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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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5 minutes ago, RealKerbal3x said:

Actually it probably is :P

Yeah lol. Personally I would agree.

But he posts lots of ridiculous high part count vessels so I'm assuming he really doesn't care. That many engines on the other hand, you know about the N1?

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Just now, Aeroboi said:

Yeah lol. Personally I would agree.

But he posts lots of ridiculous high part count vessels so I'm assuming he really doesn't care. That many engines on the other hand, you know about the N1?

Oh....um yeah. The last time the N1 flew it created the largest man-made non-nuclear explosion ever :0.0:

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Did some juicy Kerbal Science ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) To Rovers Got Connected and then Kraken Joined))) R.I.P Jebediah Kerman, Valentina Kerman. Mission:DTM 2:340:4:29.23222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222223

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I accidentally found an anomaly today.

So I had Jeb, Bill and Bob hanging around in LKO. Naturally, I had to send them to the Mun, since they had the delta-V. Once I had settled into my low orbit, I spotted this:


If you can't find it, it's a bit to the right of the spacecraft. A Mun Arch!


Bob insisted to Mission Control (me) that we had to do another orbit to get a better look, so we came around the Mun's backside again and took this shot. The next screenshot is in a spoiler as it discloses the rough location of the arch, so if you want to find it for yourself then don't look below!



Thanks for reading :D

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So! Our KSS building keep going, this took a long time, we had to learn about the Canadarm, so much docking problem, orientation, and docking problems again, but we finally managed to add the first space lab to our station (Destiny) that starts gently generating a LOT of science, we also added the quest joint airlock, and moved some PMA parts and others around (it's probably that that took the much time). We also fulfilled a contract to bring the first space tourist to the KSS : Dennis Tito, and he gave us a loot of money ( that we needed a lot) .




Bill is not familiar with this kind of fine maneuvring, so different from rocket and SRB brutal stuff that he's used to!



Quest joint Airlock launched by unmanned variant of Herkul, which is mixed a bit with the ATV space craft.



docking and docking again.


EVA working time


EVA contemplative time


And done finally!


Bob and his assistants start researching..



Next: Canadarm 2, Pirs docking and airlock module, and the great S0 huge truss. :)

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I did more stunting, and meanwhile saw someone who I hadn't seen in a long while. Pun intended.


Managed to go through the R&D tunnel the other way around. It's much harder that way.



Theoretically my Suish Mk2 can fit through that tunnel with about 1 meter to play with, but I haven't managed to do that yet.


Anyways, on to something more serious. I want some people's opinions for my Apollo replica command module.



Is it better to have the hatch look good and have a weird part sticking out a bit (the pod also sticks out on top when the parachute shroud ejects) or to have the hatch look a bit weird and not have extra parts sticking out? If the latter, I'll try making the hatch look better than it does in the picture, but I don't want to add too many parts.

Oh one last question: White as in the previous pictures, or dark grey?


Sadly there is no silver like it was in real life. :( 


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58 minutes ago, EpicSpaceTroll139 said:

have the hatch look a bit weird and not have extra parts sticking out

I prefer this, in my opinion, it looks better

59 minutes ago, EpicSpaceTroll139 said:

White as in the previous pictures, or dark grey?

White, but dark grey makes some details more noticeable. I prefer white for part aesthetic uniformity, though

Also, yeah, kinda sad there's no silver

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2 hours ago, EpicSpaceTroll139 said:

I did more stunting, and meanwhile saw someone who I hadn't seen in a long while. Pun intended.


Managed to go through the R&D tunnel the other way around. It's much harder that way.



Theoretically my Suish Mk2 can fit through that tunnel with about 1 meter to play with, but I haven't managed to do that yet.


Anyways, on to something more serious. I want some people's opinions for my Apollo replica command module.



Is it better to have the hatch look good and have a weird part sticking out a bit (the pod also sticks out on top when the parachute shroud ejects) or to have the hatch look a bit weird and not have extra parts sticking out? If the latter, I'll try making the hatch look better than it does in the picture, but I don't want to add too many parts.

Oh one last question: White as in the previous pictures, or dark grey?


Sadly there is no silver like it was in real life. :( 


I just don't see the point of recreating things real space agencies have done or made. In KSP we get to play with more resources that NASA could have in a 100 years.

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I found Valdo. She was stranded in orbit by her previous for-profit employer.


Cute little one man rescue rocket.


And I almost landed within the KSC. ALMOST!


But in conciliation I totally stuck the landing. This was taken with everything turned off, just standing on the engine.

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Determined my Mun lander was stuck inside it's transport vehicle and brought the whole thing back to Kerbin.


