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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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After getting a worker drone to my station core for further contruction, the darn thing blew up in Valentinas face, er.. pod window.

Having also had strange behaviour supposedly from different fairing and/or parachute mods/fixes, I am pondering if I should start for a new install.

This would at least give me the opportunity to start out with the tweaks I came up with long after start - but also leveling up my crews again, let alone collecting 100+ experiments on Kerbin to shoot them up for further research in orbit. :P

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No flights at all yesterday. Spent all my game time planning missions & trying to find the most economical way of doing a mun & minimus round trip using only conventional propulsion.

I'm a whisker of science short of the Rapier engines, which would improve my ground-to-LKO profitability no end and allow me to use an SSTO tanker I designed in Sandbox. Unfortunately one problem I have is that there are 2 scientists (& 2 rescued pilots) sitting laughing at me and twiddling their little green thumbs in a lab in mun orbit because I didn't include enough battery capacity to do research. I've brought the orbit down as low as I dare but it just stays in shadow a few minutes too long...

Fortunately, I have 6 tourists wanting a trip to the mun (and minimus) so I will add a battery pack as cargo to the next mission (thank goodness for the spare docking port), deliver them to the lab and pick up the pilots on the way. My missions are getting like the old tramp steamer routes, going from port to port picking up and dropping off cargo and passengers along the way.

Pics to follow when I actually fly something!


Does anyone else generate tons of paper playing KSP? I have a pin board by the PC full of scribbled design notes & mission details. I could put them into spreadsheets but I can't fly rockets and read a spreadsheet on the same screen at the same time!

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Yesterday, I took Bob's Wacky Sciencemobile 7 out for a little spin:


There's not much else to this contraption that you can't see already; I originally designed it to drive around KSC and hit the individual building biomes for everything I could get - 4 Sci Jrs, 4 Goo Pods, 4 Thermometers and the Crew Report make a fair chunk of science per spin. Twin jet thrust, which is more than it conceivably needs - usually I just run the engines when I want to accelerate and let it coast to wherever it's going. The side chutes are there as an emergency braking system. Uses the little bush plane landing gears with a tricycle configuration. A low-tech craft to be sure, but she works quite well.

Anyway, it turned out to be a fair rover. Drove it to a ground survey contract 100 klicks from KSC last night, did its business and drove it home; the screenie there was taken on the way back. Got readings for the Grasslands biome while I was out there. Made ~√50,000 and enough science to unlock solar panels and the OKTO probe core. Promptly got a contract to get science from around Kerbin, so I used my newly unlocked OKTO to make a basic half-tonne antenna- and thermometer-equipped sci probe and sent it into orbit. Got another science from around Kerbin contract, so I did it again; that mission's already paid for itself a couple of times. Sent four tourists into orbit on two separate flights; I'm pretty sure that those tourist contracts aren't paying off money-wise but they are doing a fair bit for my rep. Got the Level 2 Tracking Station unlocked (finally), so that's something. Still need to head for the Mun, especially seeing as how I now have tourists wanting to go there...

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Yesterday and today I finally got around to do my first real SSTO spaceplane design to deliver small satellites (<3.5 t) to LKO.

It is good fun, however, in carrer without action groups switching between engines and closing/opening intakes is mildly annoying.

I am still struggeling with proper deorbiting, I only got back to KSC once in about 6 orbital flights. It's a good thing that Val can land just as easily in the desert or even in the ocean... No casualties so far...

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I'm a bit confused. I posted the other day about the loss of Fredpond and Joepond. A few minutes ago, I was in the Astronaut Complex looking to recruit a few new crew when I noticed the "Lost" tab indicated "0 Missing"!?! How can this be?!? Fred and Joe took an unattended plunge into the sea... I thought they were gone forever. I've not made any reverts or loaded any Quicksaves (I don't use it). Did these two survive the fall and swim to shore??? I don't recall recovering them in the debris either. This one has me scratching my head, and Linkey too.

However, I am glad to have them both back. They will continue to work together as a team.

