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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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  On 9/30/2016 at 12:08 AM, Martian Emigrant said:

I have had ship that had developed a thrust asymmetry. (I suspect Part clipping is involved).

Check the fuel flow at full thrust between the 2 you may find one is starved. shutting down the good one cures the bad one. It's as if the game decided there ain't enough air or fuel for two so it favors one.

If it's the same bug as I have seen then you may adjust the thrust limit of the engine at something less but acceptable for the game.  2 engines at 80% on a moon might work fine.




I'll try that! I've got a non-launcher copy so I can perform tests on Kerbin.

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I added a tutorial post 'how to do Pe kicked interplanetary transfers' to my new MechVal mod thread.

MechVal is a collection of 'node wrangling' scripts that run in kOS, I plan to add some specialized piloting also. The mod is aimed at making very low thrust maneuver planning possible - currently you really cannot manage five (or 15) Pe kick nodes stacked on top of each other - followed by another 5 ( or 15 or 25) prograde burns of a few minutes each. Try doing this Eeloo departure with 0.3 m/s2 acceleration by hand:


I think Pe Kicks are useful even for moderate thrust vehicles - less radiators required for you nukes for example.

Edited by DBowman
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Lots of base clean-up. Minmusquakes messing things up. Landed the failed miner module (very self-destructive model) way off-base, sent Lisree on a truck there, so she stripped the batteries (tweakscaled and normal big) to supplement the reactor's emergency power supply.

The uranium and the container for nuclear waste have finally arrived, along with the Mk2 lab.






The lab is already operational and processing data.

But there's a bummer with the uranium. It's not transferrable as normal fuel, no crossfeed, the reactor won't start.

Lisree was less interested in the lab and the uranium than in what was left from the delivery rocket.

She rearranged the winglets for a cooler look (and the craft not jumping all the time!), put the nose and tail part together, detached a spare seat from the truck, slapped a port for a good measure, refueled the thingy, and rode it to the reactor, while one of scientists drove the truck with uranium.



This is going to be a science collection craft.

Annard is busy digging exotic minerals. I'll have to send him an ore tank, just to let the drills heat up (and jettison the ore) because they are currently operating at 4.5% thermal efficiency.

These quakes are a problem... just look at these batteries. They were NOT assembled like this!dBziWgm.png


before anyone complains about the looks of the uranium and waste containers being unrealistic, let me paste the description of the parts.


After the President of Nuclear Commission complained that workers don't treat containers with radioactives with proper respect, Ionic Symphonic Protonic Electronics picked the task of developing a container that would arouse respect. The joint effort of their engineering and SFX teams, supplemented by a long study of sci-fi depictions of dangerous radioactives resulted in a container that is not only very durable, but also makes every ignorant fully aware of how respect-worthy the container is, giving the otherwise dull-looking contents properly ominous (if entirely fake) glow of 'Ionizing Radiation'.



Edited by Sharpy
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  On 9/23/2016 at 5:51 AM, CatastrophicFailure said:

I don't know why this is:


I made it the other night in my sleep, but I don't remember why.


Pagee, here, doesn't look too sure, either...


But it's big & flies well enough, I figured I'd use it to go rescue Rondolin and her Wrong Flyer after she picked a fight with a tree & lost (Stock Visual Terrain. Even the trees are solid :wub:)


Surprisingly, after a few false starts (seems you can't rotate to take off with the cargo ramp down, go figure), it seemed to be working quite well...



Took me a minute to realize why poor Rondie was so terrified...


Apparently the winch had actually ripped off at some point and was now wedged under the ladder... and I no longer had any control over it. So she went for a swim when I tried to land with the Flyer in tow.


Poor Rondie. Looks like she's scared stiff.



Also, @Dire_Squid: Now that I've finally had a chance to verify this, at the KSC screen, hit Escape then "load save." One of those saves should be from just before your busted solar panel.


Sadly, I looked, and the only two saves I saw.... may have been from the recent game, since I had no clue how to retrieve, prior to all of this...

Not gonna "delete" a game because I no longer have the Station contracts for BOTH Mun and Minmus... I'm still depressed, though.

Regardless, thank you for giving me new insight.

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Day 16 KSP

Today i had some fun adding two more parts to ze' space station. Living space, food, water, oxygen and a greenhouse. The second part is a cargo/emergency evacuation pod. There are currently zero residence on the station mainly due to inadequate safety strategies available to counter space debris. I have a 0 death rating so far and i plan on keeping it that way as long as i can T_T, i named my Kerbins after names of friends. I'm hoping to add a mission package specifically for debris avoidance on the Morrow...Other than that i sent up a Duna long distance polar orbit Remote Tech sat up and hoping to send com sats in two days.

-Apologies for any spelling or grammar errors,i be ze' dyslexic astronaut heh...-







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  On 9/14/2016 at 6:46 PM, SuperHappySquid said:

I recently made a video showcasing some of the spectacular vistas awaiting explorers on Kerbin, with a little help from scatterer. :¬)



Oh, I'm supposed to say what I did in KSP today? Uh... Nothing, actually. I'm taking a break from KSP for a while. :(

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Built a stock Triebflugel and took it for a spin:


  On 9/30/2016 at 12:33 AM, Sharpy said:

But there's a bummer with the uranium. It's not transferrable as normal fuel, no crossfeed, the reactor won't start.


