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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Scratch-built another F/A-18. Only thing left is to do the cockpit.


Something about the way the fuselage is shaped just doesn't sit right with me. I might just wind up redoing the entire thing since I'm not completely happy with it.


I think I've narrowed the problem down to the fact that the body isn't quite rectangular enough / curves to quickly at the top. Replacing just the upper part might do it, though.


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Just got procedural fairings.


Well... I decided to send up a huge (seriously, ginormous) solar array to Fuffle Station. None of the stock fairings would fit.

*exit VAB* *Quit to main menu* *quit game* *really quit: yes* *google: Procedural Fairings* *Download* *restart KSP* *bask in the glory of my rocket*

Yeah. The payload was 2 times taller than the rocket, but I still got a TWR of 2.

(Sorry, I forgot to take screenshots)

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Remember my seaplane?

Well… I made it! :) 

She splashes down:


And she takes off again:

Well… Mission accomplished.

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I haven't been in space for months.  Waiting for the Jool window...

On an urge, I decided to put a Crux Fuel Dump into orbit around Minmus and use it to send my Jool fleet into transit...

...it's the biggest load I ever send up and always a nail-biter.  This time, I'm using my Minotaur fuel tanker to send it aloft.


So far, so good.

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13 hours ago, eddiew said:

But really, both KSP and Minecraft are fun and appeal to similar mindsets. It's ok to enjoy them equally :)  (Especially if you get into the tech mod packs and run pipes for a quarter mile from the local volcano to your base. One block at a time.)


I either build calculators out of redstone or enjoy a strangely appealing overflow in versions older than beta 1.8...

Haven't touched the game in a long time though, neither do I plan to start it anytime soon.

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Brought down the Eve escape vehicle to receive the 3 pioneers from the realm of pink desolation. It touched down some 30km off the outpost, but that's what the ATV is there for and the surface miner is on wheels anyway. So I took it.





Yeah, I could've made it prettier in 1.4.x, but with the current state of the suspensions in the latest version, I don't see myself doing anything serious there, anytime soon.

Anyway, once it got fueled up and the crew of 3 were safely onboard, it took off.






Minutes later, the upper stage was safely in orbit.


All that remains is for the transfer drone to come down to low orbit, grab it and when the transfer window arrives, bring it back to Kerbin.


For now however, there's a Minmus rescue I need to attend to, science returns from my labs and correction burns for the members of my Bop/Pol expedition. Always something to do in this space program :p

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I fixed an issue in WildBlueTools, created an update for Kerbal Flying Saucers, and launched another hub to Skybase:


Once I launch its Mk1 Drydock into orbit, it'll be ready to begin salvaging all the spent stages, obsolete communications satellites, and wayward kerbal capsules left over from various rescue missions. :)

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2 hours ago, ARS said:

Blackshark reporting...


That is the coolest thing I've seen all day! What mods did you use?

Today, my space shuttle failed to reach orbit due to a Thermal Curtain Failure mod issue. It appears something in 1.4.4 made the Cormorant Aeronology space shuttle incredibly sluggish (it was at less than Mach 1 at 10km altitude). It passed its apoapsis at 30km under full throttle. Wat. It worked in 1.4.3. Who knows? Time to scour the 1.4.4 changelog. 
First though, some screenshots:

Launch. For some reason, only 188 m/s at 3km.


At 10km and still not at the speed of sound! As I started my pitch to the horizon, I passed apoapsis as I said earlier. So I decided to....


Abort! We will not go to space today folks. Luckily I managed to make a safe water ditch, with no important parts lost.

Space station build is currently on hold until I can figure out what's happening here.

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26 minutes ago, RealKerbal3x said:

Today, my space shuttle failed to reach orbit due to a Thermal Curtain Failure mod issue.

Where is Max Kerman? <_<


Check the drag on that stack (F12), you’ve got a 2+ TWR but are barely accelerating beyond 1g. Not sure if KSP models the transonic drag increase. 

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1 minute ago, CatastrophicFailure said:

Where is Max Kerman? <_<


Check the drag on that stack (F12), you’ve got a 2+ TWR but are barely accelerating beyond 1g. Not sure if KSP models the transonic drag increase. 

I'll have to try that :)

And well done! You got the reference! 100 internet points!

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Continued the exploration of the spicy Gratianian (Gratianic?) spiceplains.



After several radio exchanges with mission control, some mild concern begins to arise that the Gratianian spice might have a mood altering effect... but since the mood seems to be buoyant, nobody really worries about it and the second phase of the expedition begins.


