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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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(1.1.3, FAR to go) Checking through my logs, it look like what I did this last weekend was sleep, do chores, go to church and do some playtesting with a local game designer group. I did take twenty minutes to play KSP on Saturday after I'd finished writing my WCRPG Update for the week and rebalancing my checkbook, while my laundry was still drying - during which time I flew an Auk II passenger spaceplane up into LKO in order to retrieve a group of refugees/tourists from the Kerbinport space station. My log is vague - I know I made it to orbit, but I didn't write down whether I docked the plane to the station or not. I know I intended to bring folks down with my next playthrough, but I didn't get that far.

Tomorrow, something more interesting. Probably.

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12 hours ago, theAvenGuard said:

Here, check out what I did today. <snip>

I've mostly been doing an approach similar to #2, using my airbrakes to control my descent. I usually end up on the carrier about 6/7 times.

Anyways, last night I did some tight formation flight with a friend on NoNameShips.






Also, I found one of my fighter jets at almost the bottom of the sea... not exactly sure how it got there... :huh: made a good submarine though. :D

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Just one small mission accomplished over the weekend, a contract for a station orbiting Kerbin, must include space for 5.  That's it, no other requirements.  So, the engineers came up with this design that, while fulfilling the contract, will become a small shuttle bus between the stations of Kerbin and its moons.  It was a bit of a pig getting the launch to go smoothly most likely due to the odd aerodynamic properties; a number of simulation flights were needed in order to figure out the correct balance between TWR and the gravity turn specs.


It got into orbit just fine though, plenty of fuel left over


In fact, the transfer stage ran out just before docking at Kerbin Stayshun 250, so the bus is full of fuel, ready for its first trans-station journey.



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Today I decided it was a good day to explore Sennim from the Cyran planet pack. After an unsuccessful attempt at landing on Cyran's other oceanic moon (The probe rammed into the moon's atmosphere at about 10k m/s), I decided to bring a rover and explore Sennim (And try not to slam into an atmosphere this time).

This is the lifter I used. It has about 17k delta-v (Everything included), which should be enough to reach Sennim (I'll end up spending only 8k to get there, talk about overly big rockets).


Thanks to the wonders of Auto-Strut, this thing flew wonderfully, and wobbling was nonexistent.


Almost flawless orbital insertion.


After a LOT of quicksaving, reloading and almost-quitting, I managed to get a direct intercept with Sennim from Kerbin orbit. It was horribly difficult.


This picture makes Cyran's rings invisible.


Orbital insertion around that moon.


After releasing a ScanSat probe that worked and an ore scanner probe that ran out of power, it was time to land the rover. I forgot to put a heat shield on it so I had to use the ship itself as a shield.


Unfortunately, all of the rover pictures got mysteriously corrupted and the upper half of the shots got lost.


The rover went for a little swim.


The atmospheric scanner broke, but the Kerbals know the atmosphere contains no oxygen and the planet is extremely cold. Life cannot exist there.


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The Pegasus-like stock system is completed and fully operational. About an hour to finish it this morning but finally everything is working.


Starting the climb easily at 10 degrees.



Keeping on accelerating while Kerbol starts to rise over the horizon. Once with 200 m/s of speed accumulated its time to get a better rate of climb.



Dropping altitude reached. We have a GO for the launch!



DROP! Some moment needed to make the launcher perfectly stable...





A super smooth climb but alas I should have flare a bit more before the first stage activation to ensure a better angle. The acceleration lasted about 45 seconds until the first stage burned all its propellant. But I decided to kept it for 15 seconds more.




The real Pegasus system lights up its second stage nearly immediatly after the first one separation. It's not really possible here as it will make the decoupler explode.



The second stage raised the Ap to 244 km. Like the real system sequence I kept it until some seconds before the third one activation.



It's gonna be the moment I am waiting for. Will it be a new failure or a working system...




