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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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So after a bit of a break I got to work and launched a test mission for a new craft, the Orion EX, and a new lifting unit. The Atlas S.


Because its an Atlas craft, those external engines fall away after a while.

I haven't done anything else, but its something at least. I might use the Atlas S to launch a new Voyager probe to take another look at Jool and Sarnus. Probably to plan for an orbiter for one of the two planets.

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Americanized the Energia rocket, its not that hard! I replaced the RD170 with an F1-B and the RD120 with an RS25/SSME. Also, i tried to launch a payload on the side and not on the top, and it works perfectly, despite its odd position. Its extremely stable and i actually got an almost perfect orbit with this rocket.





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In my never-ending quest to find a mod cocktail that is both fun to play and challenging enough to be rewarding, I tried Realistic Rescale, which ups all planets 3.2x and all distances 6.4 times, and slows rotations 4x, at least on Kerbin (Not sure of other planets or moons as I've barely gotten to space yet).

I also realized that contracts are now boring to me, so I'm doing an old fashioned Science Mode career.

I *just* got into LKO and it was fairly rewarding, though time consuming both up and down. I'll keep up with it though and hopefully continue to enjoy it.

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"The Mun Fly Goes To Duna"

The Mun Fly is an old craft of mine that I decided to take for a trip. While playing this new version 1.3.1 I noticed older version craft are doing well in the new one. Because this craft had so much attention on Kerbalx I decided to spend sometime with it and went to Duna. I landed with minor damages and zero fuel, I may tweak it and do another release of the craft at a later date.

If you try it you will find the staging is a little awkward but it's working well, this may be tweaked also.


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  On 11/17/2017 at 3:26 AM, KerBlammo said:

I spent some time tweaking my toy SSTO & getting back up to speed on flying in KSP after some time away.  I can get it into a ~125x125k orbit with ~730m/s dv available.

Here it is at about 90k on its way down after the de-orbit burn.



Very Skylon :)


My next WIP:

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I spent all of yesterday and maybe the day before, messing with planet packs and setting up a Homebrew Interstellar Adventure for sandbox only, or science mode with less gameplay things to be concerned with during progression.

Here I have GPP + OPM + @The White Guardian's mods: Planet Arkas (in low Grannus orbit), and Planet Cyran with its star mode force-activated. 3 stars, roughly 60 planets and moons. I might arrange for a fourth star and put Arkas and Dres (Cyran's revamp) around that... I previously tried Cerillion but its visuals, I think, are broken worse than Cyran's.

For gameplay I have nearly all of the Wild Blue mods installed, including Snacks! instead of USI LS. I also nearly finished the ARP icon pack for Wild Blue. Just gotta polish off/or do a solid concept for one last icon.


Featured screenshots here are where I put Cyran (5~6x the SMA of Grannus, and different values for its other orbital parameters), and it's Laythe-like moon Iltan. (Ignore the USI LS icon. This is a test install with nearly no other mods in.) I haven't been to any of Guardian's planets/moons up-close so I don't know yet what to expect when their PQS actually load up.



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  On 11/16/2017 at 11:05 PM, carmenara said:

I had a blonde moment and launched the S.S. Oscar Mayer to the north pole without a proper preflight inspection, only discovering there was no chute after fairing separation.

There was no heatshield either and parts were nearly cooking off and I decided to use the landing rockets to slow the vehicle down. Lithobraking went "as planned"; I decided not to bother adding the chute after seeing how perfect the stayputnik worked as a crumple zone...


Hey, any landing you can collect Science from is a success in my book. :D

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Launched my new mothership Prometheus - First ship in the Jool fleet


Dry mass: 87,670kg

Fueled mass: 226,250kg

Liquid Fuel : 27840

Electric Charge : 16201

12x LV-N Nerva

Crew Capacity: 20 Kerbals + 4 seats in labs

2x Clamp-O-Tron Standard

1x Clamp-O-Tron DualPort (Regular port sunk into a Sr one)





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I got a crash at a fairly inconvenient moment. At least I'd quicksaved just before, and I think it was just a memory crash because I know the mods I have are working mostly fine.

Good news is I got several flights done so I'll have an update ready tomorrow (after I finish the flight I got the crash in the middle of).

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  On 11/17/2017 at 10:37 PM, OrbitalBuzzsaw said:

Dang that's pretty


Yep. But its scatterer atmosphere isn't working. How much prettier then, if I manage to fix/replace it? :) 

I'd like to fix Arkas too. Scatterer effects loaded for it but it's in a very terrible state. (And I'm no visual modder)

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Hi @GarrisonChisholm long time no see :)

The Kerbin Cruiser is ready for flight.

It has the wings of a 787, engines from an Ilyushin 62, canards off a Devastator mated to the nose of a steam locomotive. 

What could possibly go wrong?

Craft thread: 

Inspired by the Boeing Sonic Cruiser with a generous dose of "how hard can it be?"


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  On 11/18/2017 at 12:06 AM, carmenara said:

Inspired by the Boeing Sonic Cruiser with a generous dose of "how hard can it be?"



That “exposed” cockpit above and behind the tiny passenger cabin has such a nice 1920’s vibe-contrast to it. :D


  On 11/18/2017 at 2:00 AM, L0ck0n said:


Tu-95 over mountains




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  On 11/18/2017 at 2:00 AM, L0ck0n said:

Tu-95 over mountains



The chin radome reminds me more of the Tu-142



Here's a simple cruise missile / drone. Stick it on a truck or make a modern containerized antiship missile out of it.


Download : https://kerbalx.com/pandoraskitten/D-10C-RPV


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  On 11/18/2017 at 4:17 PM, Julien Kerman said:

Saturn Explorer 01 and 02 arrived!! They will perform several fly-bys of Saturns moons.

Capture burn: (1100m/s deltaV)


This is so awesome:


Enceladus was the first moon I visited:


Can you see it already?


Still tiny:


Here we go!



PE: 75km

max. Velocity: 13,900 m/s



Well dang! I guess it has a really small SOI. and I mean, that looks freaking tiny.

Edit: Also please give us more later! that looks awesome! :D

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  On 11/18/2017 at 5:04 PM, X Sonic Pro X said:

Well dang! I guess it has a really small SOI. and I mean, that looks freaking tiny.

Edit: Also please give us more later! that looks awesome! :D


Indeed, the SOI is tiny. The second last picture was taken before SOI switch.

I am glad you like it :) , and of course I will document the mission progress.

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