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[WIP] Nert's Dev Thread - Current: various updates


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19 hours ago, MrFancyPL said:

@Nertea Hello, are you gonna ever pick up work on Far Future Tech ? Personally I love this mod.

To answer the question, at present the odd behavior of the KSP heat system makes it impossible to properly implement the FFT parts, which is why it was shelved for the time being. :)

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@Nertea I am curious if there are any plans to add a native life support scrubber as a sort of utilities module, something that doesn't hold a lot of resources, but reprocesses waste materials into usable stuff like o2 and water? I know that such parts exist in mods like TAC life support, which I use, but those parts just don't fit the aesthetic of your mods. cheers!

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22 hours ago, stryker2279 said:

@Nertea I am curious if there are any plans to add a native life support scrubber as a sort of utilities module, something that doesn't hold a lot of resources, but reprocesses waste materials into usable stuff like o2 and water? I know that such parts exist in mods like TAC life support, which I use, but those parts just don't fit the aesthetic of your mods. cheers!

For this I recommend @Daishi's US2! Or hide things in those orbital cargo bays.

On 10/2/2018 at 7:52 PM, RedParadize said:

@Nertea Yeah I miss FFT too. I remember that fast forwarding caused explosion due to overheat. Personally I would fine if the compromise was lowering the temperature generated, even if its not accurate. 

I would rather have an integrated solution before it is released. 

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On 10/2/2018 at 8:39 PM, Nertea said:

What he said, and not enough hours in day to retexture all the crappy looking parts in the mod. 

I'm still in awe of the quality of all of your mods parts, so I'd like to know, which of the FFT parts aren't up to your standard. 
I'm curious to know, because they don't really look that "crappy" to my Eyes.

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1 hour ago, GrandProtectorDark said:

I'm still in awe of the quality of all of your mods parts, so I'd like to know, which of the FFT parts aren't up to your standard. 
I'm curious to know, because they don't really look that "crappy" to my Eyes.

Almost all of it. Consider this vs this

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On 10/11/2018 at 10:25 PM, Nertea said:

Almost all of it. Consider this vs this

Wow, okay, i guess if those parts on the right are your standards i can sort of understand why you'd say they're not up to your standards


still, the parts on the left are lightyears ahead of the KSPI alternative, the newer parts are just... incomprehensibly well detailed for something you aren't even getting paid for to make :o

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Surprise 1.5.x update! Big functionality/balance things, let me know what you think.

  • KSP 1.5.x
  • Updated B9PartSwitch to 2.4.4
  • Updated MM version to 3.1.0
  • Updated CRP to 1.0.0
  • Updated CryoTanks to 1.0.2
  • Updated MiniAVC to
  • Fixed CTT node of nuclear smelter
  • Cleaned up display modalities for most new modules (clearer text, better information)
  • Significant improvements to ModuleFusionReactor (screen messages for important events, UI bit hiding, stability, VAB formatting)
  • Significant improvements to ModuleChargeableEngine (screen messages for events, UI hiding, passive power generation, VAB formatting)
  • Multiple fixes to ModuleMultiLengthEngine for stability
  • Fixed ModuleEngineHeatDisplay display output being 0.5x what it should have been
  • Tuned all engine thermal behaviours to reduce likelihood of explosions
  • Renamed/renumbered engines for better VAB sorting
  • Fixed several collider/model issues with the mirror cell and beam core antimatter engines
  • Greatly improved engine FX for the mirror cell and beam core antimatter engines
  • Removed custom resource distributions from package
  • Rebalanced harvesting rates for new CRP atmo/exo resource distribution paradigm
  • Balance updates to further differentiate engines
    • FFRE now generates lots of power while in operation (still requires charge-up time)
    • Thermal fusion engines power use model reworked
      • Charge-up still required, but once activated, can generate constant power by slow but inefficient usage of fusion fuel (~50% of "real" reactor). While active, power output can be modified and engine has instant response.
      • Tokamak generates 500 kW, mirror cell generates 250 kW
    • Z-Pinch engines now no longer need external power when running (still require charge-up)
    • Inertial fusion engines got a 150% Isp boost
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@Nertea looks like a great update! 

For you and @CobaltWolf How exactly does the temperature system work? I've found ModuleCoreHeat, which has the AddHeat method, but there's no units or anything in the docs… I'm mainly concerned with purely adding heat to parts, any advice you have is appreciated. 

EDIT: Question is because of CobaltWolf's post at the top of this page

Edited by Benjamin Kerman
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17 hours ago, Benjamin Kerman said:

@Nertea looks like a great update! 

For you and @CobaltWolf How exactly does the temperature system work? I've found ModuleCoreHeat, which has the AddHeat method, but there's no units or anything in the docs… I'm mainly concerned with purely adding heat to parts, any advice you have is appreciated. 

EDIT: Question is because of CobaltWolf's post at the top of this page


Uh, I wrote a really nice thing on this a while ago but can't find it. Basically there are 2 kinds of heat in KSP, regular and core.

Regular heat is the thermal system that governs re-entry, solar heating, that kind of thing (and engine heating as well). This heat is added via various methods and affects every part (this is what the part's maxTemp and such refers to). Regular heat is divided into Skin and Internal buckets - some processes add heat to the Internal bucket, like engines, and some processes add heat to the Skin bucket (re-entry heat, solar). Regular heat conducts between Skin and Internal on a part, and between parts that are connected. Radiators can remove this heat by pulling it to them and thus increasing their temperature, which then radiates out using normal radiative processes. 

Core heat is module-level, which means that only a part with a ModuleCoreHeat block is affected by it. This heat is added only via specific ModuleCoreHeat affecting Modules (in stock, only drills and resource converters). Core heat is mostly independent from the rest of the ship - if a part's Regular heat is really hot, the Core heat reservoir on a part will very slowly trickle higher. If a part with a Core's Core is really hot, some heat will slowly bleed out into the Regular section. Core heat is also removed by radiators, but this is totally orthogonal to regular heat removal. Core heat removal basically takes a set number of kJ out of a ModuleCoreHeat and makes it disappear into nothing.

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I've used this mod quite a bit, and although I know it's still in development, I've not recently had problems with explosions.  I did at first, but I just chalked it up to inadequate cooling. So I stacked around 8 of @Nertea's big carbon fiber thermal radiators (something in the tens of thousands of KJ of radiating power) and its been fine for me. If you have issues with parts exploding, I'd recommend way overloading on thermal radiators.

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On 11/1/2018 at 3:08 PM, MrFancyPL said:

Hi, i have found an issue in fft test relase, the exhaust from x-2 heinlein engine is basically flat and from other sides is deformed.

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Really weird bug. I'll see if I can find why.

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