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Which features do you want in 0.22?

Tom K.

Which features would you like in 0.22  

  1. 1. Which features would you like in 0.22

    • Resources (+Processing and mining)
    • Improved aerodynamics (+shrouds and fairing and better looking atmosphere in general)
    • Clouds and weather (GIANT STORMS ON EVE)
    • Improved IVA (modules to move around inside)
    • Continue working on carreer-mode
    • More celestial bodies (planets/moons)

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the order of the options look pretty good for a to-do list

1. resources, so that there's something to accomplish once we get to the other bodies, plus good reasons for using satiltes and rovers ahead of manned missions

2. carreer, to have a limited budget so mining your own resources mean something

3. aero fixes, so sleeker rockets actually help and planes behave like they should

everything else on that list isn't really needed right now

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Well I can't vote, guess I'm too new here so I'll just add my voice here... Career mode all the way!

I've been playing KSP since about .13 or maybe slightly before that and while I love to build the rockets, I'd really love it even more under a career type mode where I had to actually worry about finances and weight limits etc, stuff that will hopefully be in career mode.

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This actually makes the most sense of any other response I've read. Well said!

Kind of a silly one, since there are mods for career-mode-style play.

Resources are an end-game feature, and although there were a lot of pieces developed for it, it may not be included as part of the base game. Squad already has our money, keeping existing players happy and giving us more toys is less of a priority than making a finished game that they can sell to more people. The type who come into the game and ask "how do I enable the career option" or "I finished the tutorial, what am I supposed to do now in this game?" Career mode, although not all of the existing players will even want to play in that way (depending how it's implemented), is mandatory for a complete game. Giving existing players resources won't make us so much happier that word of mouth will sell more copies of the game than it does right now, honestly.

Optimization, better aerodynamics (and associated other broken physics like intake and jet mechanics, fuel flow rate changing in atmosphere instead of engine thrust, etc) and more places to visit are polish, they give the game credibility and more things to do (or a better experience, in the case of optimization) but aren't core new gameplay features.

Remember that as of yet, we have absolutely no idea what Squad has in mind for career mode. There are a million ways they could do it and have it work in the game, and it's something they must get right for career mode to be fun, interesting, and accessible for a wide range of player styles and abilities. This is what they should and will spend most of their time on for the next few updates - the implementation might not be all that hard or take that long, but they need to get the conceptual gameplay design right. They have ideas and they've done some behind-the-scenes work on underlying systems like progress tracking and basic crew management (not exactly behind-the-scenes, but it also doesn't really do much gameplay-wise right now), but if they're any further than barely started on the core of career mode they haven't shared it with us yet. This will likely go through several iterations putting in the pieces over the next few updates, with plenty of feedback from the playerbase and revisions over time, I'm sure.

This isn't to say that career mode and resources are mutually exclusive however. Judging by the responses to this poll and popularity of mods like Kethane, many existing players would find a resource-collection base-establishing gameplay mode entertaining once we've mastered the basics of orbit and interplanetary travel. This might be what the end-game of career mode could look like. But for the first few updates where career mode takes shape, they shouldn't start with the end-game if the early and middle stages of career mode work entirely differently.

Edited by tavert
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Although you have alot of valid points, I think that resources aren't completly an end-game feature.

I will probably build a base on the Mun before doing a manned-mission to the Jool-system, I would consider interstellar-travell as a real end-game feature...

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I want to stick to the Poll options, so i wont talk about anything else, and ill try to keep it short.

Resources: I need them as stock, with a nice and cool way, as im sure Squad will develop in time. Resources give me something to do on the already enough bodies in Kerbol system. Plan bases, mining locations, supply crafts and the list goes on.

Aerodynamics: Definitely another good choice. The new ASAS makes flying a dream, so if they can do better mechanics for the aerodynamics already at 0.22, i dont see why not.

Clouds and Weather: Of course everybody likes some eye candy more, for me though i am happy with the current improvements. And seeing how they go about it, im not in any big rush for them on 0.22

IVA: This as well isnt a priority for me. I never spent much time on IVA anyway (yes i know theres not much to do there anyway atm). At some point later when we have more stuff to do (look at resources, extraction, analysis or god knows what), then yeah.

