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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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I've decided I have to launch an investigation into how these subcontractors keep losing kerbals around planets I've just barely sent my first kerbals too.  I'll put Jeb & company on it once they get back from Duna.  In the meantime, I successfully rendezvoused with Mitmung's debris in retrograde orbit of Moho - and thank goodness I noticed that retrograde tidbit before I got into orbit or I'd probably have 2 ships stuck. 

Successful docking:


Re-circularizing after dropping the debris onto Moho:


Now Mitmung gets to sit in the lander can for the next few months considering the trouble he put me through before he gets to come home.   By pure dumb luck, I also just so happened to have an exploration contract to transfer crew between vessels in orbit of Moho so I guess it did work out in the end.

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4 hours ago, Thrawn889 said:

you can kinda see what went wrong.

I find that with stations, it's best to turn all SAS off. Try it.


In my world:
I still have crew waiting for pickup at Eeloo. Soon.
I still have manned missions en-route to Dres. It's all mapped (SCANsat), just waiting on the landers.

My assault on Duna continues. I have two crew waiting on return-ride-home arrangements. I've other crewed landers waiting on a place to set down. I've two rovers (rev.2) ready to set down. I've another rover (rev.3) in the works as well. There's also a SCI pod and a HAB pod ready to put down. Just looking for some nice real estate at this point. It's about to get interesting.

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Landed a plane on Duna. 

It was haaard. Thing goes really fast, keeps going for ever, and does not want to turn. Or climb. Or do anything much other than keep going in a straight line. Eventually managed it, after copious quickloading, and got back into orbit too. 


(Yes that's intentional. No ladder, so I raise the landing gear after landing to get it on the ground so Jeb can climb back in. Then lower it again before I want to take off. It's just like a camel!)

I have now designed a better Duna plane. It's the same as the old one except with maybe three times as much control surface; the amount of wing feels about right. I tried the new one on Kerbin at 10-15k altitude and it's a lot more nimble. Will send it up in the next launch window for another try and report back here. Jeb will have to fly that one back to Kerbin. 

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I moved my entire station from orbit of Kerbin, to orbit of Mun so I could get close to the engineer I had over the surface with a low deltaV ship, but it was enough to give my kerbal a push, and then I propelled with my spacesuit into orbit! then reached my station with the little monopropellant I had left and voilá! I had the productivity needed to build, Then with my first constructed mini vessel I went to Duna and landed another stupid unwanted conterproductive Kerbal. I needed him very far away from my station.... 

Edited by Agustin
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Got impatient landing on the Mun, warped far to close to the ground and couldn't slow down in time. Rather than land my ship on its side and send it skidding into the rim of a crater I made a last ditch effort to save the mission by pointing the engines directly at the ground. Saved the ship but my sideways velocity carried me quite a way from my intended landing spot before I got it all under control. Still had plenty of fuel to get back home because I plan for my own screw-ups.

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Speaking of screw-ups, or, er, why you shouldn't operate spacecraft after drinking a glass or two of wine. 

Visiting Ike. I forgot that my space station was on a retrograde orbit and after landing, took off at 90° as usual. 


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Whelp. Due to a steam glitch meaning it needed reinstall, and not being able to find the hard drive with all my craft files on, I've had to start rebuilding my entire craft collection.


Ah well some of those rockets I've been using for years. A rebuild is needed!

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I made this! Have I made a mistake? Absolutely!




Note: I had to empty the main two tanks, as with all the tanks full, the thing is over 20k tons.


EDIT: I'm at school right now please help me

Have some more pictures!

This one I lost, but I'm assuming it might have worked, had the plane been traveling under the fighter's max speeds.


Image result for lazerhax plane

^ This thing can actually lift an entire rocket, it probably has so much lift. ^

Image result for lazerhax plane

^ This is an earlier version of the first one. ^


Kinda surprised nobody has replied to this or given me a challenge to make an even larger plane yet.

Because I already am. It's too late to stop the apocalypse of flying Titanics.


Hey, thats a good idea!

Edited by Kebab Kerman
Look at the dimensions of the Mistake Plane, the first one.
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Preparing for the next Duna launch window. I'm sending up Valentina in a better Duna plane: more control surfaces and other refinements; this ought to be much more controllable on Duna than my first version which mostly just wanted to go straight. I'm also sending up a space station module (MPL which I won't use for science, but will use to level up my kerbals and quickly reset science experiments) with more fuel, a conventional Duna lander, and an engineer to reset parachutes. 

