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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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  On 4/21/2020 at 4:12 PM, Mars-Bound Hokie said:

Have you tried this:



Taking the photo on console is the easy part. Then you have to get it to your laptop/tablet. I play on Xbox and the Xbox app on PC is pretty good for this. Editing all the pictures so they aren't too dark to post is the real effort.

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Landed on Tylo. It's a pain and it's dull:


Edited by Sky Vagrant
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  On 4/21/2020 at 7:01 PM, BadOaks said:

But you did it with a cool looking lander, so there's that!

How long did it take re-fuel? Does have any power sources besides the solar panels?


Thanks!! It refueled quicker than I expected considering the small drills and small converter (but I wasn't really concerned with time at this point). Tylo has very rich ore. Lander has two fuel cell arrays tucked between the nacelles, so plenty of power for the small ISRU set up.

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Lifting vessels of the ground is soooo 2019! With the airspace platform, you're able to launch vessels into space with only vacuum engines!
it saves like... uhm.. at least.. 100 m/s delta v? Or something hehe. ok.. so it's not that efficient, but hey..it looks cool... right?
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  On 4/21/2020 at 10:33 PM, Lewie said:

I built a sub and took my SR-71 out for spin. unfortunately, as I use the ps4 I have no pictures, sorry



My Son made a suggestion to maybe record it on PS4 then share it to YouTube then maybe get your screenshots. A few of us are sharing with IMGUR, its a free image sharing website.

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  On 4/21/2020 at 9:02 PM, xendelaar said:
Lifting vessels of the ground is soooo 2019! With the airspace platform, you're able to launch vessels into space with only vacuum engines!
it saves like... uhm.. at least.. 100 m/s delta v? Or something hehe. ok.. so it's not that efficient, but hey..it looks cool... right?


Nice job, and I certainly see the appeal (except for the lack of safety railings). Now, here's MY efficient spacecraft launcher:



  • A spaceplane that carries a spaceplane
    • Just return the large plane when you're done.
    • The main spaceplane (the one that's being carried) has 4,975 m/s of delta-V once detached.
  • Craft file: https://kerbalx.com/Mars-Bound_Hokie/Lazybird


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Today, I took pleasure in the simple act of a sunset flight from the KSC to the nearby mountain range and back again in time for supper. Taking a break from trying to fling ships millions of miles away, reminds me just how massive space is.


Edited by Chequers
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  On 4/22/2020 at 12:32 AM, Mars-Bound Hokie said:


Nice job, and I certainly see the appeal (except for the lack of safety railings). Now, here's MY efficient spacecraft launcher:



  • A spaceplane that carries a spaceplane
    • Just return the large plane when you're done.
    • The main spaceplane (the one that's being carried) has 4,975 m/s of delta-V once detached.
  • Craft file: https://kerbalx.com/Mars-Bound_Hokie/Lazybird



YO DAWG,  I heard you like spaceplanes, so we build a spacaplace that carries spaceplanes! ;) epic design dude! RIP your CPU haha

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  On 4/22/2020 at 5:20 AM, xendelaar said:

RIP your CPU haha


A 333-part spaceplane-carried spaceplane is NOTHING compared to a 1202-part Jool ring station. If you want to overwork your CPU, you should try that.

  • And if you think my ring's bad for your computer's health, wait until you see @HolidayTheLeek's Aqua-Sama. That craft currently holds the KerbalX record for highest part count (8,450).


On an unrelated note, I accepted a contract to expand one of my surface bases. But first, I had to test the expansion module on Kerbin to ensure that docking is possible.


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  On 4/21/2020 at 2:55 PM, Lewie said:

Righto. But the problem is, I play on console so I have to take a picture with my phone. Still not sure on how to insert it, I’m working on it.


actually on xbox you have a great screenshot sistem


Jeb landed on Minmus with his large rover.

Well Jeb after 20 minutes ( not the 2 weeks that I had planned) had to return home because the rover was unstable and the landing site was too steep.

It seems much like @Matt Lowne's Vall rover. Here there is a link: 


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Took the "Stopo Starto" off to a small clifftop landing spot in the Kayak Club, or a Sepratron assisted landing and takeoff

Early morning start.


Mind that bump while spotting the landing spot down below.


Swung around for a nice long run in at the landing site.


Not much space there, but this thing's pretty good at low speed, plus... Sepratrons.

Unfortunately I forgot to take pics of the landing.


But Jeb made it down, then revealed he's swapped the default for his own, in a sneak bit of small business promotion.


Then it was time to get back in the air once more, again with the help of some Sepratrons to get up to speed quickly.


Then head home in time for lunch.


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  On 4/22/2020 at 7:00 AM, Goaty1208 said:

actually on xbox you have a great screenshot sistem 


Thanks for the advice. Only problem is that I have a PlayStation. (Can’t stand the xbox) and today I am planning on sending my second manned mission to Minmus with a rover that will stay on the surface well after the Kerbals leave.

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So I went to Minmus...and I realized that I accidentally flipped the docking port on the rover around, so I wasn’t able to undock and scuttle it around the surface of Minmus. But, on a lighter note, I did manage to bring home enough mint ice cream from the surface I will have enough snacks for...My Duna mission!! (I’ve only been to Mun and Minmus now) I am sorta ticked off cus there was a glitch and I didn’t get the trophy for going to Minmus. Not that I care, it’s for bragging rights. So yea. Anywho yep...my next destination-DUNA! I’m A coming for that chili powder!! My Kerbals must have tacos and and Mint Ice cream before I head off to the Joolian system! Sorry for the rant, y’all. Peace out!

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  On 4/23/2020 at 5:16 AM, Astrion said:

@GEPEG_Unconscious What visual mods and the one for the engines did you use?


Planet pack is Grannus Expansion Pack, set to be the primary system

Visuals are just EVE and Scatterer with a custom KS3P config.

Engines in the first pic are the 0.625 m nuclear engines in Kerbal Atomics.

Bit of a shameless plug, but I have a few more pics like this over here.

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