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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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The past few days saw a flurry of activity around the KSP launch pad, PR offices and even in Kerbin orbit. It all started with preparations of an unscheduled launch a week ago. By the end of the afternoon this mystery rocket had been moved to the pad and, possibly spurred by the bombardment of requests from your diligent reporter and fellow space bloggers as well as the self-proclaimed "mainstream press", KSP PR offices announced a press conference to be held shortly before launch.


Fortunately the press conference was to be held outdoors which meant your profusely innocent reporter could attend (ever since the incident with the snack freezer in the cafeteria, which I was entirely wrongly accused off, the Janitor of the PR offices has banned me from entering the building). Along with the gathered hoi oligoi of the space industry and press your tireless astro-scribe was treated to the standard PR drone talk of progress in the name of progress and presented with a schematic of what the people at KSP call the "MultiSkan Mk-1".


Although it is certainly refreshing to see a proper schematic prepared by the PR department once in a while, rather than the techno-science babble and whiteboard doodles from the KSP boffins we are usually treated to, your intrepid reporter was not quite satisfied with the detail in this image. Fortunately for you, my dear readership, I have contacts everywhere, and my uncle (@TheRealKerman) who is currently residing in the Kerbin Orbital Hotel for business reasons, managed to snap this image of the MultiSkan Mk-1 from his 1st class suite (used with permission, thanks uncle Thereal!)


Reportedly the rocket held 3 of these probes, one to serve in Kerbin orbit and one each for The Mun and Minmus, where they will be brought in a relatively high circular polar orbit of 499km. The purpose of these probes it to scan the surface of their respective central bodies in higher detail than ever before achieved. KSP management further released a brief announcing the launch of 2 more of these probes to be launched to the Eve system, as well as a Mk-2 variant with a somewhat larger fuel reserve to be sent to Moho during their respective transfer windows, both occurring around 50 days from now.

Those of you familiar with scanning technology may recognize some of the finer machinery attached to this probe, however KSP management assured us that the sudden flurry of launches of this never before used technology had absolutely nothing to do with the 5 patent infringement suits filed against KSP by the S.C.A.N. corporation last week.

Related to these upcoming interplanetary missions, KSP further announced the retirement of the current asteroid attached to Refueling Station Alpha as it has been mined as far as profitable. The empty asteroid (typically referred to as "The Station Nut" by those serving on the mining installation forming the core of the refueling station) will be left in orbit with its predecessors until such a time the situation becomes so dire that cleaning up doesn't seem possible anymore.


The serving Engineer on the station, Podely Kerman, was kind enough to share this picture on his Kwitter account of the Refueling Station, hooked up the the Kerbin OTO Tanker, as it left the rocky core of the once proud 2.5 Mt nut to find its way to a new, more giving tamed celestial companion. Just over 1 day later the station reported situation green across the board and open for business once more.


With the Refueling Station attached to a fresh nut, the missions to the Eve system and Moho should have no problem satisfying their thirst for Fuel and Oxygen come next month. Of course you can rest assured your humble servant will be reporting on that with the same journalistic quality that you, my valued readership, have come to expect and so rightfully deserve!


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Turns out I miscalculated the dV req. for my Ulrum mission (which required I do a flyby of all the moons). The Ulrum Explorer ship came with two drop tanks and they were spent with the Kerbin escape burn (and then some from the main tank), and that when I realized my mistake.
New mission: Get new LH2 tanks to the UEx to get more-than-enough dV for the whole mission. The two launches went without a hitch and the encounters/merges with the UEx went well in both instances. That done, the UEx kept on going on its merry 20+ years voyage with 9 passengers, one of which was a tourist. At the same time, my Duna rover+relay arrived. Rover went down without a hitch and relay did its orbital things.

I also sent two huge relay sats toward Urlum (since the UEx doesn't have the comm capabilities to call home by itself). No picture of them, though.


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  On 9/4/2022 at 10:00 PM, Wizard Kerbal said:

Flew my first mission on PC. I still don’t know what the small throttle adjust/throttle all the way down buttons are so I did it all at full throttle.


Left shift and left control

What I did today is finally figuring out causing ksp to freeze while launching a vehicle because my computer doesn't have much ram which I need to remove some mods and launching benjee10 new orion mod to my munar station as its first crew which the crew will conduct experiments and test how long they can last without going space crazy

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After doing a Jool 5 with an SSTA rocket, I built another rocket 1/2 the size with the same ISRU parts and crew of 5. For a test, I took it to the Mun and back. This is MUCH more difficult than going to Minmus. It will be able to go from Val to Tylo directly if it can do Kerbin to Mun. 

Dry mass: 66 tons

Fuel mass, including ore: 197 tons

Fuel mass landed on Mun: less than 1 ton  :o 

Album link with captions 




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I've always wanted to do one of these. Scale graphic showing the three rocket families from my current Kerbalism/JNSQ career. Zoomable high-res version here.

I initially numbered my rocket designs starting with "Z" so that they'd be near the bottom of the craft list. Being the first to reach orbit, I retitled the 3-stage Z-4 vehicle as the first of the Zephyr launch vehicle family, which has been my primary light- and medium-lift option ever since. 

Hygeia was created to support the first manned missions. Hygeia A used kerosene instead of the hydrogen propellant in Zephyr IV, and so had better payload to orbit despite being about the same size. Hygeia B lost its fins in favor of more advanced avionics with prograde hold capability, as well as some vernier engines for roll control.