On the other side, Jeb is coming back in Dunaplane 1 which is carrying several thousand Sci.

To get this done, I further refined my lifter planes, the Osprey and the Firewing. They are now in what I believe is their final rocket-powered iteration; after Jeb's return I will have RAPIERs and will switch to jet power and redesign them from scratch.

The final rocket-powered Firewing after lofting the resupply load (payload mass was 48,310 kg):


And the final Osprey, after lofting Valentina in Dunaplane 2. The Osprey is really pleasant to fly.


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Nothing fancy, nothing spectacular:

... 2 days ago, suddenly, without warning, my 1.2.2 Ksp copy (ultra-modded as usual) has stopped to work.

I took it as an "Higher Power" in action, to remaind me that it was time to move myself.

To 1.3.1.




... it took a day to download, update, sort and add to KSP all the mod that I'm generally using.
Ready to the miniavc deletion and the first start!

Wish me luck :D

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2 hours ago, astrobond said:

Hi All :)

Today i made a video of a Kerbal version of SpaceX Falcon Heavy with 3 KOS scripts to recover the 3 Falcon 9 :D

A lot of fun and several hours of testing, coding, crashing... :wink:

Happy New Year to all of you !

Wow. That's some serious kOSing there. Excellent job.

I came back after a few months of hardcore Elite: Dangerous, and having completely forgotten what I was doing in KSP, restarted. Again. Sigh.


A little Sputnik probe:


I have discovered the joy of strap-on liquid (as opposed to solid) boosters:


Somehow, most of this GEO commsat survived:


By now, I've gotten one crew back from Iota and Ceti, put a probe in eccentric orbit around Tellumo, and am working on a backlog of lunar tourism missions, plus preparing a probe for Niven and a set of commsats for Tellumo.

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After more than a month without playing, it was time to do at least a little something of the evening.


Since I sent my first probe to Jool some months ago it became my favorite destination, and now it is mandatory to start to explore its satellites, starting by Laythe for the atmospheric helps.



The launcher is some kind of an hideous Titan IV-wannabe...



But enjoying a good TWR with its six Kickbacks and dual Vectors.




Appreciating the beauty of the rising starting while climbing.




After approx 01 minutes and 20 seconds it was time to get rid of the S.R.B.



Fairing separation.




And a succeeded orbit insertion. With a bit more than 2 km/s of impulsion available, the second stage should be able to kick the whole craft to Jool, and maybe to help a bit to align with Laythe. Anyway, the lander benefit of nearly the same amount, while the probe enjoy 6 km/s. It should be enough to complete the mission.

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On 1/7/2018 at 9:47 PM, Geonovast said:

I'm in a bad mood, so I sent Dadon Kerman to Eve to die.

What did she ever do to you? Did it help though? If so, carry on...


16 hours ago, Brikoleur said:

Landed a plane on Duna. It was haaard.

Duna+planes don't mix all that great. Duna has a very high stall speed compared to kerbin. I would recommend maybe putting an excessive amount of SAS wheels to help with the control authority. But yeah, more control surfaces should also help.

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Here I launched my "Atmo drop", which includes a relay dish and rover. For the first time I used the Mun for a gravity assist to help save fuel for the long journey to Laythe. In the picture is the start of the Jool burn.


After putting myself in a horrible near polar Jool orbit I managed to get a Laythe encounter. Once inside its SOI I was rocketing at 5500 M/s at Laythe. I got it down to around 3750 M/s and found a path to land. Turns out Laythe atmosphere is super thick and really slows you down. In the picture is the re-entry with the transfer stage burning up.


Here it is landed, I plan to drive the rover to coast. I have to drive around a mountain and drop around 2000Ms.


Edited by Dfthu
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1 hour ago, qzgy said:

Duna+planes don't mix all that great. Duna has a very high stall speed compared to kerbin. I would recommend maybe putting an excessive amount of SAS wheels to help with the control authority. But yeah, more control surfaces should also help.

Stall speed was not the problem, it was around 45 m/s, and it's going to be less on the new version as the control surfaces also provide lift. I put a lot of wing on Dunaplane!

I consider brute-forcing stability with reaction wheels to be a bit cheaty so I try not to do that. We'll see if Dunaplane 2 has enough control surfaces to fly. I was pulling gees on it at 20k+ altitude on Kerbin so I certainly hope so!

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