The Sarawak White, it turns out, is more a kind of dull grey. Scientists Fern and Yuki theorise that maybe there are some carbon deposits contaminating it. Or maybe it's reflecting the dark grey Geminus as it hovers just above the horizon.


No sooner had the crew returned to equatorial latitudes than mission control makes an uncomfortable discovery - the coffee stain on the biome printout is actually another biome. Getting out the magnifier, it's two biomes, even! We can't pass that up, so the radio message goes out to divert the return flight and take Spicehunter all the way up north to the other pole. 

(Note to self; check the key on ScanSat's biome map. Sometimes there are teeny tiny biomes that will be listed there which aren't obvious on the planetary overlay.)

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18 hours ago, Kronus_Aerospace said:

Okay as much as I love this I have to ask,


How on Kerbin did that happen?

No idea, had a simular experience once :


It looks a bit like a pierced p**** . . . :lol:

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Today I finished texturing these fusion drives for Kerbal Star Systems, and resolved a modelling problem that I had to compensate for in their part configs. The final paint job and the normals/bumps have been applied. :) 



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(footnote: it was an eventful day with lots of Pictures so they are in spoilers to not clutter up everything.)

Today was one of those days where you want to do something simple but then something goes wrong and then you need to send like 3 other missions to fix it and so on...

The first mission was the usual "go and orbit around Nightmare and then come home again" contract. Since i already had a sattelite there i decided to send a lander there.

The lander had a science container that would detach and fly home and dock with the space station and get me alot of science.

I forgot to fix the inclination before i arrived but luckely the n-body physics helped me get a close periapsis for free.



Then i got the valuable science.



Then i realized that the contract wanted me to land it on kerbin again, and i didnt have a parachute…:blush:

And the station also didnt have a docking port of the right size.



I managed to solve both problems at once by sending a module to the space station that had a docking adapter with some small ports aswell. It also carried a parachute with a docking port on it.

The problem was that the parachute occupied the port that was supposed to connect to the station. So i had to do a whole bunch of docking and undocking and weirdness to get it all to work but it was a happy ending at least.:confused:



(and yes, the gray blob to the right is the parachute :P)


I also sent a rover to vall.

It was low on fuel so i had to bleed of the last 50 m/s using the wheels. Many quickloads for that one, hehe.



I am proud of the look of that rover. :cool:

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We did ask the boffins, but nobody seems to know why the Banshee has 50% more thrust at the poles. It's certainly not a problem, just... unexpected.

Passing over the northern spicecaps reveals brutally ridged terrain that everyone is glad they did not attempt a landing on. Even with the Spicehunter's VTOL capability, that looks like it would have been rough.


(Also I learned to aim the camera at another vessel for cinematic shots.)


Perhaps it was the spice - or perhaps Jinx didn't want to be assigned the job of scouting Geminus - but the idea turns out to be quite a good one.

(Ok, I don't want to be assigned the job of scouting Geminus :P  It's grey and moon-ey. I mean, it's a pretty good looking grey moon as grey moons go, but... I can't set that as my target after doing the spiceworld now can I! That would be like liking Ike.)


Spiceroquette not only has delta-v to spare, but when transferred to the Spicelab, it becomes plentiful delta-v to spare, and it would have been a wasted opportunity not to be the first kerbals to set foot on Geminus while nokerbal was looking and the radio lag prevented anyone from interfering.


(At this point it occurred to me that Spicelab has not a single instrument on board, so all I can do is reports and surface samples. Which were far less tasty than those from Gratian. I also notice now that my kerbals jetpacks are back. I don't know why they lose them on atmospheric planets... or why they packed parachutes on a vacuum moon but not for Gratian.)


Arriving in LGO with some 1400m/s to spare in the Spicelab's tanks, a new cost-saving plan is quickly put into effect and rather than sending up a recovery vessel, the Spicelab simply deorbits itself. The remaining fuel is quite enough to shed the dangerous orbital velocity, and although the final approach results in a tumble, nothing gets dangerously hot, and the touchdown occurs within a few km of KSC.

Yay for cost savings. We got credit for returning from Gratian and Geminus and didn't even have to fork out for a minibus to fetch them!

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14 minutes ago, Eriksonn said:

(footnote: it was an eventful day with lots of Pictures so they are in spoilers to not clutter up everything.)

I really need to try this pack in my next run... 

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