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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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5 hours ago, hazard-ish said:

I built a truck. Fully stock, fully functional, complete with opening and pivoting trailer - 506 parts :)


Well done sir! Fairly decent frame layout, and the lifting canopy was genius! 

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Started to burn for Kerbin intercept with my class E pet-rock. With the tug klawed to it, I have 134 dV total, with a TTW of 0.01 (146 mm/s2 maximum acceleration), and I need to change velocity by ~800 m/s. Used the full fuel load once, refilled the tanks, started the second burn.. and fallen asleep sitting. When I woke up, I noticed that I forgot to turn off the drills and the ISRU. It loaded the tanks assimetrically, so only one engine kept burnig, what totally ruined my trajectory.

I tried to quicksave between the two burns, but I also forgot that my RCS was on (mainly to waste more fuel and asteroid mass) so it didn't happen due to acceleration. An F9 later I'm back where I started.

Today I'll do something more interesting, pet-rock will do without me for a few days. ^_^

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Got KSP 1.05 running on 64bit , slung in a lot of mods , ramped all the knobs an dials on the settings to the max , added EVE oh an hacked this thing so now it goes rather well , just need to work out how to keep the fusion engine a bit cooler as it overheats a bit too quickly ............







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11 hours ago, hazard-ish said:

I built a truck. Fully stock, fully functional, complete with opening and pivoting trailer - 506 parts :)


One of the things I love about KSP is that it's a space sim but there's nutters like you building beautiful stuff that is way out from what the game was intended for.  Bravo sir.  Is the Trucking on Duna link at the end just a placeholder for a video that's still to come, I can't see it on your channel.

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16 hours ago, CliftonM said:

I connected to my computer via SSH and then used the telnet of kOS to control my rocket from my other computer:



Excellent idea! I've looked at kOS, but haven't used it much. Does kOS come with a telnet socket from scratch? If so, I may have something to do during those slow hours at work that happen from time to time.

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1 hour ago, jarmund said:

Excellent idea! I've looked at kOS, but haven't used it much. Does kOS come with a telnet socket from scratch? If so, I may have something to do during those slow hours at work that happen from time to time.

Hmm.. You can do this but it doesn't let you launch a ship - only control ones that are already present and already in the physics range of the current scene.

It occurs to me that there's no reason the "welcome menu" the telnet server shows you couldn't also have some options to switch vessel contexts (ala the tracking center) or start a new launch of an existing design (ala clicking on the launchpad).  I'll have to let that bubble in the back of my mind for a while.  It won't be implemented any time soon, as there's other higher priority things that need doing with kOS but ... it does sound like a fun thing to implement.


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I've been having adventures in career mode. I've landed on the Mun 3 times.

The first time, the lander, the Disco Inferno 1, had some problems with the transfer stage running out of fuel and having to use the lander stage to get to the Mun. It's a two-stage lander, btw. First landing stage ran out of fuel very early, but Valentina managed to land and return with the second stage.

Next, the Disco Inferno 2 launched. The ship used an enhanced launch vehicle so the transfer stage was able to reach the Mun. Hudfen Kerman landed and returned safely.

Finally, I adjusted the lander some, adding a couple ladders and a few more science things. The Disco Inferno 3, also piloted by Hudfen, landed on the Mun. Unfortunately, it landed in the Midlands, where the first Mun mission had also landed, so i got almost no science from it. I sent Hudfen out to try and find another biome nearby. He ran out of EVA fuel about 20 kilometers away from the lander (just guessing there), and I had to walk him back. Yeah. It wasn't fun. I eventually just put a weight on the "W" key and did other stuff. He got back, though.

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(I did this stuff yesterday, except the first one/ second ones, but I couldn't put it up)

This is what my LKO looks like (That jumble of orbits are all Satellites):

And LMO:

My Mun/Minmus rocket:

I landed/Stranded Jeb on the Mun:

Mun lander:

Minmus lander:

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Completed the smallest SSTO SS that I could, with Mk.1 inline cockpit, docking port and crew cabin. Flies like a charm and is really cute.

Had less luck with a shuttle. As usual, getting to orbit is not so hard... reentry is a pain. 

