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[1.0.5] FASA 5.44


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I have been trying to find a way to cluster the H1 engine.... but sadly cant :( hoping that you give you eather give us the engine cluster or somting like you did with the atlas booster engiens

note: not sure if I am happy with winglents on the satern 5

There isn't one right now, I just gave the engine as a preview. I'm still working on the parts to attach them properly. You could put it on the 1 to 4x stock adapter right now.

These are the winglets for the Saturn 1B, not the Saturn V. Those will come later...

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Welp, it looks pretty much as awesome as expected. :)

Love that you're making it separate parts, as usual. Makes reuse so much easier.

To get working ullage motors on the interstage skirt I think you need to make two decoupler parts back to back, one to decouple the skirt from the S-IB and fire the motors, and one to decouple the skirt from the S-IVB. Ideally that upper decoupler would have a hollow center so the J-2 can fire through it during ullage burn.

Edited by NathanKell
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The fairing its self is an omni decoupler that will attach to a floating node under the fuel tank adapter rather than the bottom of the engine. This will let you use any engine you want or even clusters and have it still work and look awesome.

It's a lot easier to use than a one off engine, fuel tank and fairing that only works in one specific configuration.

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Omni decoupler? That doesn't really make sense. It should stay attached to the lower stage, otherwise it'll probably now look good, not to mention it won't be good for retromotors.

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What are you talking about? Dual-plane was used for S-II separation, not S-IVB. It separated normally on both Saturn I and V. I don't know where did you get that idea.

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The S-I/S-IB is a beast by Kerbal standards, that's for sure. I cobbled together a "prototype" version earlier, and combined with a big ol' transfer stage, a couple of upper stages, and some Titan IIIC seven-segment SRBs, it let me fly a Big G all the way to Duna and back to low Duna orbit in a single throw. (After that, I used a stand-in Centaur with an Agena probe core and docking module as a return stage, which I was able to launch on a Titan IIIC.)

For those wanting to experience a rough prototype of the S-IB stage, it can be cobbled together the way NASA really did it--use a Redstone tank core, and attach additional Redstone tanks on its sides in 8x symmetry. Use fuel lines to feed from the center tank to all the outer tanks, and put an H-1 on each of the outer ring of tanks. With appropriate strutting, this should pretty much approximate the stage's performance until Frizzank releases the actual S-IB stage. ;) (I then used a Transtage with an additional tank as a Centaur second stage, and a Titan II second stage as a third stage, then a HUGE nuclear transfer stage on top of it... it's ugly, but dear LORD does it have delta-V!)

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I know about fairing separation motors, but I was referring to engine fairings-based interstage on Saturn IB. Putting retromotors on this could cause them to remain attached to the J-2. Unless, of course, the interstage is it's own part.


Here's a good pic. They can be seen in S-IVB orbital pics. I suppose they could use LFO, but IMO, monoprop makes more sense. It's not like the engines would need to be very strong.

Ok first off great find Dragon01. But the source you quote clearly states they are BI-Propellant motors. Now if I am reading the description of the entire process correctly, they have their own fuel supply. To start with the two SE 7-1 motors are the 310 Neuton Ullage motors. They are used before engine start/restart to boost the acceleration of the ship forward. Inertia then settles the fuel to the rear of the fuel tanks, thus allowing the turbo-pumps to actually suck fuel efficiency. Then there is the roll/turn control TR-204 which is a 670 Newton roll/turn motor. Both sets of engines use the same fuel supply and the SE 7-1 motors are used to propel the hulk of the jettisoned S-IVB stage to Munar impact. Then again it is possible that these motors use fuel from the actual S-IVB stage. I just don't see a way to utilize them on an intermittent scale (can an RCS be made with Bi-Propellant?) Also I do not see any way to replicate use of the SE 7-1 engines in the game except as an optional on/off alternating with the J-2 engine.

Then again aside from some mods for my personal use I do not make mods. So who be it for me to say it can't be done or what is the right way to do it.

Frizzank, AMAZING PICTURES..... I can not wait!

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seems like shaitan-mashine is ready

full package has been sent to Frizzank, he will look at and test and will decide about relise.

few notes: IVA has been built for using with RPM. Otherwise commander's looks down mirror, usable hatch, Apollo comp and all instruments, exclude stock, will not work. I have LEM fully equipped with its own instruments, but decided to leave some stock's devices.



Edited by DennyTX
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Amazing work, yet two things that bugged me:

1. In the IVA, there's an indicator of the Charge Strength, however there's a typo and it's spelled "Strenght".

2. (said in my comment) The black spots around the descent stage aren't prototypical. You might have accidentally mistaken shadows for actual dark spots, but the entire descent stage was covered in the gold foil.

Otherwise, you did an awesome job :D . That's the best lunar module I've ever seen made in KSP.

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