ModuleResourceConverter is your friend here; in your Uranium Fuel container part .cfg, replace the Resource {name=EnrichedUranium entry with:

  Reveal hidden contents


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  On 9/29/2016 at 10:33 PM, eddiew said:

Played KSP until half past bed time, regretted my life choices. 



One of us... One of us... One of us.... One of us... One of us...

  On 9/30/2016 at 2:20 AM, SuicidalInsanity said:

Built a stock Triebflugel and took it for a spin:



. . . HOW??

These stock spinny things continue to vex me...

  On 9/30/2016 at 2:20 AM, SuicidalInsanity said:

ModuleResourceConverter is your friend here; in your Uranium Fuel container part .cfg, replace the Resource {name=EnrichedUranium entry with:


Wish I had known this before I schlepped up a couple of oversized RTG's to preserve the reactor. :P

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The moment you realize your station isn't quite as big as you thought and your SSTO is oversized in KSP fashion. I'm always amazed by how big something can look on top of a rocket and look so small in the spaceplane hangar.

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More noodling about with research in preparations for my Jool-5 run.  I've got all my landers down pat, and am ready for my first dress rehearsal.  (Details in my Jool 5 log.)

Tonight's beauty shot - a mockup of the entire assembly (sans main propulsion) in orbit around Jool and ready to start my dress rehearsal.

Well, dangit, either the forum or Photobucket isn't playing nice right now.  The pic can be seen in the Jool 5 log.


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  On 9/30/2016 at 1:50 AM, Sam! said:

Day 16 KSP

Today i had some fun adding two more parts to ze' space station. Living space, food, water, oxygen and a greenhouse. The second part is a cargo/emergency evacuation pod. There are currently zero residence on the station mainly due to inadequate safety strategies available to counter space debris. I have a 0 death rating so far and i plan on keeping it that way as long as i can T_T, i named my Kerbins after names of friends. I'm hoping to add a mission package specifically for debris avoidance on the Morrow...Other than that i sent up a Duna long distance polar orbit Remote Tech sat up and hoping to send com sats in two days.

-Apologies for any spelling or grammar errors,i be ze' dyslexic astronaut heh...-








Nice! By the way, what mod did you use to show so spectacular background planet images????

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Last night, all of a sudden I decided I wanted to create an SSTO. I came up with the vehicle below which... doesn't work. I think with some tweaking it will fly nicely - mostly to do with which engine type going on which pod and their angles.

Those tweaks will have to wait for a few weeks because I'm getting married soon! My partner has shown extraordinary tolerance with my KSP addiction (probably because she's just as bad with Professor Leyton/Pokemon games...) But something tells me she won't look too kindly on me tweaking spaceplanes on honeymoon! :sticktongue:


Also have been making additions to a Duna base with Kerbal Inventory System:



Edited by DunaRocketeer
pressing post before I've finished...
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Roddenberry, Nimoy, Doohan and Kelley Kerman reach their beach holiday destination - along with Jinx and Lily Kerman, who aren't entirely sure why everyone else looks so disappointed to be here. 

Mission control gets more practise with using moons for gravity assists. Slightly more expensive than hoped, the Odyssey came in a little off-plane and spent ~330m/s to make the first encounter with Laythe maintain its inclination, but after that it was just a matter of waiting for the moon to pick them up on a subsequent pass. A further 700m/s are used to get into an eccentric, almost-equatorial orbit.


With the lab stuffed full of data, the crew gets to work while casting longing glances out of the window at the shimmering turquoise jewel below. They'd love to go right now, but mission control insists on waiting until they can do a daylight descent with Jool on the horizon. Something about photo opportunities.

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(1.1.3) Didn't do that terrible much in KSP last night; went ahead and launched a Gurney 7 rescue rocket to retreive Tinia Kerman from orbit - another effin' pilot for the ferry routes, looks like, or maybe the future commander of Minmusport 7 when I finally get around to launching it. I'd say the mission was fairly routine but it wasn't; her debris was nearly overhead when I decided to launch and naturally I had to set up a resonance to come around for a rendezvous; Gurney 7 almost ran out of fuel this time around, and it was pretty short on battery power at the time as well. I really oughta redesign the thing with some solar panels or something...I mean, I didn't when I first built the design but I have them now...

The replacement contract? More tourists that want to go to Mün, naturally. Oh well - at least there's a vacancy for them at Kerbinport 7 at this point.

Finished out the night with an equatorial satellite contract. Redesigned the Beep-Beep 7 probe launcher again; at 5 tonnes paywad, 4-stage asparagus is really overkill (but fun to set up). Launched the Beep-Beep 7b to orbit and I've got its apoapsis and periapsis up to the target altitudes. I still need to adjust the plane of its orbit and it won't get to the descending node again until after Jabit III reaches Mün. Both missions are on my radar for this evening. Also got a contract for one of those funky K-orbits at Kerbin that I'm wanting to try to knock out as well, so probably another redesign of the Beep-Beep 7 (or maybe the Bleepity-Bleep 7) is in order.

