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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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21 minutes ago, Red Stapler said:

Wow, is that in vanilla (the water plume)?  I've never seen that...then again I rarely look behind me while flying that low....usually instant death, haha. 

Yes, it's in vanilla (I didn't used any graphic mod). If you fly extremely low enough over the ocean at high speed, a water plume effect may occur, trailing behind your craft (I'm flying around 15-17m in that image) and it'll keep going as long as you're in level flight. The plume might look very far from my craft, but that's because I'm flying at mach 1.5. Not many has seen the water plume since in very low level flight, the one being noticed is usually the distance of your craft and the shadow below :)

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24 minutes ago, ARS said:

Yes, it's in vanilla (I didn't used any graphic mod). If you fly extremely low enough over the ocean at high speed, a water plume effect may occur, trailing behind your craft (I'm flying around 15-17m in that image) and it'll keep going as long as you're in level flight. The plume might look very far from my craft, but that's because I'm flying at mach 1.5. Not many has seen the water plume since in very low level flight, the one being noticed is usually the distance of your craft and the shadow below :)

Wow that's so cool! Thank you for the info, I love learning about 'new' things in KSP after playing so many hours. I have something to try tonight, yay! :)


I also added 2 layers of altostratus clouds to Duna travelling at differing high speeds.

It's so cool when I speed up time...the clouds fade in and out and seem to follow viable 'jet streams' in the upper atmosphere.  


Edited by Red Stapler
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2 hours ago, ARS said:

Just updated my KSP to v1.7, and I'm testing a new aircraft


That is some mighty Electrosphere-looking aircraft you have there.  Where did many of those parts come from?  They don't look like stock (though they should be.)

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2 hours ago, Red Stapler said:

I also added 2 layers of altostratus clouds to Duna travelling at differing high speeds.

It's so cool when I speed up time...the clouds fade in and out and seem to follow viable 'jet streams' in the upper atmosphere.  

That's absolutely beautiful

56 minutes ago, Fearless Son said:

That is some mighty Electrosphere-looking aircraft you have there.  Where did many of those parts come from?  They don't look like stock (though they should be.)

Engines and structural parts are from mk2 expansion and B9 aerospace:


https://spacedock.info/mod/473/Mk2 Stockalike Expansion

Wings are from OPT spaceplanes:

https://spacedock.info/mod/1028/OPT Space Plane

Cockpit are from AoA Technologies (A REALLY old mod)

https://spacedock.info/mod/1116/AoA Technologies

Tweakscaled to fit together

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Just did a VEEGA mission to Jupiter with principia!


(green line is spacecraft history)

predicted orbits after injection. pretty polar, the overhaul mission was enough accurate, except the planning of my relative inclination to Jupiter while planning the 2 earth flybys, which resulted in a ~400m/s DSM on the way to Jup. as this high inclination



here in mid mission, in earth-sun reference frame, where you can see the 2 earth flybys.


detail of the 2 predicted flybys:




the plane error is obvious here, correcting it at AN on the way to Jup.


After insertion, trying to get some moon flyby in the middle of those confusing squizzles:sticktongue:


Manage to get a Ganymede one! :



Bonus, (not this mission) Heart-gravity-assist :)


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Today I got several probes headed out for Duna in my new 1.7 career.  Then I finally decided to address a pair of rescue missions I've been ignoring for a while in order to get all the Duna probes launched for the first transfer window.  One contract was for a Mun rescue, the second for LKO.  For something different, I decided to take care of both in a single launch & use KAS parts to clean up the debris instead of the (somewhat cheaty) self-destruct charges I usually use before the claw is unlocked.  I loaded my Kelrik, my senior engineer at KSC, along with his trusty wrench and some KAS parts into a Girroc 2 MPV-1-ER (Multi-Purpose Vehicle Mk 1, Extended Range) and launched him to Mun orbit.  On the way, he attached a cable winch near the bottom of the MPV and grabbed the two cable hooks out of the storage pod

Kelrik on EVA after attaching the cable winch:


First rescue complete, preparing for a small burn to put the debris on a suborbital trajectory:


After that, the debris was unhooked & another burn completed to raise the Pe back above the Mun surface.  After returning to Kerbin, they set up another intercept for the second rescue.  This ended up a little more difficult as the debris piece was a full Mk 1-3 pod, so when I performed the deorbit burn, it was pulling the MPV all over the place.  At least afterwards, I could just stage the entire contraption rather than needing Kelrik to unhook the cable


On a side note, this was my first experiment with using the Universal Storage II fuel cells in place of solar panels and it did a fine job keeping the pod & life support running.  Still had mostly full hydrogen & oxygen tanks at the end of the mission.