Carrier: What? Its not spelled that way? .. I hope with that said, you understand what i feel about it. Career mode, in sandboxy games, always lives me with a void after completion, lives me with a "something amiss" feel and i could go on forever.

Take note that i truly believe Career mode success is 100% implementation dependent. How a dev integrates it with the rest of the game, how good his plan on expanding it is, and of course what gives to the user at the end.

So in short, i consider it more of an end game function, than a "lets put it now so users run around happy" and take it from there.

(And yes, i have no idea how Squad is going to implement it, no idea if they got an already made plan, and no idea in general, so take what i say with a pinch of salt)

More Bodies: Oh yeah, more female bodies..with nice measures and.. erm no wait..

More Celestial Bodies: Well here we talking about something, in a way, similar to more IVA. I really dont see the point for now. 5 more planets will give you a nice trip and back, but thats it. Without something more to do there it feels kinda empty. Not to mention i believe that Kerbol system is fine as it is, so new bodies probably way later with more Systems around.

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Resources for me as an individual will add a HUGE amount of replayability for me, it's really the only thing stopping me from being bothered to leave Kerbin's SOI, sure I've been to duna in earlier versions, but I got there with my rover and all then thought: "Well; now what ?" Career mode with some objectives thrown in would be nice too, I prefer to have a contract saying "Go to duna and we'll give you the funding to build a huge mining rig on the Mun" than sitting there thinking: "Errr, what should I do that I know full well that will not provide me with any more incentive to play the game?"

Don't get me wrong here, I LOVE KSP, I just can't play it for longer than a few hours before deciding that I've kinda been wasting time, I haven't been progressing towards a goal, for some people this could be a station or an interplanetary ship but I find that slightly tedious and often times unrewarding, last time I assembled a ship in space it was during the Cupola Pod explosion glitch...

...3 hours of launches, docking, and fuel transfer all wasted.

Bring an objective and I will be happy.

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better game performance!

KSP performs just fine if you have a decent computer. Resources, improved IVA's, telescopes, and More celestial bodies - in particular the other two rumored gas giants, and asteroids are all things that I would like to see implemented before the dev's introduce career mode.

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My choice is not listed. If it was, it would be:

FIX THE D@MNED BUGS. FIX THE UNDOCK BUG. Do not develop other shiny new toys and features.

The undock bug, especially, is a real buzz-killer. Being able to undock is ESSENTIAL to building stations and orbiting Mun and the planets. Until the known bugs are addressed and fixed, I REALLY don't care about the six choices in the survey.

Edited by Apollo13
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I'm assuming that the career mode will involve some kind of tech tree, where higher achievements open access to better technology.

I wonder where the top of that tech tree will be. Will we have uber engines that can zap us to Eeloo in a couple of hours? Or will the LV-N be the pinnacle of Kerbal achievments.

There's part of me that wants uber engines for extremely-remote base building, and another part of me that thinks it'll make it too easy.

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ok, so who didnt vote for everything?

I didn't click any of them, because the thing I want isn't on the list.

The rover suspension problems constantly sending me tumbling down hills is really limiting my gameplay at the moment, because almost all of what I want to do at the moment really needs the use of rovers to get around. And when I try to do it anyway, I end up having to quicksave and reload constantly, because a bad terrain segment sent me tumbling down a hill and broke the wheels off the rover.

I'm almost not playing as it is because of this, so nothing much else matters to me until that gets fixed.

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In my opinion improved IVAs will be a HUGE game changer. It will make all of our space stations useful, not to mention if there is a problem with your spacecraft (i think failures would be AMAZINGLY fun to deal with) you will get to go around inside it, and flip switches to your hearts content. Furthermore, it would open up the possibility of a sort of role-play. More planets because why not? And finally, mining, we have waited a long time for it, and I have almost started to forget about the prospect of such a thing. It wold be a nice thing anyway.


(200th post on thread {WOOT})

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