The orbit is not awesome but I can't say Chrysaor didn't completed its job. It's a success, woohooo!



Then the small ChrysaorSat I was placed by its own capacities on a circular 1500 km orbit with still some dV available.

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From the right-hand side of the screen, you can see the evolution of my aircraft design and its 3 versions.

Starting from the far right you can see the base model, nothing really interesting about it.

In the middle we have the up-tuned part which is more pleasing to the aesthetic eye while increasing flight performance.

In the left corner we have the final version, "Ztar Zêhrstuher" with emphases on speed.




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9 hours ago, eloquentJane said:

@Brownhair2 Does New Horizons work in 1.2.x now, or are you still playing in 1.1? If the current release works for 1.2.x I might start playing around with it in 6.4x scale...

It hasn't been officially updated, but yes, it works. Although the KSC view is broken.

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No automatic alt text available.


I'll have a full report and video later, but long story short it flew for two minutes before I realized I'd used the wrong engines for the takeoff phase.

Should note this is a hybrid of the two version of the plane. It's design is based on the 2015 show's version, but uses Nuclear engines at high altitudes like the 1965 version. Flown right this could work as an SSTO.

but she needs a frak ton of work to get right.

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20 hours ago, CatastrophicFailure said:

What...? How...? Huh?!?


Ha. If you are actually curious, I went to put one of the NFConstruction girder adapters on the bottom of a USI Salamander pod and I moved it over the side with 8-way symmetry on, then due to the delay while the game loads large symmetries, I misclicked and got this. Some parts don't interact very well when it comes to their orientation during radial attachment in certain places.

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Continuing my @Galileo's Planet Pack science game, Jeb made the third landing on Ceti, at the south pole:


Sorry it's so dark.  The landing site was just on the sunny side of the terminator.  Visible in the shot are (from left to right): Tellumo, Gael - flanked above and below by Iota and Niven, Gratian, Icarus (at the outer edge of the sunflare), Ciro (GPP's sun), hidden in Ciro's disc is Thalia, and Hox is to the upper right hidden in Ciro's flare.


Jeb pauses at the top of the ladder to have a look at home before heading down for the usual science gathering.


Again, taking a look at home just after planting the flag.


And finally heading back home.

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(1.1.3, FAR to go) Yesterday began with some ambiguity about whether or not I had docked an Auk II passenger spaceplane to the Kerbinport space station already, or whether I'd merely left the plane in orbit still needing to rendezvous with the station. The ambiguity was laid to rest when I loaded up the game, went to Kerbinport and found the plane docked with its intended group of passengers already loaded aboard - save one, which I discovered I'd loaded aboard Strange Cargo and sent to the Mün by accident. Bit of a facepalm moment there, of course...

Anyway, I de-orbited and landed the Auk; it was one of the more beautiful landings I've had - straight down the guide slope, just a hair off the center of the strip, nice and easy. Cleared three contracts in the process.

Next up was the launch of an Auk III tanker spaceplane to Kerbinport, on a mission to refuel the passenger ferry Next Objective docked at the station as well as the ore carrier Nostromo. Pretty standard operations there; Next Objective was refueled fully and Nostromo was given the dregs before the Auk left the station; it de-orbited and landed successfully at KSC 09. Nostromo was then dispatched to Mün, where it has a mission to bring 1500 units of ore to Kerbin. I would've done more, except my oldest then convinced me to go play some Wing Commander: Armada and it was time to hit the sack by the time that was all said and done...

Did take some time to do some SPH glamour shots yesterday; I'll have to get those up where y'all can see them sometime in the near future. Was going to do one of the fleet out by the SPH on the KSC grounds but was dismayed to learn that the larger landing gear sets can't steer; most of the Auk fleet uses Large or Extra Large gears exclusively. Certainly explains a few of the ground steering issues I've had with the larger planes...

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No pictures, well I have them but against the white forum background you wouldn't be able to see them. Discovered I had missed three anomalies on Mun I had not flagged.