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In the Kerbin Sorta-Circumnavigation the crew reached the Eastern end of the Antarctic.


Then headed on North so Bill and Bob could climb this mountain.



Then headed North again. On the way Jeb got distracted by a seagull.


Further up the coast they encountered a river and headed upstream, so that Bill and Bob could once again assail a mountain.


This one.




Not the highest peak of the trip at 5947m, but second only to that.

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First stage was 2 full sized 2.5m tanks with a Vector. Second stage was the shortest 2.5m tank with a poodle. Each had a torque wheel. Shuttle was placed on top as originally planned for the Dream Chaser. Ws21Kww.png

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(1.6.1) Yesterday was almost entirely focused on the Echo 2 rover on Eve. After having effectively driven 132 kilometers from its landing site the day before, the rover finally made it to its original intended landing zone.

And it's about damn time it did, too...

The target zone turned out to be flat enough, but there were two strikes against it - it was in the Highlands (which I already knew were unsuitable for a TBD base from surface scans), and it was 1.5 degrees south of the equator. Drive not quite done yet, the rover set off to the northeast, turning east when it reached the equator until finally a flat equatorial spot in Eve's Midlands was located.

X marks the spot. The lack of Metallic Ore may or may not spell trouble if I want to make Rocket Parts here (those need Metal Ore, not Metallic Ore), but everything else checks out.

As I'm a glutton for punishment, I marked the spot, quicksaved and then had the rover continue another twenty klicks east to the Lowlands, just to check that biome's suitability.

Could've stood to do a slightly better job with those narrow-band passes, as it turned out...

I'm glad for having roved the extra distance - the lack of Exotic Minerals is what made me have to cheat to get the Piper Alpha outpost on Mun up and running. Lowlands were unsuitable, so a quick revert put the rover back at my final target spot. Overall, the Echo 2 did over 200 klicks on Eve, and finally fulfilled the initial pathfinding mission for the establishment of the upcoming TBD outpost on the surface.

Now I just have to get the damn thing down there intact...LSV House Atreides is continuing to work on a new landing stage for it at the moment. That's got the bulk of my attention for now, seeing as how much of what I've got going on contract-wise now depends on having an outpost down on Eve...

With some time to kill and a seismic survey contract to do on Duna, I decided to go ahead and try out my new Echo Flyer 7 quadcopter. The craft was fitted with scientific instruments and a double-check was made to ensure the craft could be used on the red planet (it could; flight ceiling was a little under 9000 m), and then one was ordered up at the Enchova Central outpost.

Enchova Central with an Echo Flyer 7 on the launchpad.

After fueling the craft's SAFER reactor, the craft - designated Delta 1 - took off and headed for the target area 200 kilometers southeast of the outpost. Not sure I'll name future aircraft on other planets using my rover schema or not; probably won't but I don't have a convention ready. First time I've had an aircraft on a planet other than Kerbin...

This would be a lot more impressive of a screenie if I'd left the flight data in place, I think. Or made it an animated GIF. Something. It was cool, trust me...

The craft did alright on Duna, though as some of you may have already guessed from my listing of the flight ceiling, I did wind up having to revert once when the craft smacked into the side of a hill. I'm going to have to replace Enchova Central's launchpad now. I did finally get the craft to the target zone after a second twenty minute un-timewarped flight, and then struggled to land it at one of the mission waypoints. Need to work on safe landing, obviously. Good news there is that I've got three more waypoints with which to practice. Bad news is that I still need to hit three more waypoints...

That's all I've got for now and I don't want to put any effort into a concluding statement, so I'm just going to end this post here. Done.

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2 hours ago, Genolution said:

First stage was 2 full sized 2.5m tanks with a Vector. Second stage was the shortest 2.5m tank with a poodle. Each had a torque wheel. Shuttle was placed on top as originally planned for the Dream Chaser. Ws21Kww.png

Gonna have to make one of these.

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