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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Purely rocket-powered cruise missiles are a less than useful contraption, especially when they need cryogenic propellant... so I'm hand-waving this away as an engine testing platform for a single LR-101 (Atlas vernier). Managed to fly it about 90 km before it ran out of fuel and crashed somewhere in India :rolleyes:



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A few years ago, the SS Dauntless launched from Kerbin for the Jool system. It was a preliminary survey mission, and once it arrived it completed encounters with all of the Joolian moons except Pol (including an EVA pack landing on Bop). It was never meant to return to Kerbin, though, so it used the last of its fuel to transfer to an inclined orbit of Laythe, where its three-Kerman crew has spent the last few years awaiting a relief mission.

Yesterday, the relief mission finally arrived.


The mission consisted of the SS Valerie, Starlet Elizabeth, and an expendable transfer stage. The stack of ships arrived in the Jool system via a powered Tylo encounter (during which the transfer stage was jettisoned) and an aerocapture at Laythe which put them into an eccentric orbit.



After a plane change at apoapsis, the ships aerobraked into a 70x70km orbit to rendezvous with the Dauntless.



That done, pilot Raymin and engineer Seanory took the Elizabeth--a modified Starlet SSTO--into the atmosphere for a landing. It was a little tricky, because the Starlet normally lands nearly empty whereas Elizabeth had to land fully-fueled, but with added lift from its braking rockets it was able to make a safe landing.


Raymin: first Kerman on Laythe!

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RL has REALLY been eating up my time lately, but I'm getting back into this game.  I had the itch to build a ship today, and I made the KSS Kerb:



I had to do some very minor tweaks to it after launch, (Terrier engines are better than Nerv engines, they weigh less; as well as some offset-based changes to make the engines look more realistic.

It launches like this:



Edit: That one ended up being launched too.  I named it KSS Jeb:


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I noticed the Moho transfer was coming, so I built the Jalapeno I, which was supposed to be the save's first interplanetary probe. I started the transfer burn... and it reentered the atmosphere and burned up. Gah, that makes me mad. I hate when a maneuver node has you burn back into the atmosphere and the game really doesn't notify you.

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2 hours ago, Hotaru said:


After a plane change at apoapsis, the ships aerobraked into a 70x70km orbit to rendezvous with the Dauntless.

Which engine are you using to produce that wicked red glow?   Is it a non-stock engine, or a stock one using modded exhaust?

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After playing for 2 years, I finally made a working spaceplane!

It uses the OPM mod, with Venn's overhaul. 4 x Rapier and 4x Whiplash.

The thing flies nicely above 90m/s brick-like below 80/ms

Can't carry a payload and it made space (about 500km iirc) by itself on SAS, but not orbit while I took a quick break...

Still had about 2500m/s of LF when I hit the atmosphere, but I handled the descent poorly and burned of too much speed and ended up landing on some undulating grassland having narrowly missed a mountain near the crater-bay.

Can't get the album to embed





Out of fuel


Not even dead (5 or so re-loads)



Edited by T.A.P.O.R.
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I continued building my lifter series ready for 1.1.  

I currently have 2 shuttles capable of lifting 6 and 36 tonnes to 200km orbit. And a set of 4 'B class' SSTO rockets that can reach 200km orbits with 18, 36, 80, and 120 tonnes.

Next I will build multi stage 'C class' lifters for larger payloads. 

Their main use initally will be for launching test craft to orbit in preparation for interplanetary missions, to save me making a new lifter stage every time I want to test something.


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54 minutes ago, Puggonaut said:

Decided to edit the Realplume configs for better effects................I may have gone slightly over the top :lol:

HeHEhEhE, there were gasses expanding out of that upper stage where they probably should not have been expanding from.  :D


For my part, more Project Bring'em Home, now with Questionable Manoeuvres:

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I made Big Ring 3.2:



The physics engine is crying tears of blood. I launched it with MechJeb, but otherwise 100% stock parts. I do have Better Time Warp, FAR and Flight Engineer installed, though, which helped. I set up MechJeb to launch it at 1/5 real-time and went to bed. That was twelve hours ago. When I came back, MechJeb's autowarp had moved me back into "real" time, but MET is still only T+01:25:08, and at "1x" warp it seems to be moving at 1 second per 8 seconds.

It's too bad, really, because if the engine was chugging to badly I would totally bring a rover up here and drive around on the inside of the loop.

Edited by OstermanA
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19 minutes ago, OstermanA said:

I made Big Ring 3.2:



The physics engine is crying tears of blood. I launched it with MechJeb, but otherwise 100% stock parts. I do have Better Time Warp, FAR and Flight Engineer installed, though, which helped. I set up MechJeb to launch it at 1/5 real-time and went to bed. That was twelve hours ago. When I came back, MechJeb's autowarp had moved me back into "real" time, but MET is still only T+01:25:08, and at "1x" warp it seems to be moving at 1 second per 8 seconds.

It's too bad, really, because if the engine was chugging to badly I would totally bring a rover up here and drive around on the inside of the loop.

How big is it in diameter? Looks awesome

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23 minutes ago, OstermanA said:

I made Big Ring 3.2:


It's too bad, really, because if the engine was chugging to badly I would totally bring a rover up here and drive around on the inside of the loop.

Egad, that's like 8x 2m panels wide across the ribbon?  So a few thousand panels to make the ring?

I'm surprised your computer didn't overheat and burn your house down.

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37 minutes ago, Choctofliatrio2.0 said:

How big is it in diameter? Looks awesome


32 minutes ago, Geschosskopf said:

Egad, that's like 8x 2m panels wide across the ribbon?  So a few thousand panels to make the ring?

I'm surprised your computer didn't overheat and burn your house down.

Not 8, only 4. However, each spoke has a 2x5 grid of the 2m panels in 12x symmetry, then I cloned the bottom half again to make the top and stitched it all together with struts. The spokes themselves are eight of the long I-beams, which if I'm figuring correctly puts the whole ring at 66 meters in diameter, and thus means it need ~3.5 RPM to pull 1 G on the interior.


Also, I spent *FAR* too much on this rig, and turned the graphics all the way down. So that helped. However, it was down to single-digits frames-per-second even while it was on the hold-down clamps and has never gotten beyond that.


If it helps with a sense of scale, I had a hexagon of 3m stacks put the thing into orbit, and the hex was smaller than the inner ring of struts.

Edited by OstermanA
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