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[WIP] THSS - Tri-Hexagonal Structural Strut


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If anyone is interested I've edited the command pods in THSS to be 0.21 compatible. It's pretty much a cut and paste from the equivalent stock probes so it's not difficult to do yourself. If you'd prefer to just get a zip of the changed parts, let me know and I'll share it on my google drive.

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  dizzysaurus said:
If anyone is interested I've edited the command pods in THSS to be 0.21 compatible. It's pretty much a cut and paste from the equivalent stock probes so it's not difficult to do yourself. If you'd prefer to just get a zip of the changed parts, let me know and I'll share it on my google drive.

Yes please :)

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Can someone collect all the parts spread around the thread, put Dizzy's updated pods in it and repack it in one archive and give a link?

I have been trying to do it, but for some reason I can't DL the Octo-adaptor and LLL adaptor parts and I think some of them still have the scaling part broken from 0.20.

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Really love the look of these. Helped make my dream station a reality. I didn't take enough screenshots I now realize.

Here's the final stage of my launch vehicle for my extremely long Space Station sections.


Then my completed space station.


I should have left Bob outside to give you a sense of scale on the size of those panels.

Oh, here he is.


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I am also building a station using these parts. My frustration level is rising though, because of the different part lengths (height?) not matching one another. It's hard to build symmetrically when that happens. It would be nice if the cubes, for instance, were actually cubic. When the cube strut splitter tube has 2 sides that are different lengths than the other four, it throws things off. You can rotate another tunnel to line it up, but that still leaves a gap if you split again.

Same thing goes for the tri-hexes. It would be nice if its splitters matched up to the cubes properly in height. Add in the new octo parts, and you've got yourself a headache. Considering the parts are all distributed together, one would expect a certain degree of interoperability between the different sets.

There should be a plan in place that the length of (N) CubeStrutTubes = the length of (1) OctoStrutCargo, for instance. If that ends up being 1:1, great! If it ends up being 2:1 or 3:1, fine! Just so long as there is some combination of parts that will make the lengths match. But if the length of 1 OctoStrutCargo = 1.13 CubeStrutTubes (for example), there's no way to match them up. Or even worse, as it is now, 1 OctoStrutCargo = 1.13 CubeStrutTubes, except when you rotate it and it changes to 1.17 CubeStrutTubes. Whatever metric system you're using, they should match, being internally consistent. As it is, I have to make a hodge-podge of adapters and shivs to make the lengths match. Which sucks, because...

I really like these parts! I want to use them for everything, but I have to fight them to do it. Please standardize your parts, I beg you!

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Edited by JeBuSBrian
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So while in the process of creating my own space station using these parts, I made some modifications to the files. Basically, I wanted the cube strut tunnels (and anything else I had a mind for) to connect to all of those corridors in the OSS parts. By default, the only attachment nodes were on the ends in the center. That worked fine for large OSS parts, but it didn't allow the tunnels to connect to tunnels. Well... I fixed that. Behold!

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Here's a link to the cfg's I made: JARFR_HOSS-More_Nodes_v01


Semni / Bluegobln / whoever, feel free to include these changes as you feel fit. I don't even need credit, since this was 99% your work.

I really wish THSS had some elbow corridors. Had to go elsewhere for those. Also, while I'm making suggestions / requests... Adaptrons with straight corridors would be awesome. Make 'em just like the existing ones, but keep the tunnels flat along one side. Make a straight shot through to the next thing.

Oh, and a cargo bay the same length as the largest cargo container. Essentially 3x the length it is currently. I tried doing a simple rescale, but it looks all wrong with the stretching.

As for my Space Station, here's my progress so far.

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Hey guys, just dropping in here to say that I am still alive and I do intend to continue working on the THSS mod. I am just amazed by the creativity and resourcefulness of you guys and haven't even had the time to look through all your posts yet, let alone make much progress on the mod, as I have been stuck out in the middle of nowhere in Aberdeenshire for the last two months taking care of a friend's farm while he's gone.

The good news is though that I am returning to civilization on tuesday and will be reunited with my tools so with a little luck I will once again have the time and capacity to continue working on this mod.

Thanks for your patience and all the love you have shown. It's really great.

Cheers, Semni.

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Call me Mister Request...

OSS Struts with the same 6-way branching tunnels as the cargo containers would round out things nicely.

Also, going back to my comments on the differing lengths... I noted that while one short tank generally looks to equal 1/3 of the long tanks, if you actually put 3 of them together, they're a tad bit longer than the big one. I think this is because the outer struts match up. Problem with that is it means they're slightly too long, because each of the three matches that length. If you could chop half of each outer strut off, they should line up properly. This happens with all the parts with varying lengths.

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Okay, first off, I love these mods. I do, however, have a few requests for when you get back tomorrow.

1: Cubic-Rectangular Structural Strut (That's what CRSS means, right)/Tri-Hexagonal Structural Strut adaptron.

2: CRSS fuel/RCS tanks

3: Continue being awesome

EDIT: Oh yes, also an HOSS/THSS adaptron and a HOSS/CRSS adaptron.

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  Casen said:
Really love the look of these. Helped make my dream station a reality. I didn't take enough screenshots I now realize.

Here's the final stage of my launch vehicle for my extremely long Space Station sections.


Then my completed space station.


I should have left Bob outside to give you a sense of scale on the size of those panels.

Oh, here he is.


what mod pack are those solar panels from???? thanks.

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Love this parts pack except for the finned docking adapter. That thing is a pain in the Kerman. I get the idea, but you have to be EXACTLY lined up in all 3 axis or a fin gets caught on something and you have to start the approach all over again. Or a fin protrudes a little too far in hits something on the target and you can't dock. Or a fin on the target hits something on the docking vessel and you can't dock. Pain in the Kerman I tell ya.


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  smunisto said:
Can someone share an archive of his THSS JAFR folder with all the parts, as updated for 0.21?
It works as-is. I'm fairly certain the only customizations not included in the first post are the ones I made a few back, and dizzysaurus's just before that. So, you know... do it yourself.
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