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Really Really Really Tall Building

The Jedi Master

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Floor 5116. A chair. A luxurious, comfortable, nice, and gorgeous chair.

in the meantime our next floor is 5117.

The true next floor is 5117,  you see any number other than 5117 its a lie, an untruth, a fabrication, a misdirection, a misnomer, a fallacy, and a falsehood. Reality says our next floor is 5117! Coldness lies, falsifies, fabricates falsehoods, misleads, and guides astray.


new page! New beginnings or still conflicts?


103407032024 reupholstered the fallen chair. Was that kosher?

Edited by AlamoVampire
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People, it's a game. I don't know how the sequence got confused, but does it really matter? It's only supposed to be for fun. If you're getting mad over it, why not just go find something else to do? 

By the power vested in me as head moderator, I decree that the next floor will be #5200. Either continue from there and play nice or we will close the thread. 

Also, some off topic and personal remarks removed. 

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Floor 5206: Wine Warehouse with barrels that are completely sealed and safe from contamination. You bring out some cheese and crackers to go with.

Edited by ColdJ
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