The first was a



I was coming down right on top of it. I had to quickly figure out what translate RCS letters to push. Fortunately there was enough light I saw it in time and manage to land right up against it.

The second was a monolith in the dark. I rescue mission was involved as I didn't see it until it was too late.

The final one I had forgotten about from previous games. It is in a very deep dark hole.  Fortunately the bottom is fairly flat. 

I have flags everywhere on Mun. Looks like a pin cushion. I think I have all the Minmus anomalies tagged. I guess it is back to Kerbin. Uhhggg, I kinda hate tracking anomalies on Kerbiin. Everything take so long. 

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The new science station, named the "Pouchequine Space Research Center", has been put into a polar Kerbin orbit with relatively few issues.


More versions of it will be sent to the Cyran system to conduct various experiments and analysis there. The other gas giants, such as Jool and Sarnus, are also likely candidates.

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4 minutes ago, Elowiny said:

The new science station, named the "Pouchequine Space Research Center", has been put into a polar Kerbin orbit with relatively few issues.


More versions of it will be sent to the Cyran system to conduct various experiments and analysis there. The other gas giants, such as Jool and Sarnus, are also likely candidates.

Are you playing on 1.1.2 to get that to work with Cyran?

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27 minutes ago, The Raging Sandwich said:

Are you playing on 1.1.2 to get that to work with Cyran?

Nope. Playing on 1.2 and everything is working perfectly fine (Excluding a minor glitch with the main menu screen, Kerbin is replaced by a random glitchy planet, but that doesn't change anything).

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Much sadness, yesterday marked the first casualties of the space program.  To be exact, yesterday marked the day that the space program discovered there were casualties, the specific date of their demise is unknown.  Valentina and two rookies were KIA when, and this is just supposition, the ship they were in was captured by Ike's SOI and they must have impacted heavily.  Details are unknown; how is it they didn't notice this, how is it they didn't adjust their Duna orbit to ensure this wouldn't happen?  So many questions, and no one has any answers.  The (somewhat rather large) Kerman family is quite distraught.

The space program will push on, however, and never fail to continue the search for science, new worlds, and will do so in the name of the lost souls who have passed on to the Great Snack Vending Machine in the Sky.  To that point...

A contract to put a large station in Minmus orbit, must hold spots for 17, 6,000 units of fuel and 7,500 units of electricity.  The engineers could have come up with a plan to assemble the station in parts, but the budget for the mission was big enough that they could let loose with a large design and fulfill the mission in one fell swoop.









Next up was one mission that encompassed three Minmus-centric contracts; pick up a very low-orbiting stranded dude, plant a flag and gather science from the ground.  The KSC staff took the opportunity to build a ship that will hop around and gather science and deliver it to the new orbiting station.











That mission brought the new recruit to the Minmus station, but he needs to get back to Kerbin, and the station also needs a second scientist.  Luckily there is one currently residing at Kerbin Stayshun 250, so he jumped on the bus there and took a ride to the mint moon.





The rescued dude was brought back to Kerbin orbit, and the new Minmus scientist immediately took the new science hopper to the ground, performed experiments in three separate biomes, and brought all the data back to the lab where he and his colleague began their research programme.







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On 12/19/2016 at 7:31 AM, The Raging Sandwich said:

@Brownhair2, what mod(s) are you using to get those moons of Jool?

New Horizons. It reshuffles the entire solar system though, so be warned.

Case in point: Dres! It's now in orbit around Jool.


This time I have a target in mind. And if you know anything about Dres you know where it is.

Dres Canyon!


Unfortunately it was night. But that's okay! It means I get to try out my rover at night! (once the lander stops sliding...)


Although now I actually have to worry about running out of fuel.

Also I think I fixed the contrast getting screwed up. Actually it's just as screwed up but at least it's more visible. Unlike this text c;

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