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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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The last two days have been somewhat busy.  First, while waiting for transfer windows to Duna and Eve were (more) contracts to expand Kerbin Stayshun.  Here's one of the vehicles to do just that.  Sometimes different is good...



The station became this hodgepodge:


Then I created a tiny craft to return rescuees from the station.  It cost about 32,000 to get it up and docked...


I then rescued four Kerbals, one around Minmus with other vehicles that were docked at the station...


then used the tiny plane to get the on the ground.  The little fins and solar panels ended up exploding during reentry but the rest of the ship and occupants were unscathed only slightly scathed.

Then I got impatient and time-warped 130 days to the Duna transfer window, and sent my two ships that were waiting in LKO.  There were 5 missions to complete, including the Explore Ike contract and to place a satellite in a specific orbit.  The ships got there, the main one is in LDO, but when I got the satellite in the correct orbit I discovered that "materials bay" does NOT in fact mean mean the service bay, but I guess it means the science module.  Also, I failed to send up a second pilot with the mission, so I couldn't use the ship designated to fulfil the explore Ike contract.  So I decided to try landing the probe on Ike, even though there probably wouldn't be enough fuel.  I ran out about 20 meters above ground; the engine exploded as did a fuel tank with the solar panels, but the rest survived, enough to fulfil the contract!  This was the probe but I forgot to take a screenshot on the ground...


For the Eve mission I was contemplating sending a fully crewed science station, but this kareer I have decided to go probes first before manned missions, I've never done it that way before.  (And yes, I had sent a probe to Duna before this last mission).  So here is my Eve mission, to fulfill putting a probe in synchronous orbit, and Explore Eve.  It did both:



I overshot a landmass by about 2 km, but the probe stayed intact and still was able to send all its science home.




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5 hours ago, hellblazer said:

Testing out the airbag landing method that was used for Opportunity and Spirit rovers. Now to get it to Mars....



Album: http://imgur.com/a/xRpO0

Animated Gif of test drop and rover deployment: http://i.imgur.com/9Cpfhyp.gifv

Mods: FASA - Airbags (floats), Speedy's Hex Truss System -Triangle sections, Infernal robotics, procedural parts, Dmagic Orbital Science, Kerbal Foundries - Tracks, Vens Stock Part Revamp.



Oooooooo love dem airbags! Dey bounce like <insert sufficiently bouncy celebrity>!

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6 hours ago, hellblazer said:

Testing out the airbag landing method that was used for Opportunity and Spirit rovers. Now to get it to Mars....



Album: http://imgur.com/a/xRpO0

Animated Gif of test drop and rover deployment: http://i.imgur.com/9Cpfhyp.gifv

Mods: FASA - Airbags (floats), Speedy's Hex Truss System -Triangle sections, Infernal robotics, procedural parts, Dmagic Orbital Science, Kerbal Foundries - Tracks, Vens Stock Part Revamp.



Nice! That's actually really realistic!

I saw the Sparks when the rover was rolling of pathfinder and I noticed you also have the effects mod that adds in sparks, explosions, and smoke.

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Miss me? Not posted a daily activity in a while. Thought I'd take the Exper-a-mental and head to the north pole of Kerbin today. As I flew over Kanada I got this great view of the aurora...

Then I seem to have discovered a Bermuda triangle. I was only about 2/3 of the way to the pole when I couldn't maintain direction. Started doing crazy tail stands. I could regain control but weird. Set it down on some rolling ground south of the ice caps.  I'll try to finish the flight later. By the way, chutes make landing so much easier, as in I still have a flyable plane afterwards. 

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Today I finally found an easy to use program to convert old TGA to PNG.

I updated all textures into the new format... only to find out that although it is okay for the engines, It pixelate solar panels (Balka Solar Panels) and they look like crap.
Then I found a post from 2015 on this forum stating that having the better format changes nothing as far as memory usage down the line and as such you can keep the TGA format.
Going to stick with TGA's for now for the few parts that I use that still have that format. As long as I don't get the white texture bug of earler KSP with 1.1, That'll be fine.

Then I went on the Mun and back...  Can't wait for 1.1.

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8 hours ago, 5thHorseman said:


I love that program's "convert" utility. I have no idea what a webm is but "convet whatever.webm fileiwant.jpg" still works. Love it.

I used Zamzar.  But it messed up solar panel textures so I was left unsatisfied.
The engine that I converted texture for seemed really good tho.  Must be something about these square patterns of the photovoltaic cells not liking to have their texture converted.

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Played with hiding probes behind heatshields. Works well, although it turns out that Duna doesn't need it if you packed enough fuel for an injection burn. Might allow me to cheap out and hit it at interplanetary speeds next time though :cool:


And finally worked out how to use gravity assists! Used Tylo to capture into Jool orbit with only a couple of hundred m/s, swung round Laythe to reduce my AP to flyby Vall, and back to Laythe again (after a few loops, naturally). Net result, over 1000 sciences from a relatively low tech little lander :)

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Okay, I decided to import some more of the old Kommit Nucleonics engines from 0.23 to 1.0.5. 
Done and Done.  Only discarded the FTmN160 as it was also a 2.5m engine, and weaker than the FTmN280 I always use anyways.
Sound/Animation/texture... everything's working.

So from left to right :
1,25m FTmN60 (the old FTmN40, now with 60 thrust like our current LV-N), 2,5m FTmN280, Stock nerva for comparison, 0,625m FTmN18.


I just noticed some of the old parts I rescued from abandonware with my efforts do not have descriptions.  Something to think of and to fill overtime.
I just hope nothing gets broken beyond repair with 1.1 but so far and from what I've seen it seems unlikely.


EDIT: Some ppl have asked me to put these parts in an updated FTmN pack for download.   Nothing would make me prouder, but apparently, the owner of the original part used a "license" that prevent any and all re-release, and him not being on the forum for more than a year does not change anything.  So unless "Kommit" shows back and allow me to pot them I am not allowed to put them up for download.  Really sorry but I do not have a choice in the matter.  Should that change, it'll be my pleasure to make a small pack out of them.

Edited by Francois424
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54 minutes ago, Francois424 said:

Okay, I decided to import some more of the old Kommit Nucleonics engines from 0.23 to 1.0.5.

Holy crap, those still exist?  I loved Kommitz' stuff!

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12 minutes ago, regex said:

Holy crap, those still exist?  I loved Kommitz' stuff!

Abandonware... Sent a PM to Kommit back in Dec'2015, he hasn't read it yet.

But I am very careful about keeping stuff that I like.  Maintaining them can be a pain as I am amateurish at best, but I pulled it out this time.
I also kept the old parts from "IonHybElec_Pack" but I repurposed them for end-game use.  Balka solar panels as well... First time I fix them since 0.25.

Kommit had amazing stuff, with more planned, but then disappeared. :(

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Went to Callisto. I can do an okay-ish VEEGA, flying between the moons is still pretty sloppy though. Not to mention the landing, spent another couple of minutes trying to flip the damn thing back into correct position.

The rig should have enough delta-v to do Ganymede, so that's probably what I'll do next.



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The beginnings of Miranda Station (on the E-class behemoth "Miranda")

The silver dot in the middle is a Kerbalnaut on EVA. On the left is the core of Miranda station. The rest is Miranda itself.screenshot68_2.png

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