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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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I finished my flying saucer's crew cabin IVA:






I also began building the Duna One expedition. The main ship is fully assembled and is currently being fueled:


Once the tanker delivers its load of propellant, it heads over to Skybase to dock and serve as storage for future construction. The Mk1 Munbus finally made it to the station, where Loner, Dorod, and Wenbles had been waiting. After refueling the Munbus, Team Loner departed the station, leaving it unoccupied. They're currently on course for the Mun.



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On 5/21/2018 at 8:39 PM, nagami said:

I went to school, did.. things. And came back home

Welcome to the forum !



Anyways, I've wanted to design a MiG-21 with the parts I've unlocked so far, I still need to unlock the Shock Cone Intake but for now I think it looks pretty good.



Testflying this baby went surprisingly smooth, a bit heavy with 1600 LF, but it get's me places. ^_^









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4 hours ago, SpannerMonkey(smce) said:

Today, i mostly frittered hours away racing Kerbals around in very large circles,  whilst recognizing that @Azimech builds an amazing stock car .  Lowell Blackout modified  , and CanAm racer on the wall ( 2.2 km across, 6.9km track surface loop)

Running hands free at over 100m/s

  Hide contents




It needs two things: Rover Wheels Sounds with a good sample ... and doppler effect.

From 1.0.5:


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Today, I saw Squiddy's and Rade's recent Duna prop aircrafts. And well, I of course decided to take the concept to its logical conclusion.



I don't have hyper-edit or vessel mover, so I'm not sure how I'm gonna do test flights.

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Today, I landed the biome hopper Umi-02 [FLOATING MATERIAL] on minmus



Reorientate into horizontal trajectory...




Land it gently...


And touchdown! Let's do some science!


But then...  The science it gets still isn't enough to complete the tech tree, I got 88 science point left, and this is the nodes that I haven't researched yet. Minmus science operation won't be enough to get all of them, even after I'm hopping around Minmus biomes using RCS thusters and doing science


With that in mind, I launched another mission by building another craft, an orbital exploration probe, named Tsuki-04 [CELESTIAL BEING] (Codenamed Tsuki (Moon) because the intended primary destination is only Mun and Minmus, Kerbin's moon), The probe weighs exactly 1 ton. At first, this mission is only intended to get high and low orbit data, but to my surprise, it goes far beyond even that. This is possibly my most successful science mission. Watch this:


Tsuki-04 [CELESTIAL BEING] Launched


Reaching low Kerbin orbit, jettisoning fairing and get low orbit data


While transmitting, the probe reached high Kerbin orbit, so I gathered the high orbit data too


How lucky! The next orbit automatically brings the probe into Mun capture


Gathering high Mun orbit data, while the craft is close enough, I also collect the low Mun orbit data


Preparing for Minmus transfer burn


Getting high Minmus orbit data before lowering Minmus orbit


Gathering low Minmus orbit data


Now, all mission objectives has been completed. I got enough science to finish the tech tree. Then I'm wondering... How far can I go? I still has some fuel left, how about interplanetary transfer? Unfortunately, the stock antenna isn't going to get my probe usable if it goes too far, so I'm making a large communication relay satellite, named Kounotori-05 [DISTANT STAR] (Codenamed Kounotori (White stork) because it's said that white stork brings good news, in this case, it brings science transmission :))

Kounotori-05 [DISTANT STAR] Launched


Stable orbit reached, deploying the antenna array


Tsuki-04 [CELESTIAL BEING] goes to Eve


On the way, let's get some Kerbol orbit data


Captured in Eve's SOI, getting high Eve orbit data


Lowering the orbit, and getting low Eve orbit data


Preparing Gilly transfer


After getting into Gilly's SOI, gathering the high Gilly orbit data


The mission almost end in catastrophe when I'm too busy to look at the map view and not paying attention to "actual" view, the probe almost crashed into Gilly. Fortunately, I'm setting the thrust to full throttle just in time to save it (and getting low Gilly orbit data)


Leaving Eve orbit, the probe now prepares for Moho transfer


Getting high Moho orbit data


The probe's fuel reserve is running very low. It won't be enough to make stable Moho orbit, so it drifts into Moho escape and now orbiting Kerbol between Eve and Moho. In honor of the outstanding achievement, I won't decommission this probe, for the massive contribution it gives


Thank you so much, Tsuki-04 [CELESTIAL BEING], from having only 88 science, the R&D department now has obtained a whooping 44,304 science! Possibly the highest amount science that I ever get in a single mission, and one of the most successful, if not the best mission I ever done!


