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[1.0.5] FASA 5.44


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Will the Instrument Module be added, as a sort of SAS module for the S-IVB? Flew the Saturn 1B with LEM and needed to use LEM RCS to orientate the 2nd stage/LEM combo for circularizing the orbit. I know for the real missions they didnt coast during launch but I think it might be a useful and still aesthetically pleasing addition

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Make sure, everything gets installed in your GameData folder, and run it first to make sure it works. Then start deleting folders of things you don't want.

Verify the parts that are missing are missing from the FASA mod folder, or that you do not have duplicates.

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I cant speak for KSP I am not a developer at Squad. I am waiting specifically for .24 because it has some joint and physics bug fixes that will help tremendously with large powerful rockets like the Saturn V.

It is a monster. Of course mine is scaled down roughly 64%.


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Frizzank that picture brings up a question id been meaning to ask you. When you develop the F1.. will it be stand alone like the H1? Also.. will it have a sized thrust plate? ( im hoping not ) I REALLY like taking engines with no thrust plates ( Your H1, Bobcat's J2X/RSS engines and some of the AIES engines ) and make my own clusters with the Tordial Tank packs radial attachments. Goes great with StretchySRB.

Edited by Motokid600
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I think by the time Saturn V and APollo CSM will be ready for release 0.24 is going to be out already. It shouldn't be that much far off.

I think it's about a month off. Unless you're a tester for Squad. Their QA phase takes a bit of time, and nobody said it's anywhere near done in the first place. Some features are, but others are still being worked on. This thursday we'll know a bit more about that.

Though at the same time, the Saturn V with all the bells and whistles is gonna take quite some time, and don't forget the Saturn IB isn't even done yet.

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They will be stand alone engines like the H1, and the H1 is about 2/3rds the size of the J2 for comparisons with the chart.

At a scale of 64% smaller than the real ones, the F-1 will have a diameter of about 2.3m. I am debating about giving it a 2.5m faring so you could make an insane single engine 2nd stage booster if you wished. I will play with it and see what happens....

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They will be stand alone engines like the H1, and the H1 is about 2/3rds the size of the J2 for comparisons with the chart.

At a scale of 64% smaller than the real ones, the F-1 will have a diameter of about 2.3m. I am debating about giving it a 2.5m faring so you could make an insane single engine 2nd stage booster if you wished. I will play with it and see what happens....

Ah! So we'll be able to build the Nova, then? With multiple F-1's of course. :)

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Ah! So we'll be able to build the Nova, then? With multiple F-1's of course. :)

If you want a Nova, my mod is based on it. Though, I haven't gotten anything but a beta Stage one done. My unity person is in the process of moving and so he does not have internet.

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Actually, to be accurate to scale while still being in the stockalike size progression series, IIRC, the S-IVB and S-IB should be 5m parts, and the S-IC and S-II should be 6.25m parts (the Saturn V had a base diameter of 10m IRL!), with the Apollo CSM being 3.25m parts (this also matches with the intention of having "Big G" be a direct drop-in replacement for the Apollo CSM on the Saturn boosters). However, that's Frizzank's decision, not mine.

Also, Frizz, you might want to check the collider mesh and node placement on the new S-IB thrust structure, the one with separate fins; the old one was steady as a rock, but the new one jumps around like a Rockomax-8 with a Mainsail under it and a Jumbo-64 on top; I'm having to "staple" it down with struts to keep it from having the booster slowly and inexorably tip over during ascent due to the wobble.

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Also, Frizz, you might want to check the collider mesh and node placement on the new S-IB thrust structure, the one with separate fins; the old one was steady as a rock, but the new one jumps around like a Rockomax-8 with a Mainsail under it and a Jumbo-64 on top; I'm having to "staple" it down with struts to keep it from having the booster slowly and inexorably tip over during ascent due to the wobble.

or you could use Kerbal Joint reinforcement. I am using it and have zero issues with any stage, unless I power a lower stage with the RD171 from the Soviet engine pack. Then I have break issues with the SIVB stage. it's Engine adapter likes to break off under the G load of the RD-171 underneath it (RD171 is ~5000kn in game,) I have Not tweaked those engines down to match Scale down/ tweak down done by Frizzank or other modders.) Bobcat has them built for realityish performance, not Kerbal performance...

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