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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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I built my first mobile Mun base with science lab and successfully landed it to get some serious science done. But then I had the unfortunate discovery that it may not have been the best idea to put the windows on the sides of the vehicle and the hatches on the top and bottom. Apparently even though Bill and Bob could enter through the hatch on the top just fine, when they try to exit, the hatch is now precariously obstructed and they couldn't get out! Fortunately through with a bit of will and determination (and a strong SAS), our pilot Jeb was able to position the lab on a hill and roll the whole base on its side so that his crew members could exit from the emergency escape hatch located on the underside. The great part is that the SAS was strong enough to turn it back up on its wheels!! You gotta love low G's!



Smile Guys!!


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First of all my apologies for the large amount of pictures, I was having too much of a good time to relearn KSP in 1.0. The atmosphere really got interesting, it turned into a real struggle to get through, especially with large crafts, but I love it. No more ISS in three launches :-P


Launch of Sky Lab I


Saturn IB Launch


second try at Sky Lab Ib


Second stage of Saturn IB


Saturn IB Munar flyby, just a dV test to see how much 'puff' the rocket really has


Apollo 11 launch, first try to the Mun in 1.0


Looks like the second stage.. but hard to tell


Third stage still needs some work, since it looks a bit boring


On our way to the Mun, no rovers or any hardware in the lower bit of the LEM.. because Apollo 11


Getting there


And Valentina and Rumple Kerman are the first Kerbals to land on the Mun in v1.0. I had 8m/s^2 left when I docked with the service model.. quite happy we didn't bring the rover :-D

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I had a lot of fun! My third attempt at a Munar Lander came back. Without landing on the Mun because of a series of engineering failures (glares at chief engineer) and piloting failures (glares at chief pilot) but fortunately, we've moved past all that (puts down mirror). Even without landing on the Mun, I still got a whopping 1147 Science! So that means it's time to research and test new technology.


I have four contracts to rescue Kerbals stranded in orbit, so this is a perfect time to test new technology! Behold the Rescuer C - Intended to rescue Dedine Kerman, but also a testbed for O-10 Puff monopropellant thrusters, deployable solar panels, structural monopropellant fuel tanks, and will let me practice orbital maneuvering.


The second Rescuer testbed is looking at LV-1R spider thrusters, the little round fuel tanks (One's hidden in the service bay), the use of Sepratrons as retro-rockets, and the other type of deployable solar panels.


Hopefully, the compared efficiency between these two prototypes will influence the design of my Minmus Lander Prototype, which will also be testing the Mobile Processing Lab.

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Finally got around to play 1.0, had to test the new atmosphere. A great improvement from .9 that's for sure but I'll probably go back to FAR soon, I miss the aero-tools in SPH.


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I ve build pretty cool refinery/lab station above Ike, complete with SSTO shuttle service from Kerbin. Then I wanted to bring Valentina back from grave - she kinda wasnt respawning and doing that I broke my Career save file and I dont have back up :(

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Just the usual stuff...

A rocket for some reason develops an anxiety disorder on liftoff.


The FC Galactic League for CalvinBall is started...


Jumping a dune buggy off a rover for a quick rescue...



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I'm enjoying a game where I launch separate ships by different nations, all from the same launch site, and stuff. Not real-life rockets, though. And It's career.

China has launched it's first plane.



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Today I finally gathered enough Science points to unlock the LV-N and therefore allowed myself to run some tests and verify my suspicions that they're not that hard to keep unexploded after all.


Even with all this clipping and at 4x time warp, if I simply thrust limit them a bit as shown here they never exceed 2496 Kelvins, even if I run them continuously for several minutes. This is good knowledge for when I get back to building giant motherships.

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We did what we had to do.


For sceince.


Serious sceince.



Experiments are not to taken lightly,


Or there will be accidents.


But in, the end, it will be worth it.


Also, suscessful demonstration of helmet abort mode:


I think this kerbal is worried about something.


Perhaps he doesn't like the look of me.

Edited by Tw1
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Today I updated my contract packs to be compatible with 1.0.2


I also rescued 3 kerbals in various orbits, including one orbit which intersected the Mun's SOI and was being flung out into interstellar space, so that was a fairly time-critical rescue.

- - - Updated - - -

Few things are as dramatic as re-learning aerodynamics in nuFAR 0.15, strapping on Valentina to a jet fighter and letting her do the Mach Loop then try to break the SR-71's speed record.

All in a day's work for a Gerry Anderson inspired craft, though :)

I love the Gerry Anderson reference. I'd bet that there aren't a lot of people on this forum who would recognize the reference.

If you are interested, google "Gerry Anderson Thunderbirds" and "Gerry Anderson Fireball XL5"

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I'm loving the new aero! I was never a plane person in KSP before but this is just fun! I used to play A-10 Attack in high-school on my Mac, not only was blowing stuff up fun but I loved the aerobatics; I get the same feeling in KSP now (without the missiles and bombs (though I understand "there's a mod for that")).

Val on an early career mission... apparently to the Middle of No-Where Grasslandsville.


Also, there's no ladder on this aircraft - I don't think I'd even unlocked one yet (notice the FL-T200 fuel tanks) - but with 1.0.x that's not a problem! She can scramble up the rear landing gear onto the intake and then on to the top of the fuselage. Bravo SQUAD!

Classic in-the-shadow picture (sorry about that!) of my Mun lander making a science drop off at my Mun Science Lab. Docking not required.


FYI, I wouldn't recommend this exact lander design. As it turns out, the doors to the cargo space have a collision mesh while animated... and the landing legs have a collision mesh too. I decapitated my rocket by opening the doors at the wrong time, the pod popped right off. The rest of the mission is brought to you courtesy of quicksave. (It would be neat if the engineering report warned you of things like this, I could imagine that code being unwieldy though)

Val finds remnants of a more civilized age.


My first Mk2 aircraft - "Waldo A2" - in the background. I was hoping to make something to fly faster/further than my various Mk1 models can by exploiting bigger intakes, more fuel capacity, two jet engines, and stashing all the science in a cargo-bay but no-dice. I wouldn't be surprised if I have to unlock the turbo-jet first.

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