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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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I actually started a career save...soon realised that a mun landing is impossible without solar panels, and just how helpless I am without asparagus staging.

It's not impossible, nor is asparagus staging necessary. Use RCS to rotate, plan out your maneuvers efficiently, put larger engines/more engines on the rocket...

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I actually started a career save...soon realised that a mun landing is impossible without solar panels, and just how helpless I am without asparagus staging.

Just means you've got to go back and learn the fundamentals. Try this - stick 11 FL-T200s on the bottom of a Mk1 Capsule and Chute combo with an LV-T30 on the bottom. Launch that into a polar orbit around Kerbin, and begin taking crew reports and EVA reports while you're flying over Kerbin's various biomes. Collect the crew reports before you climb back into the capsule. Collect as many as you can on one flight, then deorbit. You will lose your engine and a tank or two on impact but the capsule will remain intact and you'll have enough science to unlock at least a few of the other low end techs. Aim for Electrics first, then go for Fuel Systems, and you should be back in the saddle.

Great thing about career, in the early going it makes you think a bit.

Other advice - shut off SAS when your engines are off. And if you really want an early Mun landing without batts, don't use the LV-909.

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Just means you've got to go back and learn the fundamentals. Try this - stick 11 FL-T200s on the bottom of a Mk1 Capsule and Chute combo with an LV-T30 on the bottom. Launch that into a polar orbit around Kerbin, and begin taking crew reports and EVA reports while you're flying over Kerbin's various biomes. Collect the crew reports before you climb back into the capsule. Collect as many as you can on one flight, then deorbit. You will lose your engine and a tank or two on impact but the capsule will remain intact and you'll have enough science to unlock at least a few of the other low end techs. Aim for Electrics first, then go for Fuel Systems, and you should be back in the saddle.

Great thing about career, in the early going it makes you think a bit.

Other advice - shut off SAS when your engines are off. And if you really want an early Mun landing without batts, don't use the LV-909.

It's not impossible, nor is asparagus staging necessary. Use RCS to rotate, plan out your maneuvers efficiently, put larger engines/more engines on the rocket...

After some thinking, I did realise I missed some of the obvious basics (I've been spoiled by sandbox mode). I did eventually manage to get to the mun and back, unlock the good stuff (fuel lines, radial decouplers, electrics) and now I can build some good rockets easilly.

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I... I contributed to the deaths of Jebediah, Bill and Bob. I thought I had a good design for my first airplanes, which are difficult early in the tech trees. I then flew them and various crashes resulted in each of their deaths in turn. I've decided to put airplane development on hold until I unlock the Vanguard ejector seat. They will be missed (and I don't remember if I left TAC life-support respawn on or not).

Planes are hard.

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I discovered an evil force on the Mun that can petrify Kerbals, leaving them with their lights as their only way to interact with the outside world.

Looks like you're gonna need a grappling claw probe to retrieve and reset them...

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Preparing a travel to Eeloo : because of the similar gravity with the mun it's going to be a lander with a RCS-Rover which make plenty of landings and return-to-station : I will also leave in orbit a small laboratory at really low altitude to graze the ground, and a small powered probe to escape the Kerbol-System


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I designed my first serious attempt at an asteroid tug, the Macbeth 1, and launched it. The launch wasn't entirely trouble free: on the first attempt the rocket started bending like a banana with all the reaction wheels on the tug, and on the successful launch with said wheels disabled I found I had no control of the third stage due to using LV-T30's: I made an orbit, but it wasn't precisely the one I wanted.

Circularisation burn


Now to crew it, possibly add more fuel, and head to rendezvous with a C-class potatoroid.

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Now to crew it, possibly add more fuel, and head to rendezvous with a C-class potatoroid.

i'm going for E-class right off the bat myself. reusable too, i plan on doing orbital construction with EL... makes it alot faster, not having to launch from the pad

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I made a SSTMinmus craft. Was really easy, just pack a bunch of stuff on top of a LFB KR-1x2. Went into a Minmus flyby to collect science, messed up that flyby, chased minmus down again, did another flyby, brought the Pe down into Kerbins atmosphere, and all with about 320 m/s fuel to spare (was done with FAR, so it should be not possible with stock KSP, at least not with screwing up a flyby)


With the science from that trip I could finally unlock the last tech node needed to put together a nice debris removal vehicle:

1741BDDEAF931B60209B4D825173B5391246B2E9 (The design was semi-stolen from someone around here.)

Deorbited it's carrier stage as a demonstration and is now deorbiting a bunch of test payloads (all in the single-digit ton area) of a launcher I devised. A modified version may or may not be used to catch and capture small asteroids.

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built rocket... has enough motor, but the .15 degrees of gimbal on the bearcat2 x5 engine is not enough to keep it stable with FAR

EDIT: i just forgot to change the ascent path in mechjeb.... silly me

Edited by Commissar
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There was a Class E asteroid approaching Kerbin, with periapsis below 77 km, so it was time to put the Asteroid Wheel into action. The Asteroid Wheel is my heavy asteroid tug, designed for intercepting Class E asteroids and hauling smaller asteroids to other planets. With 506 tonnes of mass and 11141 m/s of delta-v, it certainly can get its job done.


Launching the Asteroid Wheel is always hard. As the ship rotates at an accelerating pace during the launch (hence the name), I can't really control the inclination of the initial orbit.


This time my initial orbit was 90° off the target, but that's why the ship has so much delta-v.


I intercepted the asteroid outside Kerbin's SoI, with about 2/3 of fuel left. It was a relatively small Class E asteroid, with only 1690 tonnes of mass. Now I have about 1040 m/s left to steer the asteroid wherever I want it to go. In my intitial docking position, three of the four arms actually stretched far enough that engine exhaust would not hit the asteroid in any case. In some other orientations, all four engine clusters have a clean line of fire.

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Well tried out my new heavy science probe today. Also was bringing JEB home with hundreds of points of science but KSP decided to let me fly thru the world at a few meters per second and to Kell with the 8 parachutes they plane popped to ensure a safe landing. The bugs continue.... Oh Well, here are the highlights.




And alas the final pic when jeb thought he was safe a nice controlled landing with 8 radial chutes for backup


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I'm bringing a class "E" asteroid back for a nice Kerbin equatorial orbit.

However, this "E" monster was harder to reckon with that I thought it would be. So I sent Moar Boosters!

6 Vessels Grabbed on now:

1 Science Vessel/Boostership (primary propulsion)

4 "detachable grabber units"

1 "Control ship" (will detach after supplies are exhausted)

See image titles and description for more of the mission story:

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Further station keeping, slowly turning the whole thing into the sunlight and noticing that I will have to either turn again once a year or elongate my solar panel girders.

Deorbited two differently bad designed orbital stages unfit for further use as construction use - pretty heat resistant though, only the ground could stop them.

A very small tug that earlier functioned satisfactorily now starts to shake heavily when turning under SAS - resetting systems this evening, redesigning might be needed.

Brought my first generation Mobile Kethane Miner alongside the docked interplanetary ship, as it was the only craft with a KAS winch - yet nothing available to plug the fuel hose into and no docking port on the miner ... first generation indeed. Will need to get my Kethane Tanker from the Munar Mining Base over, that should carry spare parts and docking nodes at least.

Might need to spend much more time in the VAB than I expected.

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