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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Been doing some career mode; fun stuff. Did a fly-by of the Mun, got some good science. Playing on Moderate with science/funds/rep on 80% instead of 90%. Didn't do Career in 0.90, so the upgradeable buildings is new, too. :D

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Learned to hate one part in the game gimme the old nosecone back anyday. (Curse you NCS adapter!!!!)

My delta burner comes in for reentry sans a nosecone burned up in the ascent. Thankfully a detachable science module in the back between the engines was available to be ejected to balance the rig out.



One of my Cadzilla variants is the closest to delivering a meaningful payload to orbit. Just needed a hair more fuel for circularization and deorbit.



Edited by sumrex
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I did a lot of tipping over and burning straight towards the ground.

Then I did a bunch of reading the forums.

Then I started over, had better luck, got into orbit, unlocked a couple tech tree levels... and stalled due to bad contracts/not enough science. (they made the money--->science strategy absolutely ineffective, apparently, and I was really hoping to use that to great advantage.) Stuck at "can't get to Mun yet, that's next in the science-ey contracts and everything else is VIP tours and surveys that I can't do without planes" (ymmv)

Now I'm back reading the forums. I figure I need to let the contracts recycle, but I hate fast-forwarding just to burn time. I'm sure there are people who could get to Mun with what I have unlocked... math people. Physics people. I'm humanities, all right? Don't bother me.

Feels like a very different game in some ways.

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I flew a plane on my 5th mission in a new career. IT WAS AWESOME! I was never really interested in planes before but the new aero, the balanced fuel drain, and whatever other tweaks/features make it a whole new game! Thanks!

Jeb got out after flying the awesome plane to location to make a crew report from the surface and the world exploded. WEAK.

I guess I'll play sandbox until a few of the bugs are worked out.

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Had fun finally doing a winged SSTO on my third attempt. This is winged SSTO from KSC to Orbit then back to KSC

1. This is my XB-81, taking off from KSC


2. Taking off from KSC


3. Climbing to 15,000 meters

(no screenshot because I was busy--this is the critical part, RAPIERS are set to manual, not auto and you have to monitor it, while flying at 16,000 ft. don't let it flame out but keep building speed until over 800 m/s, and THEN change mode to Closed Cycle and climb to orbit. Also, pay attention to temp--do not let craft overheat.

4. Climb to orbit using Closed Cycle mode (intakes closed and using oxidizer).


5. Orbit Achieved. Now time to go back to KSC.


6. The key component to prevent exploding craft while on re-entry (kind of a cheat actually)--FOUR airbrakes, prevents your craft from overheating.



7. Having reached down to 25,000 m, and at 1,000+ m/s, I now prepare to fire RAPIERS (now back to AirBreathing Mode and ALL intakes open)


8. Long "glide" down to KSC (minor heating but not critical) from 25,000 m to around 6,000 m


9. At 4,000, runway in sight, time to align with runway. Gear down and locked.


10. Aligned


11. In-cockpit view, aligned with runway


12. Prep for touchdown



13. Landing



It's a cinch.


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All in 1.0

Got Valentina into orbit, with narrow enough margins that she had to use stack decoupler thrust to barely dip into the atmosphere and deorbit.

Got Jeb into a Munar flyby without nodes or patched conics, and barely back to Kerbin.

Got a Mun lander probe to survive lithobraking (due to running out of fuel about 10m/s dv short) with science and battery components used as impromptu crumple zones. Thermometer and solar panels survived to transmit back science.

Apparently in 1.0 I always end up just barely short of fuel :-)

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Started a new career.

Launched several rockets trying to reach space for starter contracts and records.

Lost Bob due to a poof-on-ground-while-physics-warping-bug and did a quick save file edit - will never bow down to bugs! :P

Rejoiced that KER is already 1.0 ready and restarted the game - I really have become dependent on it! :P

Launched some more rockets to train the crew and place satellites for contracts.

Stranded Bill in a polar orbit after releasing a satellite there - not enough fuel to get down again. :P

Started munching through the tech tree once more!

Going to build moon-fly-by rockets with stacks of 1.5m parts bundled together and show some tourists around later.

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I installed the latest KSP, had a look at the changelog and the yet again majorly altered folder structure and names for parts. I'm going to have to edit most or all of the ReStock cfg files again. It also looks like some (more) parts will be deprecated. Though in compensation I may be able to work up some more re-cfg-urations of stock parts.

So what I've "done" in KSP today is surveyed the task before me to continue having the ReStock parts pack working as much as possible.

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I've just realized that despite my ridiculous playtime, I pretty much stuck to spaceplanes and stations and didn't venture very far out in the system.

So yes, I finally built a successful Apollo-style Mun mission. That may seem small, but that's quite an improvement for me - Doing some more studies on orbital mechanics finally paid off it seems (seriously. I used to be terrible at this).

1.0 aerodynamics rock, even if they're not quite FAR levels of deadly yet.

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Well yesterday i was returning capsule from unplaned trip to the mun (too much fuel after estabilishing orbit and Jeb was itching to take closer look at Mun). Ship from top to bottom: Mk16 para; Mk1 pod; Small Service; Decoupler; FL-T400 and terrier eng.

I came in with speed aprox 3,4km/s and peri 30km at night side. Tried to skip atmosfere by angling rocket but something went loose and BooM! I had only Mk1 and luckily parachute still atached. Jeb face was extatic! Angled capsule to get some lift and as the temperature soared to 2100°C i left upper atmosfere.

From my first pass i noticed for the first time that heat conducts which was serious danger to Mk16. Soon after i finished writing my speech for Jeb funeral (something, somethin Icarus blabla), capsule entered upper atmosfere. This time it was realy nerve wracking. Capsule was angled as much as posible in hope we will make another skip. By doing this Jeb stayed in upper atmosfere for almost 1/4th of kerbin circumference and slowed capsule down more "gently". This i belive saved Jeb's life becouse as capsule descended it again almost reached 2200°C.

Most intense moments in KSP for me so far. Had to open another bottle of bear after landing to celebrate. What i think saved Jeb was landing in cooler night side and skipping atmosfere for as long as possible in thin atmo. I dare to say that with similar reentry patern in FAR and DRE(set normal) i would not have as much trouble getting down (partly becouse DRE adds heatshield to Mk1).

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I am so glad i rarely used mods/sas while flying crafts in the past! Yesterday with the first launch of the my newest rocket in career mode i had to switch to precice mode not to flip over the rocket at start. KSP is now much more unforegiving and feels alot more realistic with the new drag system. Playing since 0.16 this is the best experience so far :)

I want to work my way up all through the tech tree - and its a nice feeling if you have to learn everything again from scratch. Keeping track of speed, heading, altitiude, HEAT etc. makes the game much more interesting and intense. Really like it!

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A few weeks ago, someone made a thread asking "What will be the first thing you do in 1.0?", in which I said I would put Val into orbit while listening to Valentina by Public Service Broadcasting.

Today, I did just that:


As an added bonus, I saw this for the first time since buying KSP over a year ago:


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I broke the game within five minutes.....

Let me explain, so it was a normal day. I was "testing" some rockets when my capsule flipped over. Valentina was in a seat on top of it.

I wanted to see if valentina's helmet would endure the blast. It didn't. So Jeb and Val died, and so did the universe. First the altimeter went completely blank, then the screen went black. So I reverted the flight and tried launching again, but I was in space the entire space center was invisible and in space 10/10 :Pwould test for bugs again.

looks like you encountered the Hell Kraken

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