During re-entry realized I did not have enough aerobraking and parachutes to slow the vessel down enough for a safe landing. Tried doing a suicide burn and then switched to quickly bringing up the pause menu once the ship was just starting to meet the water and was able to cheat recovering the vessel at that point even though it was still traveling 175m/s. I should of left it in orbit longer converting the ore to fuel so I could use more thrusters for braking, I had the ore on there for a contract originally.

Redesigned my Mun lander and transport ship and then proceeded to have it run out of fuel while trying to orbit the Mun, then proceeded to use the fuel from the lander and then spent another 6 minutes using RCS thrusters to achieve a safe orbit around the Mun. This resulted in sending a refueling mission to my Munar lander mission since it was stuck in Mun orbit with no fuel and couldn't land. Decided I would send up my planned Mun fuel depot station to fulfill this. (I have screenshots of this but they are still on my Xbox. It is a pain to get screenshots from the xbox to onedrive and then to imgur.)


Launched the refueling station and everything looked good at the start.


Still going alright, of course after releasing the next stage the drag from the station pulled the rocket over and it headed straight to the ground.(Sorry no screen cap of that)

Went back to the drawing board and decided to send up only a portion of the refueling station on this go. Also decided I would include a few rescue ships to leave orbiting the Mun. Didn't make any changes to the actual lifter just changed the payload.


Launch went fine.


Turned on the lighting and everything is still going good.


Almost out of the atmosphere and have a little bit of bowing with the payload.


Achieved orbit and realized the separator ring had stayed with me after releasing the nose cone earlier, but all good.


On the way to the Mun to meet up. I actually had enough fuel left in the final ascent and circularization stage to get me to the Mun and also circularize. 

Either forgot to take screenshots, or more likely didn't actually transfer them from my xbox for the actual rendezvous and refueling.

So refueled the transport vehicle and lander then called it a day.


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8 hours ago, Zosma Procyon said:

I just don't see the point of recreating things real space agencies have done or made. In KSP we get to play with more resources that NASA could have in a 100 years. 

Because it's fun

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Just added the little Pirs module that add a docking port for our Herkul spacecraft and an other airlock for the station. Also messing around with the Canadarm 2, which will be the next mission to the KSS.


Pirs docking with unmanned probe, launched by the great Protonuk rocket.



Bill working around.



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13 hours ago, Zosma Procyon said:

I just don't see the point of recreating things real space agencies have done or made. In KSP we get to play with more resources that NASA could have in a 100 years.

I see this and just think what i did:

- i build a KerbalSpaceStation KSS

- i landed on Mün and Minmus

- i sent a rover to Duna

- Explorer-1 is travelling to Plock / Karen

- scanned some planets with satellites


This means i recreated some real missions, but i dont really know that i just recreated Apollo 11 in KSP.

When you ever landed on Mün you have recreated a Apollo mission ....

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Few pics with the Canadarm 2 mission, self docking to prepare the next mission when it'll be used to install to big S0 Truss.

Also, when playing around the station, the game start going a tiny bit laggy. That's great, that means our station gets bigger.

Next plan: S0 Truss, more lag -> bigger station.




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I spent time this weekend reinstalling a completely fresh 1.4.4, then experimenting with mods that were giving me trouble.  As far as I can tell, something got messed up when I updated from 1.3.1 to 1.4.0 & was causing multiple issues in 1.4.0, .1 & .3.  After messing around in sandbox seeing how everything was behaving, I started a new 1.4.4 hard career.  After a bunch of LKO flights and a pair of contract satellites in the 5 - 8 million meter area, I put my first lander on Mun.  No fairings yet meant mounting it sideways in a Titan cargo bay - which of course caused the failure of the first attempt.  And lack of comm relays meant my landing site had to be in sight of Kerbin, and the lack of upgrades left me with eyeballing maneuvers.  So without further ado:

Titan SDV (Satellite Delivery Vehicle) preparing for deorbit burn as Kerbin pokes over the horizon:


Stage separation & preparing the Surveyor-1 for landing.  Of course I didn't snap any landing pics, but it was successful.



After successfully landing Surveyor-1, Jeb & Kelrik were chosen to take the Interim Mun Lander (30 parts, direct from Kerbin to Mun & return) for a manned Kerbin landing, which should occur later today.

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Was bored so I was messing around in RSS with some orbital rockets.


Found out I was landing near some strange Islands south of Africa.


Obviously I had to fly over there (cheats cause it's sandbox)


Then I copied the tracking station coordinates into google maps

and found out the Islands!


Here's the other islands next to them


Here's more stuff about the island if anyone's interested: 



I will say It was pretty cool to be "discovering" these islands just out of the blue. Before today I had no clue they existed! 


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