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Finally took my pet-rock Stimpy home. He's a bit shy and reluctant, so it was a long long process to herd him into the right direction. Sadly he seems to be allergic to Kerbin air. The rash he gets upon entering is the least of my worries... but he also gets mad upon entry, rolling uncontrolably, trying to shake off my poor Kerbals. The thrust I have seems to have no chance to keep the Asteroid Tamer craft on his safe (prograde) side. Guess I should set him on a perfect aerocapture trajectory, and leave him alone until he calms down. I foresee a painful trial-and error process until I manage to find the perfect periapsis for that task.

EDIT: Ahh, wait, it won't work - even if I find the right PE, I'll have no way to raise it afterwards. *think, think*


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Having previously sent out scansats and automated fuel depots(equipped with USI Logistics hubs from UKS) to everything except Eeloo and Dres, it was time to deal with some of those.

Did my adjustment burns for the Jool Fuel depot, and created an itinerary that would give me a nice Vall intercept.  Then I went to the VAB to double-check and realized the my transit/landing engine(tweak-scaled nerva) had a max twr of 0.6 on Vall, so I would need to use the core of the launch stage for the landing.  After transferring the transit fuel to the launch stage remnants and turning all the on-board ore to ox, I should have enough d-v to land on Vall with the launch core still attached(started with up-scaled boosters topped with drop-tanks and got the 1.5 mammoth(mammoth+ 2 vernors mounted between the 4 other engine bells) launch core into orbit, where I refueled it and topped off the ore to provide contingency d-v before sending it off to Jool).  If my calculations are incorrect, the manned Jool Tour ship can always bring by some extra ore to Vall orbit and give the fuel station as much as it needs to be able to get down to the surface (Jool Tour has ISRU and big ore tanks on both the lander and the orbiter as I expect the lander to bring up ore from Bop/Pol/Vall and to be pretty much dry after launching from Tylo/Lathe and need to re-supply form the orbiter before being able to land again)  I'll need to wait to see how that all works out however, as the first Jool ships are not expected to arrive until some time in year 3 and I am still in year 1

I brought my Ike Scansat into orbit of Gilly with a few hundred m/s left in the next to last stage(drop-tanks), after nearly 2 orbits of Eve(enough to scan resources, then  moved on to Ike to do full scan).

Shortly thereafter my Gilly fuel station arrived.

Took several tries as the originally planned 35 minute breaking burn was too long to get enough oberth effect to slow into orbit before running out of refined fuel, so I finally realized the problem and slowed down substantially before getting close to eve so I could refine the remaining on-board ore reserves and have enough fuel and thrust to get into orbit.  Even managed to get to Gilly before finishing first orbit of eve.

As Lowlands and Highlands had good fuel, I brought my fuel station into orbit and promptly bought it to a virtual halt over the surface. 

Used lots of time warping and a little tweak-scaled nerv thrust, then lots of RCS thrust and managed a gentle set-down at a ~25 degree slope.  Was able to mine slightly but it did not want to stop sliding, so I retracted everything again and rid the slide down to a 9 degree slope(used main engine to slow from time to time until slope was below 15 degrees, then later RCS to speed up a bit as I wanted less than a 12 degree slope).

Finally got Fuel station Gilly in a stable location(9 degree slope) with drills and ISRU working away.  Sent off about 2/3 of the remaining fuel after landing to refuel the scansat in orbit, topping off those drop-tanks.

Time for the adjustment burn for the Jool Scansat, managed to get a Vall intercept with plenty of time and d-v to orbit.
Did a bit of Kerbin-area maintenance (some tourists were ready to reach Kerbol SOI, refined accumulated resources at the Manned Minmus fuel/refinery/LS/construction facility to top off the resource tanks being slowly consumed as my lonely engineer is making a quite heavy replacement for the initial fuel station component(replacing > 40 drills with 2 tweak-scaled 400% drills, providing 3x ore with 1/20 parts, attached to a very large LFO storage tank and the replacement logistics hub, so I can get rid of he entire first fuel-station piece)

Brought the Ike Scansat in to a nice polar orbit and started scanning in preparation for the arrival of the Ike fuel depot(initially the alarm did not include the 50% burn time as it was set before I had KER, so I loaded to start he burn on schedule and ended up going back before the Jool Scansat arrival, so got to re-do all of it again.

Finally got the Duna Scansat in polar orbit of Ike and scanning, so now it is time to dock the the ferry that brought up those tourists and send them home along with the rescued kerbonats before sending my cruise ship off to the Mun to post yet another flag.

