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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Hi guys received today new samsung chromebook [price 100 pound]which works much better than lenovo ideapad 320 4gb ram, .Hoping that i will be able to play kerbal space program on above lenovo but lenovo is slow and playing almost impossible. I cant go with guarantee now as everything is closed.Moreover having launch pad controller + launch pad for my rockets which works gives courage to go make first launches but the coronavirus makes delays and good temporary accomodation + computer savy .Moreover at launch pad i cant connect metal rod t oanother 

would be good if you could help me somehow connect this 2 rods as they cant stick in hole [at unknown reason]

I cant install steam on chrome book due to complications of running steam on chrome book. 


Please help as it is even more than welcome to play this game and develop in this field. 


Much love:>

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I got a few launches in for my Out of the Sands career.  First up was a reentry test of a prospective Eve outpost.  It was launched to the edge of Kerbin's SoI, then set Pe to 20km to do the best test I could before actually sending the outpost to Eve.  It mostly worked, but some improvements are required before an Eve mission.



Next was another asteroid capture vehicle to try to catch a class C that will make a close pass by Kerbin in 3 months - there was a gap in my launch schedule, I figured I should get it up in orbit while I have the chance.


Finally, a fortuitous "Test Rapier engine in orbit of....." contract popped up, so Val & Phoebe got to be the second & third Kerbals in this career to fly a plane to space.  The actual contract is for Duna, but until I get there, I'll have access to experimental Rapier engines.  I also snagged a nice juicy "build an surface base" contract for Duna - ISRU, be on motorized wheels and one or two other requirements.  The advance was nearly a quarter million funds, and I was planning on launching a Duna base at the next window anyway.



Edited by Cavscout74
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Today I built a rover and sent it to Duna! This was the first time I ever have gone interplanetary so this was a big deal. It went great, up until the de orbital burn. I didn’t have quite enough oxidizer left, so I had to get out and have Bill push it, while Jeb stayed inside. I accidentally pushed too much, so I landed in the south pole. Know I have to revert my flight, and go back to an earlier time. I’m kinda bummed about that, because so far I didn’t have to revert my flight once, and this was the first time I ever have gone to a celestial body outside of the Mun or Minmus. I was about to do it, when my PlayStation turned off because of the stupid time limit. Sorry for the ramble, but yep. That’s what I did in ksp today.

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@Lewie Congrats on your first interplanetary mission!!!!  


Most of my KSP time today got spent designing some new craft for my Out of the Sands career.  Other than some routine stuff, there was a test launch of a new 5m heavy lift launcher - it lifts more than it appears, most of the nose cone is lead ballast.


After making orbit briefly, a deorbit burn was performed then both the second stage and the lead nose were jettisoned, leaving just the recoverable control unit


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I was going to call this Columbus, but I typoed it as Coloumbus.  I liked the pun (even misspelled), but it couldn't stay.  So it's name is Coulomb.

A propos...

H2sAZ9h.png   Xd7mgBp.png

(I always perform a docking test for RCS maneuverability.)

dV: 4.3 km/s, TWR: 1.5 (Mun), a:2.1 m/s2.  Not so shabby.  ("Hello, Ion Detractors!!  You know who you are...")

It's intended as another Mun tourist ravine cruiser, flying low, slow and with continuous vertical thrust, but with its dV (and some infrastructure attention to shipping xenon replenishment in bulk), it certainly has further possibilities.

(The kerbs have dubbed it the "chocolate bar"...)


Sudden Idea Department: I have a Jool window open, so I'll launch this on a Cyclic Transfer Injection Booster (with a one-year supply of xenon attached with an independent motor) and off it goes...  Destination: Vall.  (Arrival: 2022. :))

Edited by Hotel26
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Had fun flying around taking in the scenery. Getting ready for a new playthrough. Kerbal kind performed their first high altitude test flights today. I am proud to say only one kerbal was lost.... Thus far...… 

Screenshot (20)Screenshot (22)Screenshot (23)

Screenshot (24)

Also had a un-stable high altitude plane land itself in the ocean with minimum damage(First time for that!). Jeb is now on flight restriction for an indefinite period because management argues if the plane could land it self...…….. 

Screenshot (17)


Edited by harrisjosh2711
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Last night I found a bunch of really old planes I built.  been seeing how they perform today. Spaceplanes need a lot of work, but this thing was still remarkably fun to fly with minimal tweaking required.


Points to anyone who can date it by and explain the redundant design feature I left in

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22 minutes ago, Rhomphaia said:

Points to anyone who can date it by and explain the redundant design feature I left in

It doesn't use a bicoupler for the twin engines...  so it pre-dated that part?  (Which, by the way, predates my KSP life, so I am merely guessing.)

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3 minutes ago, Hotel26 said:

It doesn't use a bicoupler for the twin engines...  so it pre-dated that part?  (Which, by the way, predates my KSP life, so I am merely guessing.)

getting warm.

pretty sure the bi-coupler existed when I built this, but there was a reason to not use it. although in modern versions this feature could have been built using a bi-coupler

The feature still works as intended but the necessity for it is gone in modern versions.



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On 4/22/2020 at 12:33 AM, Lewie said:

I built a sub and took my SR-71 out for spin. unfortunately, as I use the ps4 I have no pictures, sorry


mine exploded :(

1 minute ago, jimmymcgoochie said:

then realised I had forgotten to put an antenna on it :rolleyes:

happened to me too :) 

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3 hours ago, Rhomphaia said:

Points to anyone who can date it by and explain the redundant design feature I left in

The only thing else I can remark on is that if you call it a 'spaceplane', I can only see the two Whiplash engines.  Nothing I can see for circularization in space.

Additionally, I note that in the second shot, one of the engines has flamed out and you seem to be in an asymmetric thrust situation.  I would have thought that the two Adjustable Ramp Intakes would be sufficient to feed both, however.

Meanwhile the Yaw Trim indicator is hard-a-port countering that asymmetric thrust.  ("You are not going to space, today".  Or you're going to 'fess up that this isn't a spaceplane.)  So, now I'm getting very warm.

Also, this thing is low and slow.  I'd be punching out right about now and finding another company and/or Armed Force to work for.

Can't ever recall seeing that Throttle: Main Throttle tweak before, either  Looks like you've deliberately disabled an engine.  'Activate Engine'.  Yeah, you did.  And this has something to do with the fact that those engines are off-kilter deliberately so that each still thrusts (closer) through the CoM and can push alone without too much torque.

IRL, single-engine performance is important.  I note the deliberate roll attitude to port.  You are doing all this intentionally but I can see no reason to punish oneself like this unless you were running a random-part-failure mod or simply wanted to demonstrate single-engine performance.  But that doesn't fit the brief that this is something you had to do then but don't have to do now.   Ptthhhh...  :)

Except that single-engine performance is exactly the definition of redundancy in design.  OK, that's it.

Edited by Hotel26
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Hey, @Lewie, I made my own SR-71 Blackbird replica and took it to space. As a bonus, I took some pictures.


















Edited by Mars-Bound Hokie
Wrong craft file
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1 hour ago, Hotel26 said:


Easy.  :)

Bingo, Although I was actually referring to some of the other craft I found when I said Spaceplane, this one is only as much a spaceplane as the X-15 or Spaceship one, certainly not orbital.

The main issue was that back when I first built this resource flow priority was very different. When you ran out of air, asymmetric flameout was guaranteed. also no velocity curves for the engines so it would be violent.

Back in the old days, you could never have too many intakes. Time was a small enough plane with enough intakes, and your pilot could eva and push the thing to cicularize. I pulled a bunch of them off this.

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