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After Kerbin and it's moons, which direction did you explore next and why?


Which direction did you explore after Kerbin and it's moons?  

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  1. 1. Which direction did you explore after Kerbin and it's moons?

    • Inwards towards Eve
    • Outwards towards Duna
    • I still haven't reached the Mun or Minmus

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Hi Kerbalnauts! So after exploring Kerbin and it's moons, which direction did you explore next? Did you go inwards towards Eve first, or did you go outwards towards Duna first. Still trying to decide which way to go so I'd like to know which way you all went and what drove your decision to explore in that direction.

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I reached Mun, nothing there, made a conclusion theres nothing there on other planets, just different color barren rocks. The direction i went afterwards was play other games until this gets developed & gameplay is added.

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Is it weird that my first target after the Kerbin system was Dres?

I think it has something to do with me having visions of running a lucrative asteroid mining operation, and with Kethane that's a distinct in-game possibility... now we just need more asteroids.

OTOH it might've been that Dres was at the right phase angle for transfer at the time so it was simply low hanging fruit :wink:

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My first target was Eve. I even remember doing the maths myself to get the transfer window and using a protractor with endless tweaking to get an intercept. Too bad the Kerbal never made it back... He got stuck on the surface of Eve.

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I actually went to Duna twice before I went to Minmus, even though I only sent probes to Duna (1 ship with a rover and another containing 7 individual probes). I guess I just wanted to try out rover wheels and interplanetary transfers, and just didn't care about Minmus.

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I went to Eve first, I liked the challenge and whatnot, plus Gilly is a fun little place XD I'm in the minority on that one. I've actually never sent a Kerbal to Duna, I've always thought it was too easy (at least relative to other planets), so I just kinda went for the hardest planet to land and return from instead lol. Although as of yesterday, I did send a mission to Duna (more as a test for the final version of the ship), but I haven't landed it yet, just got to Duna orbit.

In order, I've gone to: (* means I have also returned)



Ike (landed a probe there once, was mostly a crash landing lol)

Duna (maybe? I think I put a rover on Duna once...)

Laythe (where I stopped my grand tour)

and I also landed on Tylo, Duna, and Moho, but I didn't send the landers there, just edited them into orbit, landed them, and got them back into orbit as a test, so I don't count them of course.

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Weirdly Eve appealed to me a lot, but it's still the only place I've never been!

I think because I have a rule - missions must be Kerbal crewed and they must be returnable. That makes Eve a problem, but one I shall soon be tackling I think!

Duna was first.

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My first target was Eve. I even remember doing the maths myself to get the transfer window and using a protractor with endless tweaking to get an intercept. Too bad the Kerbal never made it back... He got stuck on the surface of Eve.

You didnt send a rescue mission?? *stares unbelievingly*

When I finally make a safe landing on Mun - yesterdays two attempts were over "to fast" ... - and maybe on Mimimi ... well, time will tell - at the moment I am rethinking my design for a Mun lander, which probably was to small yesterday, not enough thrust/fuel to decelerate.

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Still haven't made it out of the Kerbal system.

I've done Mun and back as well as Minmus and back. But somehow I can't seem to get the interplanetary trip to work. We've lost several good Kermen and Kerwomen on failed missions. However, I am on a brand new savegame and I'm determined to hit Duna. It may only be a probe. It may not make it home. But dammit, we are GOING to reach another planet before the year is out.

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I reached Mun, nothing there, made a conclusion theres nothing there on other planets, just different color barren rocks. The direction i went afterwards was play other games until this gets developed & gameplay is added.

Haha, well im not sure whether you are being sarcastic or wasted your money.

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I used the first launch windows to come up to launch probes to other planets. So it was Eve first (mapsat and lander), then a mapsat to Moho (that was hard and taught me a lot!).

I missed a launch window to Dres and around day 280 in the first year, I finally had launch windows to Moho, Eelloo, Jool and Duna come up all in a space of about three weeks, so I launched probes to all of them:

- Moho gets a rover to explore one of the polar pits

- Duna gets one probe with a lander and a mapsat, and another one with a rover. I'm curious on how my first athmosphere landings on an another planet since I installed deadly reentry will be going!

- Eeloo gets a lander and a mapsat. Got a gravity assist by Jool providing the inclination change and went for it, even though it costs me slightly more dv than the optimal direct transfer. That probe will be the first one to reach Jool's system.

- Jool gets an ion-powered orbiter to map moons, two athmospheric landers for Laythe and Jool, and the transfer stage will remain in the system as well and will act as a com relay (remote tech is installed.).

My manned mission to Minmus had to take a backseat here, as I want it to become a proof of concept for a new lander design that is less complicated than my previous Apollo-like design. Another priority will be a rover for Eve, coupled with a small lander for Gilly. I hope to move to manned interplanetary mission after all the probes have reached their targets and done the scouting work.

Generally, I try to mimic the stages real space programs took, though I skipped flyby missions. It's mostly mapsat orbiter, than lander probe, than rover, than manned landing.

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