What a beautiful day! :D


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59 minutes ago, CatastrophicFailure said:

Use the cheat menu...:sticktongue:

Welcome, would you like to order What is your pleasure ?


* Hotdog                     -2 funds

* Unlimited fuel         -1000 funds  - soul

* A date with Val       -5000 funds + 50 reputation

"We have such sights to show you"


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Did some driving around on the Mun:


Discovered that there's a third camera angle in the Mk1 Crew Cabin by accident.  Kind of a cool find, but I'm sure everyone else has seen this before:


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What A BRILLIANT couple of hours Ive just had on KSP!! Such a simple mission but its rejuvinated my love for this game no end!

I posted the start of my idea here 

and have just finished part 1 of it......now for the rove and rescue to think of.....

What really made me feel great was how scared, nervous, excited, concentrating etc. on the descent to EVE through the atmosphere.....sheer enjoyment!!

Well, the boys are down and about to do some roving before a rescue mission is sent......until then please check out s few more piccys from Bill and Jebs Excellent Adventure :)








A simple entry to EVEs surface I know however its got me excited about KSP again so however its done, its a wonderful feeling :)



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It's been a major version or two since I messed around with SSTOs, and I had about 60 days until my fleet of probes arrives at Eve, so last night I decided to take a crack at making a Minmus-capable flyer with a crew capacity of 6 and a docking port. (A standardized craft like this has a lot of uses, obviously: Space station crew shuttle, orbital rescue craft, tour bus, training flyer for new crew members, and Kerbin system space station contracts.) After a few failed or overly anemic designs, I arrived at this craft, the Skybax Ultra:


It's pretty standard as SSTO shuttles go, but it's mine, and it is capable of getting to LKO with ~1650 m/s of delta-V, plus a small reserve of LFO for using the maneuvering thrusters. I can probably do better; I'm still tweaking the ascent profile and fuel mix, but it's theoretically there, (albeit with a tight budget.)

So, throwing caution to the wind, (as is the Kerbal way,) I picked up a Mun orbital base mission, a Minmus surface base mission, three tourists, and a trainee crew, and set out into the void.


I knew that circularizing my orbit around the Mun would burn too much fuel to complete the mission, but I had left a refueling tank in low Mun orbit, and I was able to dock with that and pick up enough fuel to journey onward...although apparently I should have taken more. I botched the transfer from the Mun to Minmus and came in about 200 m/s too hot, killing my budget again. I successfully landed on Minmus' Lesser Flats, with 163 m/s of dV left, meaning I'd need to send a rescue tanker. 

After confirming that KAS was still up to the task, I set about designing the refueling lander, and quickly came to the realization that I could send a small refueling craft...or, I could send a massively oversized refinery to Minmus so that nobody needs to run out of fuel there again. One half-million funds launch and eight days later...


If I can get the tourists back in one piece, this trip will pay for almost the whole refinery. We'll see how it goes tonight.


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I thought I was very clever attaching a tourist pod to the bottom of my radial engine craft.  Turns out it got stuck to the engines.  

On Kerbin return, the parachutes weren't slowing the ship quite enough to save the bottom habitation module, and I thought I was very clever realizing that the chutes would be able to tug it free a few hundred feet above the surface.  I forgot that unattended vehicles counted as debris and KSP murdered the tourists.  I felt no shame at reloading.  

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I attempted to land the Mk1 Munbus on the Mun:


It turns out that the craft is pretty uncontrollable during descent and it suffered a catastrophic crash. This is all that's left:


Luckily, the crew survived the crash. A rescue mission isn't needed as they landed with half a kilometer of Munbase Enterprise. But they'll definitely need a change of flight suit, and for an improved Munbus...

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15 minutes ago, TeslaPenguin1 said:

You, sir, are a true kerbal master.

That is the most Kerbal thing I have ever seen :)

Lol, I just give you like # 100 :lol:

Nah, not a master, more a minimalist.:cool:

On my way to the other side of Kerbin for a surface contract (Mount Hopeless)



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