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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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I flew my Aeris4A-DI (DI = Debris Interceptor) to dock with my Station once i discovered the Lazor System got its update already!


I added an Artifacial Gravity module to the station; once i discovered damned robotics and the DRBallbearing part got their updates too

Edited by lammatt
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I took my lander orbiting the Mun to Minmus :) I had plenty of fuel left so i could risk it. Transfer from Mun orbit to Minmus, landing, take-off and return to Kerbin worked without a hitch...and then i kinda blew it :P. My lander worked so well i wanted to keep it in orbit for future missions (after refuelling of course), unfortunately i went too deep into atmosphere during aerobraking and was forced to land anyway. Oh well :)


White Eagle 1 on the surface.

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Got 0.21.1 downloaded. Had to look at 0.20 to see how I had my graphics settings set (because let's face it, my best computer is now a Byzantine POS).

Launched a new space station core and farted around with another rover design. Tried to acquaint myself with the remodeled KSC. Brought over my best designs from 0.20. Brought over Subassembly and KER from 0.20 but I haven't had a chance to see if they're working nor have I yet checked for updates on the forums regarding their status.

Probably won't play today, it being my wedding anniversary and all...

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I decided to try and build a three-part unit to send to the Mun today, Probably my most complex mission so far. After launching the crew and plenty of RCS, Batterys and a bit of fuel into orbit I launched a heavy lander complete with a little more fuel to dock with the initial unit. After all that was done I send up 2 more fuel tanks with a skipper engine to push the whole thing out there. The initial plan was to remove the middle section and land it on the Mun, meet back up with the rest of crew and ship and fly them all home. Unfortunately I forgot to disable fuel crossfeed and drained a lot of my lander before hitting a decent orbit with the Mun so mission abort is my next step.

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Practicing and testing in version 0.21. Yesterday was a bit disappointing because of the SAS situation in version 0.21...rockets that used to be fun to fly were suddenly a huge struggle. But once I got the 0.21.1 update downloaded, all was happiness and light again.

My Crew Carrier SSTO worked fine (under 0.21.1), and I was pleased that I even got it to land back at KSC with no MechJeb. But where MechJeb would have showed off and landed the rocket on its engine flames, I used too much of the landing fuel just to keep from overshooting the KSC, so I landed with the parachutes and a little engine thrust cushioning.


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I haven't done anything today... I spent the last week and a bit of 0.20 prepping a bunch of classes of ships for use with the new space program, and all the mods they use have been updated, except B9, so I'm sunk until that one gets updated. So until then, I'm just testing out configurations of the Dragon capsule.

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Since my first Moho expedition landed on Moho with 6 Km/s I thought I should double this.


Unfortunately I came in from the backside so it was to dark up close.

An ion probe I messed up the transfer with so I found I should crash it to end mission.

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I accidently perma-deleted the KSP folder where I kept all the game related downloads, after spending most of the day downloading mods compatible with 21.1. I still had .19 and .18 versions in there. And none of the undelete software I tried could find any of it.

Yep, that's what I did today...

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I accidently perma-deleted the KSP folder where I kept all the game related downloads, after spending most of the day downloading mods compatible with 21.1. I still had .19 and .18 versions in there. And none of the undelete software I tried could find any of it.

Yep, that's what I did today...

I use Get Data Back, you have to pay for it, but it works.

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Landed and tested my first 0.21.1 light mobile base on the Mun today. You can see it here with its landing thrusters still attached, with ~300 Dv remaining after landing.


I like dropping these on planets and moons before sending crewed flights, to scout ahead for interesting locations and rescue stranded Kerbals.

I also validated the reusable design of the launcher (picture is a bit dark, sorry), might do a few more tests to optimize the TWR on liftoff.

The 1st stage is able to put the 2nd stage and the base in a 75x75 LKO and return to KSC with a powered touchdown.

The 2nd stage has more then enough Dv to drop the base in a munar low orbit, then leave the Mun and return to KSC as well (more than enough Dv for an optimal Hohmann transfer to Duna lol). This way, the base landing stage is used only for the retrograde burn and landing sequence.

Next : Duna! :)

Edited by el_coyoto
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Today, I tried to see what the heck is up with the SAS and looong loading times.

Tried fresh install from steam, no mods two times, still SAS cannot solidly mantain a heading.

However, when this issue gets (hopefully) resolved, I intend to do an Apollo style Mun landing, but with the components being launched up separately and meeting up in Kerbin orbit rendezvous.

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I launched a probe that was supposed to place four satelites into different mun orbits. everything worked fine until I learned that 3500meters are not high enough for a safe mun orbit :( So now, I have just 3 satelites around mun :D

Edited by bogpad
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I got this Kerbal Lander with Refueling Station around Duna last night.


Dang Ike made me waste a lot of fuel as well as time that ws supposed to stay in the lander as well as Refueler (emergence escape craft). Sent another refueler out to Duna yestarday as well. Now waiting for refueler to get there as well as thinking of some new designs for a rover for Duna as well as a seprate return craft for the Kerbals.

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landing legs on wrong, landed successfully on the engine anyhow, took off in the wrong direction to meet the CSM (which lacks RCS thrusters, doh) without enough fuel to reach Mun orbit I had to bail out (EVA) and enter orbit in the suit only with Jeb... time to sort out a rescue mission.


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