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[1.12.x] Kerbal Alarm Clock v3.13.0.0 (April 10)


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Some how Kopernicus is able to modify the in game clock to use a different day length (for instance 12 hours instead of the usual 6 hours), it also affects maneuver nodes and contracts, any chance we might see KAC able to reflect this type of change by pulling it directly from whatever Kopernicus is changing, or allow the user to manually set the day length some how in a cfg?

Just FYI it looks like it is just the UI that is off, for instance an auto generated alarm for a maneuver node will go off at the correct time, it just counts down by 6 hour days on the UI. I haven't tried to manually set an alarm yet.

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Bug Report: Using Galactic Neighborhood, Kerbin goes under "Galactic Core" so you can't actually get a transfer window for Kerbin to anywhere. I will attempt to fix the config file on my own. UPDATE: didn't work; couldn't find a way to do it.

Edited by BirchMonkey857
tested, didn't work.
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On 10/5/2017 at 8:57 PM, BirchMonkey857 said:

Bug Report: Using Galactic Neighborhood, Kerbin goes under "Galactic Core" so you can't actually get a transfer window for Kerbin to anywhere. I will attempt to fix the config file on my own. UPDATE: didn't work; couldn't find a way to do it.

this is probably due to how Kopernicus reparents kerbin

for weird KSP related issues, Kerbin cannot be loaded into the game orbiting a body that is not the sun

(GN galactic core is actually the sun with his name displayed differently)

this might explain why KAC thinks Kerbin is in orbit around the galactic core, and will apply to all mods that have the home planet orbiting anything other than the center of the universe (most notably, New Horizons from @KillAshley)

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21 minutes ago, slipstik said:


Is there a way to set alarm clock to notify me when my polar orbiter comes near a contract on Kerbin to do temperature scans or any other task like that?

thanks in adance

I had the same problem, but I figured out a very unorthodox way to do what you are looking for, though.

I use ScanSAT mod to figure out where the orbits pass over the body below. I'll place an empty maneuver node over the trajectory at the same latitude of a contract location. When you place a maneuver node, it will also show up in the ScanSAT big map. You can then refine the maneuver node location will refresh the location in the ScanSAT big map as well; it will even refresh the correct spot over the body if you set the maneuver for future orbits. So I just advance the time when to execute the node and watch how it refreshes in real time over ScanSATs big map. 

After you set the right location for the node over the waypoint/location in the body below, add a KAC alarm to the maneuver node. Then finally, erase the maneuver node when you are done.


Hope it helps.

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On 4/18/2017 at 4:18 AM, TriggerAu said:

Ill test this one on the weekend as well, but if you can share a log file that would help heaps

Just the standard game log file? Sure. Tho i wish this forum system allowed for attachments

KSP log

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6 hours ago, TriggerAu said:

Thats tonights job, nuffin exploded in 1.3 so some time off work to do the other bits :)

EDIT:Although now that I think of it time off work (KSP Dev) to do modding (KSP Dev) that sounds weird :P 

There are a lot more wip crackers on the mod side.

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3 minutes ago, notthebobo said:

quick 1.3 turn around.  Is anyone else experiencing log spam?

KAC isn't updated for 1.3 yet, not sure where you got that impression from. That's why you're getting errors.

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Cancel that. I just re-downloaded from another site and installed it. Its running now. My guess is the GitHub download is bad. The one from SpaceDock works tho.

Edited by Wolfwood
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I got distracted trying to make a VS extension to speed up Localization of strings... down the rabbit hole I went, still working on it though :) Might doa quick update and then do loclaization as a new dot release

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@TriggerAu, I just wanted to thank you for all your work on this mod over the years; KAC has been a staple of my install and is essential for running a space program with multiple simultaneous missions. Even if it never gets updated again, my programs owe you more than I could say.

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2 minutes ago, HaydenTheKing said:

I haven't updated my game to 1.3 anyone know where I can download 1.22 version of kerbal alarm clock?

The 1.2.2 versions are still available on spacedock, github, and curse. Here's the link to github version https://github.com/TriggerAu/KerbalAlarmClock/releases/download/v3.8.4.0/KerbalAlarmClock_3.8.4.0.zip

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