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  On 9/30/2016 at 1:05 PM, capi3101 said:

(1.1.3) Didn't do that terrible much in KSP last night; went ahead and launched a Gurney 7 rescue rocket to retreive Tinia Kerman from orbit - another effin' pilot for the ferry routes, looks like, or maybe the future commander of Minmusport 7 when I finally get around to launching it...


Tbh, that's the point I start editing save files to turn rescuenauts into something I actually need. Would be nice if the game told you the traits of the kerbal in the contract details, but maybe it's wrong to be picky with SOS rescue missions :)  Is it just me that has a huge gender imbalance? About 80% of my rescues are female...

Also, how do you get tourism to be worthwhile? It's never even worth the fuel for me, let alone a non-SST-destination craft :( 

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Well...... I "landed" my probe on Minmus. And by that I mean I got it to the surface basically in one piece, but unfortunately I had a little bit too much sideways drift going so it tipped over. :( Luckily I was still able to get all my science & transmit it back. (Science Jr, Goo, Temp, Pressure.) After I did that I tried to hit the gas & flip it upright but I ended up just skimming the surface & running into it, which destroyed my solar panels & antenna. So the probe is still up there (I actually did manage to tip it upright) but now it has no antenna & no solar panels. So no control. :(

But hey, not too bad for my first Minmus landing. I actually did better landing my first probe on the Mun a couple nights ago. I was better able to arrest my sideways drift on that one. That probe is still sitting up there just fine, able to transmit back science anytime I get those "Get science from the surface of the Mun" missions. :D

Tonight I'm probably gonna do a few more tourist missions, & then maybe try to complete a couple satellite missions I have, or maybe a rescue mission. I really need to practice rendevouzing with the rescue missions some more. Also, putting a Kerbal on the Mun & planting a flag is a priority too. I actually started designing a lander to take 3 Kerbals to the Mun last night, but I gave up because I couldnt figure out a good design to bring something that big to the Mun & be able to take off again. I'll probably end up just doing the 1 person command pod with a probodobodyne attached & send a scientist. I need a lot more science right now. I'm at the point where all the unlocks are costing 160-300 science, so if I do send someone to the Mun it needs to be a scientist so I can reset the goo & Science Jr to max science. I might just do a couple Mun & Minmus manned science missions.

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  On 9/30/2016 at 2:09 PM, eddiew said:

Tbh, that's the point I start editing save files to turn rescuenauts into something I actually need. Would be nice if the game told you the traits of the kerbal in the contract details, but maybe it's wrong to be picky with SOS rescue missions :)  Is it just me that has a huge gender imbalance? About 80% of my rescues are female...

Also, how do you get tourism to be worthwhile? It's never even worth the fuel for me, let alone a non-SST-destination craft :( 


I agree that it would be nice to know what kind of Kerbal you're picking up before you go and do it. Could've sworn that you could check in the Tracking Station ahead of time, but maybe I'm wrong about that. Haven't really noticed a gender imbalance my own self.

As for the profitability of tourism missions, it helps to A) do them in bulk, B) use reusable craft in space and SSTO spaceplanes to ferry them to and from Kerbin's orbit, and C) mine the ever-living snot out of everywhere else. Folks that just want to go up to orbit can be put on a pretty cheap rocket and launched when (A) applies.

I still can't say if tourist missions are profitable or not, but that algorithm there does tend to increase the overall profit margin. And I find them fun to do, which is probably the best reason to do anything in KSP.

As a caveat, I've never taken a tourist to any SOI except Kerbin and Kerbol...

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Been fooling around with shuttle concepts lately. I got hit by the bug to get one to work since I have never made one work well before. Tried to do a STS/Buran hybrid and it failed. Just too unstable on ascent, and the kicker was it could not reenter safely. So I went full Buran. Turned out much more stable on ascent and even more powerful.


As a bonus I was even able to land back on the runway after its maiden voyage (after slightly overshooting).


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  On 9/30/2016 at 1:24 AM, Ultimate Steve said:


I have now successfully returned to Eve orbit from the surface of Eve!


@Ultimate Steve is ultimate! :)

I designed and added a new decal into KSP for the upcoming launch and made a kerbal specifically to go along with the main ship. I've planned for the kerbal the entire time but right after making her I decided... Nah, I don't need a newly spawned pseudo-badS. Valentina literally earned all the stripes already, flying everything and leaving Jeb hanging everytime. I also downloaded a stock truck from KerbalX to involve in a beauty shot with the proposed new kerbal, and switched out stock metal panels for actual glass parts, and gave the wheels room to breathe because (being made in 1.0.4) wheel-blocking was a non-issue.

I would've had screenshots to share but a blackout struck while I was still testing the truck. And good thing it happened. I've thought about replacing the pill lander with a Xenon Koaster...and the prepackaged probes are antiquated. They run on Monopropellant and have about 1000 dV. Not enough for this kind of mission.

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