license lets you re-host them as long as you credit the author. hoojiwana reaffirms this right in his original post.

Could somebody rehost these? I was going to download the stockalike pack today but didn't realize Spaceport was going down permanently.

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