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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Tried to put a ship into orbit mode in career without mods. Almost...run out of fuel right when trying to create the orbit. If I could have a tad more fuel or have a tad more direct control over the ship while in the map - I always end up as high up as 80,000 and I figure if I could cut the engines a little under that - I could just make a stable orbit and maybe have fuel to get back home. I try and try and try. Different designs - but I can't get the right balance with the tanks and engines I have and can't unlock any new science at the moment. Think I am in a dead end - adding more fuel just means I end up burning more faster.

Makes me want to go Take On Mars - but for the fact I find that game in some ways annoying.

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Did some more thinking about the Liason mission (huge ship), and in the end I scrapped it, and instead...

Launched the Envoy class of mobile stations.


what's going onto the 4 docking ports, 2 more PPD-10s, and 2 1-person landers. I BARELY got it up there with my Demon IIa launcher too. When this one is ready, it's going to Eve, and I will put another one in Minmus orbit.

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Realizing its an maximum speed you can aerobrake at Duna, I think its 4-4.5km/s, at that time you will have to go so low it will run an high risk of becoming litobraking.

Litobraking at hypersonic speed is bad for your health.

An mining and construction base headed for Ike, 3.5km/s burn from LKO to save some time.


It was just below 7 km at lowest point.

Making the cruise ship ready for qualification trip, Mun landing then minums landing with refueling, out of Kerbin SOI then back to LKO.


The two modules in front is an superheavy tug with 9 LV-N, its a reusable first stage used to push heavy ships out to Kerbin SOI edge, then an tanker for fuel who also store life support.

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Landed the Trio on Minmus, planted three flags - still rolling my eyes on this one - to get the XP.

Jeb proceded to walk 400m to a probe that had gathered science to valuable to be transmitted. Bill and Bob collected their own share of reports and samples and all was stowed in different parts of the ship (to be able to carry doubles :wink: ) for trip home.

The Moon Bus is no in a 70x248km orbit around Kerbin - without enough fuel to catch up with the station at 247x249km ... but as their is nothing in orbit to bring the three and their science back down anyway, the refueling can be done in one go with that.

In other news: Waiting for more info on 1.0 and hoping for a .99 at least a week before that.

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I finished designing my Apollo style mission to the Moon (using russian engines ^^). Well, I also did a "simulation" of the flight there, and I managed to get to a more or less suitable orbit. Nevertheless this was the point I reverted the flight, as I realized that probably due to some rescaling of procedural parts a fuel tank was clipping into the cargo bay, locking the lander in there. I had seen this issue before, still in the VAB, but I was rather certain I clicked the save button after I had fixed it... Maybe I should make sure that it isn't an issue when I launch my real mission...

Also, there were some minor issues with the craft, that I will have to address. The dV budget was tighter than I anticipated, because I totally underestimated cryo-fuel boiloff. Furthermore, I didn't realize, that RCS ports need a fuel connection in Realism Overhaul, so 3/4 of them didn't fire, making it a pain to maneuver. Last, but by far not least: Solar panels... In the current configuration all of them need to be opened and all of them need to see at least some sun. That's a pain, because it means, in order to have the Kerbals survive the craft needs to be oriented correctly during the flight...

Finally, I think I'll need to work over the lander. I thought I could simply land it from a very low orbit around the Moon, but for such a big body an altitude of 15 km just seems too low, now that I've seen how low 50 km look, so I'll aim for an orbit of 50 km instead. While this doesn't change the dV requirement drastically, the budget was tight enough already before this change of plans... My current goal is to improve both, TWR after burning about 1600 m/s of the fuel, and total dV without increasing the crafts mass. Maybe I'll really go for an Apollo style landing with a two stage lander - who knows?

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Owww. That's amazing!

Makes my efforts look pathetic.

Still mucking about with spaceplanes. Going up is easy. Coming down, not so.

Trying to slow down from Mach 7 at 10km up is not healthy, so currently spreading bits of aircraft all over Kerbin.

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Cancelled a visual survey contract; the two surface EVA bits were in the mountains in an area with a serious grade (one of those where getting out of the capsule was a fatal act in and of itself). Pay wasn't all that great anyways - but I was annoyed at the rep hit.

Sent Jeb and Bill to go explore Minmus and sent a science probe in the direction of Mun. Trying to kill two birds with one stone on the Mun probe. Also accepted a tundra orbit contract for Minmus - the pay on that one was just too good to pass up for the program I've got in the stage that it's in. Going to be interesting to see if I can get it in position without crashing it into Minmus...

I also seem to have forgotten how to build a proper Turbojet-rocket combo SSTO; got too used to working with RAPIERs...

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Today I have finally earned some money so I have upgraded VAB to allow more than 30 parts and than still had some cash so I decided to launch a constellation of 3 small com-sats (I am using Remote Tech). Those are launched just as short-term constellation as I did not have any noteworthy solar panels to power them up for extended periods. Once I unlock bigger panels I will deactivate them (but leave them in orbit in case one of future larger ones develops a problem) and launch newer and larger ones.


Those were also first 3 launches of my new light payload launcher which was able to put those satellites in geostationary transfer orbit and still had few drops of fuel left, enough to de-orbit itself. This was, if I remember correctly, first time that new design for a launcher haven't had any glitches in my 6-month KSP career.


Final orbital insertion was done by satellites own engine.

Cost per launch is 18.380 funds.

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