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Finally got round to some flying. RoLander 10-1, full fuel tanks, RoLander10-2, all bought and paid for:


Transferring valuable science pack (part of the last mission) from RL10-1 to LKO Re-Entry Vehicle (REV), using the 'Ladybird' monoprop. tug:


The REV 'Smallbone' de-orbits with homecoming tourists and payload. This is a Mk1 which reenters tail first and needs a hint of autostab. to flip it for atmospheric flight. The Mk2 is better balanced and comes in nose first all the way. I'm not a good enough pilot to get back to KSC every time but it has a fairly gentle glide slope which allows me to scout around for the nearest bit of smooth terrain. If all else fails, I pop the chutes!


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Restarted my career.

Pushing back updates to VAB and launchpad make some things interesting. Setting science income to 50%, too.

After my first suborbital flight I exploited the public interest in suborbital tourist rides for a while before taking my five-pod-tour-ship and get my Four into orbit after a quick redesign to a three-pod-tour-ship.

And I have to deal with a memory issue that came up and keeps crashing my game after a while - no big texture mods installed, thermo gauges killed ... no clue ...

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I've returned to KSP after leaving sometime in v0.24 (I think). The v1 feels like a new game, which is a very good surprise :) The new aero model is a welcome change, much needed IMO. Kudos to Squad ! The space agency management aspects feel well balanced so far and make progressing into the game possible at one's own pace. The XP/skills for individual kerbonauts makes sense and just fits. I can focus on make-do simpler work (testing parts, setting up satellites) or boldly put my tiny operation's reputation and financial health at risk by trying more challenging stuff (rescues, new records, pushing bounbdaries, etc.), at any point, without falling into a boring grind or a death trap.

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Today I did a bunch of stuff, e.g. rescuing yet another stranded Kerbal, cleaning up some debris that those irresponsible NPC agencies left floating around (again), building a new heavy lift rocket... but most importantly, today I landed on the Mun for the first time in 1.0!


I had been worried that with the engine rebalance my beloved 48-7S wouldn't be as good a lander engine any more, but I was pleasantly surprised to find that my lander, which followed the same basic design as my 0.90 Mun lander, also shared most of its dV - around 1200 m/s. I might have trouble trying to reuse it on Duna, but that's a bridge to cross when I come to it.

P.S.: You can do atmospheric pressure scans on the Mun now it seems. I had assumed they wouldn't work, but included a few for the aforementioned Duna scenario, and when I accidentally clicked on one I was surprised to find it gave me Science. I haven't tested the spectro-variometers yet.

Edited by parameciumkid
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Today I got a contract to fly by the Minmus so I built tiny probe which was to complete that contract on a free return trajectory and when returning test how much heat shield is needed for re-entry so that I know what to expect for future missions with Kerbals on-board. It also took temperature readings in space high abouve and near Minmus to add a bit to Science. Then I built a launcher as cheap as I could with parts that I have and launched it on the mission. Everything went well, but I was surprised with how little of ablator has burned up when returning at more than 3km/s. Pictures in spoiler, though I forgot to take few of them near Minmus, but Jeb and his partner will take care of that on the next mission.







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My whole kerbonaut team took a daytrip to a solar orbit, a Minmus landing and a Munar orbit. Now I have four ★★★ pilots. Yay for professional space exploration. I have yet to find another engineer among those stranded kerbonauts. Yet, a capable engineer wouldn't be stranded in the first place...


Another thing: I remember how tough my first rendezvous and docking manoeuvre was. It took a few hours to get everything right. I save a kerbonaut in a few minutes now. Docking? RCS is only needed, when there are large stations and really big ships involved. Otherwise? Not. A single main engine is enough. It's nice to see your own progress in this game.

Edited by Chruschtschow
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Jeb and Lenble Kerman (scientist) went to Minmus and have successfully returned back to Kerbin. They had a bit of a problem as they damaged solar panels on their main ship, but those on lander were enough to keep them powered together with batteries. I am sorry for bad looking craft on launch, but I still haven't unlocked 2.5m fairings so I had to use those 1.25m to pack lander









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