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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Attempting Scott Manley's "To the Mun and back as fast as f@#%ing possible with unlimited fuel" challenge. I think I need to make a "We brake for nobody" Spaceball One flag :D


Suddenly I want to rebuild this. Is there a limit on number of motors?

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Tried to get my Eve-and-back mission going. Four times out of five, it barely left the launchpad before something went wrong and stuff started exploding. The one time it DID, the nuclear engines were misaligned, and I had to revert to launchpad to fix them.

Lander was too heavy for the launcher. I have hit the limit of that lifter design.

I don't know how to do rendezvous and docking right, so I can't just launch the transfer stage and lander separately and just dock them in LKO. Maybe I should just practice that until I can do it reliably, then get the mission done properly.

Or work on Duna-and-back first.

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Landed an experimental Mun orbiter on Kerbin... in two pieces, both of which were recoverable. May need to reinforce the connections between the capsule and the SAS modules, although it did look pretty cool.

Oh, and I found a monolith a couple of kilometres from the KSC. Anyone else noticed that?

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Perfected a stock interplanetary ship using dual asparagus staging. Three of them are on parallel courses to the Jool system with probe landers. If one gets all three to escape velocity and then takes each lead ship to set optimal intercept, they will be about a day apart which gives enough of a buffer to plan maneuvers on each of them that is most efficient.

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Tried to get my Eve-and-back mission going. Four times out of five, it barely left the launchpad before something went wrong and stuff started exploding. The one time it DID, the nuclear engines were misaligned, and I had to revert to launchpad to fix them.

Lander was too heavy for the launcher. I have hit the limit of that lifter design.

I don't know how to do rendezvous and docking right, so I can't just launch the transfer stage and lander separately and just dock them in LKO. Maybe I should just practice that until I can do it reliably, then get the mission done properly.

Or work on Duna-and-back first.

Watch Manley's docking tutorial. It's nowhere near as hard as you think it is. In a startlingly short time, it becomes old hat and mundane.

Aerial docking to refuel a fighter jet.

Now that's just interesting!

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Perfected a stock interplanetary ship using dual asparagus staging. Three of them are on parallel courses to the Jool system with probe landers. If one gets all three to escape velocity and then takes each lead ship to set optimal intercept, they will be about a day apart which gives enough of a buffer to plan maneuvers on each of them that is most efficient.

Just signed up. Will see if this works.


OK, that works. This is just before staging the first of the asparagus.

Rocket in escape velocity to Jool.


This is an older probe that was landed on Eve.

And the probe I landed last night.


Edited by SRV Ron
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Last night I launched a kethane mapping sat to the Mun. Let it run overnight at 50x time accel, which basically mapped the entire surface. Only two deposits were near the equator, so I chose the one that would have a clear line of sight to Kerbin, and would allow me to quickly send tankers back to Kerbin without having to first jump unto a complete orbit.

Within the span of that deposit, I chose a geographically interesting area so that the crew would have some mountains, craters, and even a small ravine to explore and take rock samples.

So I landed a rover in the general area then scouted around until I found a flat spot for the future base to sit. After that, I orbited a habitat with two kerbals (Jebediah and Bill), and sent it to the Mun with Bob as the Interplanetron pilot.

As I typed this I have just landed my habitat on the Mun mere feet from the rover. Pictures will come soon, once I've landed more components of the base.

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In an attempt to make up for the lack of debris in orbit, the Kessler Project was started, which would put hundreds of small pieces of debris in several different low orbits around Kerbin. The first launch put up 580 pieces of debris.

The Kessler:


The debris cloud:



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In ksp today I launched 3 KeoSync satalites for the remote tech mod and one in front of the mun orbiting roughly the same speed. cant seem to get it exact so I will need to edit the orbit from time to time to keep the mun in range of the antenia for groound missions.

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In an attempt to make up for the lack of debris in orbit, the Kessler Project was started, which would put hundreds of small pieces of debris in several different low orbits around Kerbin. The first launch put up 580 pieces of debris.

The Madness is strong in this one! :D

I started a Mun base project - first crew is up in a provisional habitat - the rover was designed badly ... so I used quantum technology to make changes to the design plans in the past ... well, edited the save file and switched the two crafts positions to cover my failure, I am an editor of save files ... but the most damning thing of all - I think I can live with it - and if I had to do it all over again ... I would. Jebediah was right about one thing: a guilty consience is a small price to pay for the fun of a Munar cruise - so I will learn to live with it ... because I can live with it - I can live with it ... computer, erase that entire forum entry!

