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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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I started my kethane mining operations at Pol. The ship landed nicely on a 20+ degree slope and stood there stably without even trying to fall over. The return trip didn't go exactly as planned, as I ended up visiting Tylo before I got a close enough encounter with Laythe. Ultimately I got there and refueled the scout ship that had almost emptied its fuel tanks. Efficiency was pretty nice, as the mining ship itself was left with more fuel than it started the trip with.




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The Kerbal interactive map inspired me to revisit my favourite Easter Eggs plus make a video about the map and how to use it to find all the Easter eggs you want.

I think its one of my best videos :D What do you think?

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Today I brought back 27,119.9 science points on the second mission of a career game.



Very impressive! Not the getting 27k science in your second mission. Getting enough science in your FIRST mission to unlock the gravioli detector AND the LV-N. engine.

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Finished my Kethane SSTO...but while deltaV and paper stats look great, it's not actually all that great to fly in atmosphere. So today (on the plane ride home btw), I started playing around with the Interstellar mod...and I love it so far. Adds a lot to the game!

Tried the plasma engines and ended up with an SSTO that handles pretty much perfectly. It's definitely the most stable SSTO I ever designed, and of the dozens SSTOs I tested, it's still one of the most stable ones. Great glide profile too, it can land pretty much unassisted after deorbitting (something I've always failed at previously). Hilarious deltaV stats according to Mechjen, but I'm not sure they're correct...because 28k deltaV when launching with only 1/3rd of the liquid fuel tank sounds wrong.

Either way, even if I don't stick with the mod, I might try to exchange engines because the handling of the SSTO is so nice :cool:


The one downside is speed to orbit though. The ascent from Kerbin's surface takes a good while.


So yeah, Duna's easily doable...but only if you don't forget to switch off time warp in the final meters approaching your landing site. Close call, but Mullberry's now stranded on Duna...rescue mission time :P


The capsule is the only thing that didn't blow up...

Edited by John Crichton
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Threw together a first interplanetary probe mission with all the science, sheds of power generation, and the ability to land on a small atmosphere-less body or parachute-land and atmospheric one (preferably the latter, otherwise the barometer and sensory analysis cone won't see much use). Then put a little nuclear transfer stage in, and re-used that heavy-lifter that the Station Aleph Tank used, because this really was thrown together in a couple of minutes. The plan? A Duna probe mission, which is why I called it DunaProbeAttempt - an unimaginative name, I suppose. Eve was also a consideration, but I decided on Duna. Then I changed my mind when I was setting up my escape-encounter burn, because I had a Jool window for under two thousand m/s. No idea if that is good, but it was in a nicer position, and I knew I could cover that completely and then some with the last of the lifter's fuel. So why not. To Kerbhell with Duna, we're landing Laythe.



And that maneuver node at the orbit-level of Duna should be the last word on the matter. Didn't actually time-warp to and do it, but I know it is there. Unfortunately, I neglected to have any "control from here" type objects pointing in the direction that the nuclear engines will push - should have put a Sr docking port on that there battery. After the burns and node setup, I renamed the probe LaytheProbeAttempt, but of course, all previously dropped debris is still DunaProbeAttempt Debris. The RTGs should provide plenty of power until I need to transmit things, at which point three Gigantor solar arrays will do the heavy lifting.


Think that'll provide the last 500 science points for me?

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Kerbal tank!


I'm aware I'm not the best one around at tanks, but it's a start. The hard part was making a tank heavy enough (without resorting to spamming dummy fuel tanks) to not flip itself over - or worse, rocket itself backward - when the cannon went off.

There isn't a screenshot of it, but the cannon shoots a Not-Rockomax Micronode, which was the most cannonball-like part I could think of.

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Greatest number of disasters interspersed with a very satisfactory achievement.

After one death involving a rover, and then a lunar rescue mission resulting in everyone dying due to a solid landing instead of a water one (or so I THOUGHT)...

I got buzzed in Kerbin orbit by one of my very old ships which as it turned out, had Jeb in it for some 2400 days. He got stuck up there on my very first orbit success, and as a total novice, had no clue how to get him down. Well I finally got the guts to actually try a rendezvous. After studying the directions ten times and then a half hour of touch & go, I actually caught up with him, and he EVA'd to the other ship...

...and then the hitchhiker storage container exploded on impact with the water. Turns out it has a pretty crappy crash tolerance. Unfortunately I didn't learn that from the last incident because it was an unintentional ground hit.

BUT... the orbital rendezvous was a big moment for me. Knowing just how hard that is, it felt even cooler than the first time I landed on the Mun.


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Decided that all my older designs where horribly over-engineered and begun work on a new, slimmed down, line of vessels. As a result Mervey Kerman was stranded on the Mun.

Cue rescue mission! Luckily I'd unlocked the Stayputnik probe core a mission or two earlier, as none of the ever so brave Kerbals wanted to risk being stranded alone with Mervey. Built a rocket with just over 9000(!) Dv, as per my usual design strategy and the mission was underway.

Everything went fine and only the Mystery Goo samples were lost due to pressing the wrong key and boarding the original craft. All in all, a fairly successful session. Pleased with the rescue mission as it's the first I've done that hasn't ended up with more Kerbals needing to be brought home.

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Well yesterday, I finally got back to my game and stopped attaching moar engines (for now) to my attempt at a grand touring ship instead beginning to dock fuel tanks.

A pull design with 8 FTmN 280 nuclear engines on orange tanks outboard and 5 docking places for orange fuel tanks inboard, more can be attached at the ends of the fuel tanks since they have large docking rings at either end. Crew or additional fuel can be added to the front of the ship on a centre forward facing docking port.

So far I'm thinking 24 launches and dockings to get the propulsion part ready. *lol*

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After over a week in planning, designing, and orbital construction I've finally launched my modular research vessel on it's maiden voyage. Once it arrives at Minmus it'll begin it's continuing mission to explore strange new worlds. With the science gathered I'll unlock more efficient engines and replace the current Service Module, then stick on a few fuel tanks and head out on my first interplanetary trek.


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Jeb and Bill rescued Dillan after 5 years stuck on Tylo.


I had to make extensive use of quicksave, however. My third landing attempt was a perfect touchdown, so I quicksaved it before I realized I had overshot by at least 150km. I ended up driving all afternoon to get to where Dillan had landed, and my rover got pretty skitterish and tended to flip at speeds over 25m/s, so there were plenty of crashes. The scariest part was that KER seemed to think I was as much as 1200km away, which had me thinking I had some 20 hours of driving to do. I was quite relieved when the target meatball showed up at 99.9km distant, but KER always seemed to think I had much farther to go. It must not be set up for ground rendezvous'


The weirdest part was the flag exploding when I pulled up to the lander, and I was nowhere near it. I didn't realize what had exploded until later in the tracking station when I was trying to figure out Dillan's time stranded.

Edited by StrandedonEarth
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Launched my Ike mission for science. Made it there no sweat; was even able to pick up an encounter with Ike without having to circularize around Duna after aerobraking. Game went glitchy on me after I decoupled the stack seperator holding the lander to the rest of the ship, otherwise I would've landed already. Delta-V looks good for Kerbin return. Tonight, I will land, take my science and get back into space. Then comes the waiting...during which I intend to head to Gilly.

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