Currently at over 16M funds, so not planning on taking additional tourist missions, especially if they want to go places where I have not yet launched manned missions yet.(manned missions on the way to Jool and Duna, but  Moho and Gilly are just setting things up for later)

Might be time to send out scansats and fuel depots to Eeloo and Dres however...(would be amusing to have a grand tour ship with no ISRU just getting refueled in every planetary SOI.  I wonder if that would let me have the TWR for a Lathe/Tylo lander with the endurance to get to Moho...



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My first rover! http://imgur.com/a/uXoHC

In the first picture, You see a normal looking rocket... then look at the Navball

Second picture, Notice anything new on the rocket? Human ingenuity!

Third: Approaching, Approaching...

Forth: That explosion was caused by the torque of the rover and Munar gees, not me failing to land.

Fifth: Ooooh, a survivor!


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Typical innit , you find one IXS Enterprise an another comes along , a bit like London Buses actually :lol:

Anyhow found out about WarpShip which has been kindly steered into the future by Sofia on here .

So without further ado I downloaded the mod an installed it  , crist you really need to be a rocket scientist to build a WarpShip out of all those parts an no instructions , anyhow after god alone knows how many attempts.........ta da


Only bit of bad news I pressed the loud pedal a bit to hard , an well i'm so far across the universe even the Map can't tell me where i am as it won't scroll in any direction , I had to exit the game an go an look in the tracking station .

I'm 5 years away from Kerbin in terms of travelling time , well i did also run out of Warp Plasma :lol:

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2 hours ago, Evanitis said:

Finally took my pet-rock Stimpy home. He's a bit shy and reluctant, so it was a long long process to herd him into the right direction. Sadly he seems to be allergic to Kerbin air. The rash he gets upon entering is the least of my worries... but he also gets mad upon entry, rolling uncontrolably, trying to shake off my poor Kerbals. The thrust I have seems to have no chance to keep the Asteroid Tamer craft on his safe (prograde) side. Guess I should set him on a perfect aerocapture trajectory, and leave him alone until he calms down. I foresee a painful trial-and error process until I manage to find the perfect periapsis for that task.

EDIT: Ahh, wait, it won't work - even if I find the right PE, I'll have no way to raise it afterwards. *think, think*



By "home" you mean you're trying to bring it gracefully back to the Space Center?!



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46 minutes ago, JoeNapalm said:

By "home" you mean you're trying to bring it gracefully back to the Space Center?!

Well, LKO would be home enough for now. There will be more work fun involved once on a final orbit. The taming crew needs a rescue craft as the tug isn't designed to land. We need to weld out Val from the cockpit as there is no exit on it. We need to milk Stimpy for some precious ore (and the more precious weight loss). Guess Jeb will want some photos, maybe we take some tourists up.

But evidentally, the guys in the Science Center will get to keep him, so that's where we'll attempt to land. Gracefully.


BTW... chosing a Class-E for the first 'roid to play with was even worst an idea than I initially though.

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3 hours ago, Evanitis said:

Finally took my pet-rock Stimpy home. He's a bit shy and reluctant, so it was a long long process to herd him into the right direction. Sadly he seems to be allergic to Kerbin air. The rash he gets upon entering is the least of my worries... but he also gets mad upon entry, rolling uncontrolably, trying to shake off my poor Kerbals. The thrust I have seems to have no chance to keep the Asteroid Tamer craft on his safe (prograde) side. Guess I should set him on a perfect aerocapture trajectory, and leave him alone until he calms down. I foresee a painful trial-and error process until I manage to find the perfect periapsis for that task.

EDIT: Ahh, wait, it won't work - even if I find the right PE, I'll have no way to raise it afterwards. *think, think*


That last one looks like an atomic blast.

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8 minutes ago, Evanitis said:

Well, LKO would be home enough for now. There will be more work fun involved once on a final orbit. The taming crew needs a rescue craft as the tug isn't designed to land. We need to weld out Val from the cockpit as there is no exit on it. We need to milk Stimpy for some precious ore (and the more precious weight loss). Guess Jeb will want some photos, maybe we take some tourists up.

But evidentally, the guys in the Science Center will get to keep him, so that's where we'll attempt to land. Gracefully.


BTW... chosing a Class-E for the first 'roid to play with was even worst an idea than I initially though.


Now I have schematics for klaw-mounted wings, heat shields, and parachute arrays popping into my head.


Thanks. I was TRYING to design another SSTO, but I guess that's a lost cause now! :sticktongue:




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