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Kebal society


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Why is VAB the only structure ? Are they a newly formed colony from somewhere else ? What happened in their past that stops them from exploring the sea ?? Why do they speak reversed Spanish ?

Edited by Lohan2008
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What is their culture like? What is their food like?

I imagine they live on green algae hot-dogs (the reason for their colour?) and tofu burritos. Plus space chickens, lots of space chickens.

I know their culture has a high regard for boardgames, I would assume they form a central part of their religion.

Edited by nine_iron
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Why are rockets the central part of their lifestyles?

How come they can heartlessly kill thousands of kerbals without remorse? (depending on playstyle)

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Why is VAB the only structure ? Are they a newly formed colony from somewhere else ? What happened in their past that stops them from exploring the sea ?? Why do they speak reversed Spanish ?

There are no other structures because most of the Kerbal are a green non mobile moss/fungus like coating across the surface of the planet. The mobile kerbals are a fruiting body of this mass who have an irresistable drive to travel outwards and then die, bursting and spreading spores in a cloud. Similar to a puffball mushroom being stomped on.

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Why is VAB the only structure ?

I don't think it is.

Are they a newly formed colony from somewhere else?


What happened in their past that stops them from exploring the sea ??

Kerbals are an incredibly progress-driven society. After bravely colonizing the land, they view returning to the sea as a de-evolutional step. Probably.

Why do they speak reversed Spanish ?

Why do you speak forwards English?

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Has a Kerbal really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

Nope. All that is under the surface of Kerbin is a weird blue light-thingy. :P

AHA! That blue light is Kerborb, the massive glowing sphere city at the center of Kerbin. That's where they all live! :)

Why did they loose the Game?

*runs far far away*

You monster.

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Why is VAB the only structure ? Are they a newly formed colony from somewhere else ? What happened in their past that stops them from exploring the sea ?? Why do they speak reversed Spanish ?


  • .7 Initial release
  • .8 Instead of stackable fuel tanks, main street of Kan Kiego was opened.
  • .8.1 Downtown area of Kan Kiego has been developed. It was that or symmetry mode
  • .8.2 Foundations of Kerbal Linguistics ("Kinguistics") laid.
  • .8.3 Krammar (Kerbal Grammar). Who needs the symmetry button when you can't even stack your fuel?
  • .8.4 Fixed a traffic light bug in the Kan Kiego financial district
  • .8.5 You'll be delighted to know that we worked on serious issues like Kan Kiegan suburbs, and not frivolities like controlling the camera through the keyboard
  • .9 The center of Kerbopolis is now in play! We also stabilized buildings with "struts," one day we might use them for rockets, too. But not yet, we still need to figure out how to stack fuel tanks.
  • .10 Worked on a list of Kerbal verbs
    (etc, etc)

Personally, I can live with the current order of priorities that the devs seem to have.

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  • .7 Initial release
  • .8 Instead of stackable fuel tanks, main street of Kan Kiego was opened.
  • .8.1 Downtown area of Kan Kiego has been developed. It was that or symmetry mode
  • .8.2 Foundations of Kerbal Linguistics ("Kinguistics") laid.
  • .8.3 Krammar (Kerbal Grammar). Who needs the symmetry button when you can't even stack your fuel?
  • .8.4 Fixed a traffic light bug in the Kan Kiego financial district
  • .8.5 You'll be delighted to know that we worked on serious issues like Kan Kiegan suburbs, and not frivolities like controlling the camera through the keyboard
  • .9 The center of Kerbopolis is now in play! We also stabilized buildings with "struts," one day we might use them for rockets, too. But not yet, we still need to figure out how to stack fuel tanks.
  • .10 Worked on a list of Kerbal verbs
    (etc, etc)

Now that's an MMO I want to play.

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See, they are prisoners of the creation of the mad god, the insane one. They strive to reach the true one and all and the only way they know how to is through lot's of Delta V and explosions. As a matter of fact, a Kerbal believes that each explosion is but a ripple in the mad god's creation and thus, resonating with the grand and true reality, it gives a small, but crucial glimpse of realms unknown.

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The VAB is the only structure: Well technically we have the other space center buildings, however they are the only buildings because most of the population lives underground due to a nuclear war the past. The KSC actually has a 2.5 km radius sphere that protects it from the radiation.

Why don't they explore the sea: The sea is teaming with invisible, radiation-born squid-like organisms that like to feed on vessels. See Krakens

Reversed spanish:In ancient kerbal times, they were visited by spanish-speaking astronauts from earth (in 3165 AD or so, so yes they are in the future), who then taught the kerbals spanish. However due to a strange anomaly, whatever they spoke in spanish was reversed when it came out.

Other kerbal facts:

-The first kerbals came into existence in the 2800s

-The wheel was invented in the 3400s

-The first rockets were made in the year 3587

-Kerbals discovered kraken-kind in 3755

-First powered flight conducted in 3988

-Nuclear weapons developed during the 4300s

-The kerbals split into two sides in the year of 4342, the power-hungryGreenhood Empire and the tech-savy Gamma Republic

The war started when the greenhoods imvaded the homeland of the Gamma republic, who then retaliated harshly by dropping the first atomic bomb onto the enemy. Nuclear attacks alternated between the groups for several decades.

By 4381 52% of the population had been decimated, many cities in ruins. The Gamma Republic managed to make the Greenhoods surrender by threatening them with a nonexistent hydrogen bomb.

-It was pretty much nuclear winter from then on. The survivors retreated deep underground, growing dumber and loosing common sense over the centuries.

-The first kerbals emerged in 4888, followed by a small group. They became immune to the radiation. They started looking at the stars and wondering...how are we going to get there?

-The first orbit was then made by Kayputnik 1 in 4900

-Kerbals then reached the Mun in 4879

-Modern compact technology such as the Kphone was later invented, onwards from the year 5000.

Notes: all dates are based on human timelines. Kerbals developed much later than humankind.

More facts:

-Standard kerbal snacks are a mix of ocean-algae, solid rocket fuel grains, and artificial kraken meat, all put together into the world-famous, delectable, artificially flavored, gluten-free Yummy Nummy Snacky

-The average below-ground kerbal lives for 5 years. Above ground kerbals live from 10 seconds to 10 years.

-Kerbals breath both oxygen and carbon dioxide, as they are a plant-animal hybrid. This allows them to survive in tiny space pods without proper life support, which start out filled with oxygen. The kerbals then breathe in the oxygen until the pod is filled with CO2. Then they breath the CO2 and so on.

-The average kerbal IQ is about 35. The great Kerbrainius scored a whoping 55 IQ pointe.

-Kerbals are multi-gender and do not breed. Instead, one kerbal is produced every time one dies by a cloning machine. Before the year 4888 however, kerbals could not reproduce in any way. The population was based on phases. The first phase of kerbals lived and died, then a new phase would rise from the radioactive remains of the older generation.However, some of the material is lost, so the population had been on a decline since the start, until 4888 AD.

I think thats enough.

Edited by Kerbol Prime
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