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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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54 minutes ago, JoeNapalm said:


I don't say this lightly, but WHAT THE @#$% !?!?

That's awesome but what mods are those?!



Hooligan Labs, Kerbal Konstructs, Kerbinside, Buffalo, and Heisenberg. :)

Edited by Angel-125
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Tylo is my favorite destination. You need plenty of delta-v, a high-TWR lander, interplanetary transfers, some piloting skills, and so on. But in the end, Tylo is just like the Mun, but bigger. Unlike Eve, Tylo is a simple mission, where you don't have to refine your design with trial and error.

This week I recreated the ship from my 0.90 Tylo mission, with some changes. While the old mothership used a Skipper and relied on aerobraking, the new design was supposed to complete the entire mission with nuclear engines.




Symmetry is a funny thing. If you drop one booster above you and the other one below you, the forces acting on the booster are no longer symmetrical.




The transfer burn started with the ship pointing directly at the KSC.




The external fuel tanks lasted almost all the way to a low Tylo orbit.




The large cargo bay is just the right size for a two-kerbal Tylo lander.



The best time for staging is just before landing.



Went there, planted the flag, didn't do anything useful.




Tylo is no Kerbin. You only need vertical speed for avoiding the obstacles. It's perfectly fine to accelerate almost horizontally a few hundred metres above the surface.



On the way home. If you launch directly from a low Tylo orbit, the return to Kerbin only takes a bit over 1000 m/s.




Because I had plenty of delta-v left, I didn't wait for a launch window, but launched as soon as Tylo was properly positioned. A combined 1700 m/s plane change / retrograde burn / radial correction gave me an encounter with Kerbin one orbit later, and the insertion burn into LKO was no worse than when returning from Duna. In the end, the mothership had almost 2200 m/s left.

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@TriopImage Kraken speaking in Ricardo Montalbán's  (Khan) voice.  " I've done far worse than kill you, Admiral. I've hurt you. And I wish to go on hurting you. I shall leave you as you left me, as you left her: marooned for all eternity in the center of a dead planet, buried alive. Buried alive. "


I felt the Krakens flaming breath burn off my antenna's out of spite.

Leaving for mars (one of 4 identical missions on same timeline. This was legitimately my best burn planning ever. No KAC.









But where is now the massive relay antenna? And what of the deploy-able one on the transit stage/Radar mapper?


What it should have looked like. (Backup mission diverts to Deimos...)


Edited by Bornholio
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Started up my new 1.3 career, goal is to do a easter egg tour that I'm working on (kind of like a scavenger hunt) with a focus on reusability. Got some core mods installed, just waiting on scatterer, scansat and kerbal construction time to be updated before I go full force.

Implementing some interesting rules, aircraft will be designed for all possible missions, and instead of recovering the vessel, I park it outside the SPH, disembark, and recover the kerbal with the science. When a new contract is accepted, I refuel the craft, reset experiments, and drive a pilot from the Astronaut complex to his aircraft.


(fun fact: this is page 1371, 1371 is the best MOS in the Marine Corps)

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I spent most of the afternoon designing this thing and then putting it into orbit. 3.75m Gas core nuclear engine, 17km/s delta-V, 9km/s with 110 ton payload, fully automated, pretty much overkill. The solar panels are purely cosmetic, the engine actually powers the probe core. I named it Multnomah. Depending on how fast I unlock the rest of the tree this may either become the first of a series of modular craft or a one-off. Either way, I'm eager to see how it does.

The rest of the night will probably be space program maintenance, lots of comings and goings.




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1 hour ago, regex said:

I spent most of the afternoon designing this thing and then putting it into orbit. 3.75m Gas core nuclear engine...Either way, I'm eager to see how it does.

I await word of molten tungsten.  Are their any radiators? At least its not an emancipator, those things melt whole spacecraft.


I probed Phobos and the Martian atmosphere.

Arrival Phobos







Launching Missiles at Mars






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12 minutes ago, CatastrophicFailure said:

@Triop you had a quicksave, right? You paused periodically to quicksave, right? :o

Quicksave? What's that feature? Why should I use it? Never heard of it!


sarcasm is implied....


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1 hour ago, Bornholio said:

I await word of molten tungsten.  Are their any radiators? At least its not an emancipator, those things melt whole spacecraft.

Amazingly it needed no additional radiators during testing. I'm assuming the baseline heat is handled by the casing and the running heat by the engine exhaust. vOv

E: So I was going to do some more program maintenance and then I realized that the Jool window was hella close and I needed to finish up this payload and get it launched. Standard model lander, special Laythe lander, some life support, and extra fuel. Klamath can scavenge from Multnomah's tanks if need be but I doubt it'll come to that, they're both pretty efficient. This setup should allow me to land on three of Jool moons, and I might even give Vall a try with the standard lander if I'm feeling ambitious, it should have enough fuel for one biome.


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Whilst I wait for a few of the more key mods to update I've been paying about in sandbox. Capital ships are been assembled so the only thing I have is an adorable little lander. 


So of course I took it over to minmus. I'm playing in a normal scale at the moment. Without KJR I have the Space Noodle issue, so it's pointless trying to use bigger rockets!



An early prototype capital ship, CTx 001, It's got an okay dv (6,000m/s) and can cryogenically store kerbs. Quite manouverble!


I have a save somewhere with a lot of my mucking about things in. I can't remember what's in it to be honest. Gonna merge this into them and start a new 10k career when a few mods update. It's always fun having something to discover and I like the idea of early on in the career finding a powerful ship and having to decide whether to spend a lot of money re fuelling it or doing my own thing or both!

Wait until you guys see the CTx072 (Serial number is accurate, though some of them may have crashed into the sun/Jool)


More mucking about, this time with kraken science (I've never really tried it before, guess I will use it next time, but I will have to turn down science rewards a lot!! I feel like it adds an extra 2000science just to the space centre!)


Finally back in 1.2.2, 10k scale Sarnus drop approaches it's target. It's gonna enter the atmosphere soon

2johpoM.pngAnd I reckon the comnet is going to achieve sentience with the next batch of rangers



So summary:

Not a lot really done, 

lots of mucking about and organizing for other things!

Watch this space for torch drives!

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9 hours ago, CatastrophicFailure said:

@Triop you had a quicksave, right? You paused periodically to quicksave, right? :o

Nope, but I could reverse to spaceplane hangar, so no Kerbals were killed.


9 hours ago, qzgy said:

Quicksave? What's that feature? Why should I use it? Never heard of it!

I actaly never use f-5, no sarcasm. ^_^

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Separatists keep occupying the island near the KSC. ScanSat data reveiled a large ore concentration nearby, we suspect they want the ore to build up their army and invade us.

So we send in 2 Mirages to "clean" them out. :cool:



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