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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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I had trouble falling asleep last night because I had an idea floating in my head on something I want to do, while this is a very early design this ship will carry a crew of 10 on a special mission. It will also need a plane and lots of science containers....


Are those putting greens?

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Are those putting greens?

Well for those long distance trips you need a place to let off some steam :D. Actually those are green houses from the OKS/MKS mod (pre-release update version). Bad thing is this is not even a third of the ship.... I must be crazy LOL :confused:

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Been doing a lot of landings as well as station construction recently, and haven't exactly been tidy in terms of recovery.

So I brought 12 Kerbanauts home today, including a pair that've been standing around on Minmus for...uh...a couple of Kerbol years. I also terminated the spent boosters (question: is this cheating? I mean I'm in sandbox so it doesn't matter, but I'm interested to know what you think).

Also started on my second space station, (a refuelling platform) but I'm annoyed with myself because it looks too similar to my first station - a Mir-style cluster - with a load of fuel tanks attached. I need to get more creative.

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Working on some new parts. It will be impossible, I'm sure, for you to figure out what I'm doing. :)


What are you doing, Dave?

So far waiting for KSP 0.26 to come out. =^.^=

Yeah. I know I should be playing KSP. But, Minecraft has been taking some of taht times away.

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I got frustrated on Duna. Remember my (what I'm now calling) Kojourner mission? Probably not. Anyway I put a SCANSat probe in orbit with a small rover attached, plotted out the anomaly I wanted to go see, and dropped the rover. Well then I lost my bearings and was kind of sort of aimlessly heading in the right direction. The rover wasn't big enough to add a BTDT, and the probe can only see the rover and anomaly on two different maps (stock and SCANSat map). So in my frustration I got the bright idea to (gently) crash the probe into the surface near the anomaly and use that as a point of reference while still hopefully functional enough to show me the map. That turned out to be a very bad idea, which I realized as I careened into the surface at about 650m/s due to a severely underpowered engine. So I sighed heavily and loaded a save, and now I'm trying to calculate where I should be based on longitude and latitude of the rover vs the anomaly, and *supposedly* it's directly north of me. I hope.

I didn't care too much about this mission before but with .25 rapidly approaching I'd like to go ahead and wrap it up.


Still kinda far away though.


Edit again: I'm not going to spoil the spoiler too bad even though everyone probably knows what it is... But I'm almost to the objective and I'm working on a followup mission now, manned. I have sent a transfer ship with a Kethane scanner, and a lander / crane with a rover on it. The rover has assorted science equipment and also a winch for towing capabilities -- It will pull a "Kethane Trailer" to be sent by probe during phase 2 of this mission, which can drill, store, and refine Kethane as well as store fuel, in relatively small amounts of course. It'll be perfect for refueling the lander crane for phase 3 when I start to drop base supplies.

The lander crane rover assembly had some extra fuel in the ascent stage since I pretty much use the same setup to lift everything right now (lazy) so this is the messed up docking procedure. I disconnected the lander (which was upside down) from the ascent stage, turned it around and docked with the transfer ship, and KAS piped the lander to the ascent stage to transfer the remaining fuel. I can probably make it on what I have, but I'd like to still stop by my Minmus depot to top up and be sure. And yes those are drop tanks on the transfer ship because it's carrying a little more weight than I intended. Burn times are going to be horrendous on the way out there but it should be worth it.


Edited by Duke23
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Been working on this little VTOL that was in my mind for a couple of days now.

The take off and flying are perfect but the landing isn't quite right because of the engine offset, but I'm still working on it. Maybe I will use mono propellant to correct the landing.




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What's hilarious (to me, anyway) is that I'm making the command pod also a probe core, so it can run without the crew. :)

Finally got the darn hatch/ladder working too. Yeah, those things are touchy.

Nice work, NB. I like the influence of your model from "2001"'s Discovery 1. I think its interesting that even though the movie makes clear that there are national space agencies (evidenced by an American Tycho moon base and an unnamed Soviet moon base) as well as an international space station (Station V), that there is never a direct reference to NASA by name or logo. So the combination of your model with the NASA logo (selected at the moment you took the stills anyway) reminds me of how difficult it is to predict the future via science fiction, in terms of what "should have been" vs. what really is, or was, for space achievements. Shifting focus a little, I like the idea of a probe core functionality included with a command pod, as it should be possible to remotely control an unKerbaled ship.

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i'm hoping to attempt my second trip to the Jool system today after work. i can't seem to get the first section of the mothership into orbit using my regular all-purpose lifter, so i'm going to have to design a new one...

if all goes well i'll maybe post pictures of the (hopefully) fully-assembled ship later.

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I planned and tested new Eve rover and manned lander. I have been on Eve many times before, but new thing for me is deadly re-entry mod. The rover works now but the massive lander needs some adjustments.

Sometimes I miss hard old times when joints was weak and Eve mission needed 1500 t and 1000 parts rocket, most of them struts. On the other hand, now I can make things difficult by using only cheap large SRBs in first stage.

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Lots of stuff like this ugly thing in Bop orbit, an heavy miner is used as tug for taking an x-wing VTOLSSTO to Laythe and an Jool probe at bottom.


Found that Mechjeb can dock two craft at once while you control yet another one, had an important node coming up and monoprop is not an issue,


Part of this, the long thing was food, oxygen and water packages who was transferred to the mothership. The fuel station is kind of wobbling and not something I want to dock huge ships too.


An 100 ton Moho lander with build in launchpad, the two tugs I docked is will help with the burn until they run low on fuel and returns to LKO. two large tanks an a smaller docked behind the miniature moho miner.

Plan with the mini miner is to use it for refuling if I don't have enough dV do land the large miner.

And yes its 18 LV-N, 4 poodles to help landing on Moho, male lander able to take off fully loaded.

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After finding out that 0.25 will have destructable buildings, I have an excuse to militarise my space program. In addition to colonisation, science and asteroid recovery/moving. Thus, I have to swap out some mods in order to get weapons mods. I am currently torn between BD-armoury ans Skilful.

As such, I'm going to spend the next few days testing the mods and creating warships and weapons bays/modules to supplement my space program.

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