Driver is an exclusively heavy-lift family initially designed to support Apollo-style moon missions, which I'm now using for assembling space stations and large interplanetary ships.


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Adventure in the high arctic. Kavis Kerman plants a flag at the North Pole. Now it's time to pack up and head south for home... but which south to pick? They're all south from here.


Mind you, getting home is a little bit easier in the comfort of a Land Rover


Edited by Caerfinon
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A Meeting of Firsts

Mun Probe V has been alone on the Mun for quite some time. An early success in the space program, First Un-crewed Landing, but now consigned to solitude... But wait there's something new on the horizon! 


This is new indeed! A bigger probe maybe? 


Wait! Somethings coming out of it... it's Kerbals!


Val, Jeb, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship...


Edited by Caerfinon
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  On 9/4/2022 at 10:00 PM, Wizard Kerbal said:

Flew my first mission on PC. I still don’t know what the small throttle adjust/throttle all the way down buttons are so I did it all at full throttle.


Left shift and left control

What I did yesturday is finally figuring out causing ksp to freeze while launching a vehicle because my computer doesn't have much ram which I need to remove some mods and launching benjee10 new orion mod to my munar station as its first crew which the crew will conduct experiments and test how long they can last without going space crazy

Today: I went back on ksp as after few launch failures definitely not related of me not strutting stuff down I was confused when my active vessels said there is only 1 when I check the tracking station my mun station vanished luckily it was not crewed but the kraken ate my mun station now I have to build a new one

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Started another Jool 5 with the Encore 242 ship from my last post. So far I went from Minmus to Vall to Tylo. I tried at least 7 launches from Val to optimize the fuel. As expected, landing on Tylo was a challenge for fuel management, descent trajectory and not tipping over at touchdown without landing legs. There were 6 failed attempts... most tipped over, one crashed at <100 m/s, another ran out of fuel at about 20m up and broke 3 of 4 fins but did not tip over! that figures. But then I finally got it. 

Tylo landing video.

Next up... Laythe. Tylo to Laythe with a rocket. This is the way.

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Just concluded an intensive 10-day project to post KISS-II to KerbalX.  It is a redux of the original Kerbal Interplanetary Space Station[1], refactored to include launchers for each component and for simpler assembly.


It was a lot of work, combined with a lot of fun, and lots of testing.

The component launches are:

  1. Asterisk
  2. Observatory
  3. Cupola
  4. Orangutan (not orange, though)
  5. Lab/Hab
  6. Solar

oXV7bXX.jpg    EtRF1w7.jpg    KRKyjGP.jpg

hS2iZmu.jpg    5KNCKuW.jpg    O9xMHSr.jpg

As I progressed, I found that the Minimus launcher (pictured top-left, docked with Asterisk payload), could be used to launch all components, and that became a fun theme.

Also featured, is Finch (pictured top-middle under the Asterisk and Observatory (already assembled).  Finch acts as the Fetch & Assemble tug for the operation.

And Puffing Billy (seen in top and bottom right) which acts as second-stage for the Cupola and Solar launches.

I did a "take 2" on this project because I am about to launch a KISS into a 60-degree inclined orbit from my new Olympian launch base, located at a secret location, 60.5S, somewhere.

"That's all I can say right now about that because I am reading from a teleprompter".  OK then.

  Reveal hidden contents


Edited by Hotel26
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  On 9/6/2022 at 9:46 AM, ColdJ said:

Just released another very small mod for a bit of fun.

Kerbal Ball.

https://spacedock.info/mod/3111/Kerbal Ball



Edited just now by ColdJ


I already feel sorry for all the Jebs who are going to suffer getting tossed from orbit in this thing :D

BTW, why not simply "Kerball"? Missed opportunity! :-P


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  On 9/5/2022 at 3:32 AM, Caerfinon said:

Comm Relays in position... Let's start scanning for resources! 



Camera angle just slightly different and this would make a perfect flag.

  On 9/6/2022 at 9:46 AM, ColdJ said:






This looks like the perfect way of letting tourists experience EVAs.

(not like we can trust 'em to put on an EVA suit properly, but not gonna tell 'em that - they do pay for the tickets :wink:)

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  On 9/6/2022 at 2:35 PM, Beamer said:

BTW, why not simply "Kerball"? Missed opportunity! :-P


Was tossing up between Kerbal Ball and  Hampster Ball.

Still is going to be hard to get a search result for it.

  On 9/6/2022 at 2:35 PM, Beamer said:

I already feel sorry for all the Jebs who are going to suffer getting tossed from orbit in this thing :D


Be careful using this as an orbit re-entry escape pod, I only set the heat tolerance to 2000 , the crash tolerance is quite high though.

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Today the KSP engineers refused to work until they can test a new booster so I let them.Here's how it turned out...



A quick test flight...


And Orbit!!!


Maybe those Annoying little Engineers are right after all.

Test Results:

Ap:  500km

Pe: 490km

∆v: 1200 meters a second of ∆v 

All Tests done with a mk2 capsule with one verbal inside... Don't ask my why ask the engineer buffoons.

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  On 9/5/2022 at 12:44 AM, obnox twin said:

Left shift and left control

What I did today is finally figuring out causing ksp to freeze while launching a vehicle because my computer doesn't have much ram which I need to remove some mods and launching benjee10 new orion mod to my munar station as its first crew which the crew will conduct experiments and test how long they can last without going space crazy


U da best

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