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In an attempt to make up for the lack of debris in orbit, the Kessler Project was started, which would put hundreds of small pieces of debris in several different low orbits around Kerbin. The first launch put up 580 pieces of debris.

The Kessler:

Do 3 more at 90 degree intervals. Should give some beautiful rings!

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Today I sent a bunch of houses to Laythe. They will be the start of a kethane mining colony, being located near one of the few kethane deposits on Laythe that are not in the ocean.

Here's the mothership heading over Jool (the houses detach later).


Aerobraking down to orbit...


Deploying houses.


Almost down...


And here they are!


Edited by lunait
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Finally completed my first manned (kerbaled?) Mun landing! Bill Kerman deftly set Aquarius II down on the Mun despite a potential crater-forming design flaw on my part. Landing legs appeared to be slightly too short on descent but thankfully they must've been longer than the rocket nozzle by millimetres as nothing broke! Next its time to bring him home (for which I have plenty of fuel thankfully!).

I'm a bit annoyed though as I took what I thought were some nice pics but they haven't saved for some reason :mad:

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Finished a long 2400000 cm long Mun kethane tanker rover trip to arrive at the pre-placed mining rig and started to fill the tanker. A short time later the refinery rig arrived with two new hire kerbals and is ready to convert it into whatever. Soon there will be free fuel in Munar orbit for interplanetary missions! So not looking forward to repositioning the group to the next deposit. Maybe I'll develop a sky crane to haul the tanker.

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Docked for the first time! And the second time, too, starting my first space station:


Grats, docking is one of those things that I still hate doing despite getting fairly decent at it. Nothing else except maybe having to make a drop landing (because your site is in the middle of a crater and if you come in at an angle like your usually do you will slam into the rock face) makes me feel happier that I managed to do it.

That said: Sent a probe ahead of my mobile kethane platform. Still have to design the converter truck, the generator truck, as well as the living module but if I make them all relatively the same I can use the skycrane I developed today... I hope. This was intended for mun/minimus not Duna but I decided to hell with the moons lets go mine some pink snow!

Satellite was a test design to see if I could speed up the kethane detection process. As it turns out the extra sensors serve no real purpose other than to drain the battery.


Also stuck a small lander on minmus as a test lander... This thing had (key word had) two antenna and four solar arrays before I came in for my landing. Right through the middle of those two hills there in the backround, I clipped the one on the right coming in.


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After much failure, and help from Mechjeb, I have successfully orbited a satellite into Mun orbit. My delivery capsule not only got there, made orbit, deployed the satellite but, returned home safely and still had half a tank of fuel left. Granted, we had a mishap at an EVA. The capsule was moving on its axis at the time I let go. It was a hassle getting back and getting back inside but, we left with 3 and returned with 3.

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So today was another day of ‪#‎kerbalfail‬ and, using true Kerbal pluck and grit, grabbing success from the jaws of failure. I realized this morning that my first Münar station, orbited yesterday at such great cost in time and effort, was orbiting retrograde. D'oh! Well, kisht happens. Before addressing that issue, I emptied my kethane driller into my Münar orbiting refinery station and converted the kethane to fuel and oxidizer. I then practiced making skill with targeted landings on the Mün by putting my now-empty and fully-refueled kethane driller back on the surface at a new deposit and began filling up again.



I then launched a three seat nuclear-powered rescue ship (with one seat left empty just in case) and rendezvoused with my retrograde-orbiting station. What to do, what to do? I could EVA poor Gus Kerman over to Rescue 2 and head home, then deorbit the station. But that would be a waste of good Kerbal scrap metal and space tape.


Instead, I made my first-ever docking to a radial port on another vehicle, refueled my nuke stage and began an audacious, time consuming and delta-vEXPENSIVE 180º orbital plane change.



That's right - I raised inclination to polar and right over the top back around to posigrade. I took a lot of separate long burns with that small NERVA engine, and it drained almost all of the fuel from the station's tank farm (for refueling visiting vehicles) but Münar Station Alpha is now in a ~110 km <1º equatorial orbit around the Mün where it belongs, and Gus can stay on duty. Best of all, my nuke stage is fully refueled with the last of the station gas and is ready to go home, do a Minmus flyby or whatever I decide tomorrow.


My refinery ship will be getting another load of kethane tomorrow and when it's full, it will rendezvous with the station and begin refilling the station tank farm for visiting vessels. Once I have the station tank farm refilled, I will begin expanding the station with the radial ports.

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