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Kerbal Attachment System (KAS) 0.4.7 - Pipes as fuel lines and even fewer explosions!


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Okay, since there didn't seem to be one around yet, I made an edited addModule.cfg providing grab/drop/attach/store functionality for appropriate parts from other mods.

It supports KW Rocketry, B9 Aerospace, RLA Stockalike, RLA Power Generation, KSPX, Near Future Propulsion, Aviation Lights, and some minor other stuff.

Here it is: http://pastebin.com/US3hY9By

Thx kind sir! this is great saved me a bunch of time ,now i can craft some things on the mun.

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Here's a Module Manager cfg file for adding tech tree integration: http://pastebin.com/BK0b9ZX5

I've just added all the parts the the "Nanolathing" tree node (costs 1000 science), which is right at the end after Composites.

Just download it (or copy and paste the text) into a cfg file (kasTechMod.cfg or whatever you want to call it) and put it anywhere in your GameData directory.

Naturally you'll also need the Module Manager plugin here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55219-Module-Manager-1-5-%28Nov-11%29

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Hi guys,

Just curious, I tried but it didn't seem to work - can EVA place-able pipes act as a replacement FTX-2 External Fuel Duct? I launched a multi-part ship, connected it all up and d'oh through sub-assembly mis-management a duct has decided to not link, leaving me stranded. Rather than Revert, I tried a genuine rescue probe mission, sending up some pipes, and while I have placed it correctly with a Kerbal it doesn't help. Not sure if this is a pipe's intended use but is there anything else that can recover my ship?

Absolutely wowed by the EVA stuff otherwise, I had used this mod before with winches etc, but strutting together a multi-part ship is now a joy, and those part containers - to quote someone else, "you can't not send them up on every mission now, they are bound to come in handy." Should be vanilla! Tip of the hat to all devs involved!

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Ah bummer, oh well!

Would definitely be nice to have that, I don't think there are any other fuel line parts than the stock one at the moment? Haven't seen any others in mods... suppose the stock one is good enough, though it looks ugly on some ships.

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I've used them that way, too. I once screwed up on a Kethane rover and had to jury rig it to get a converter running. Used KAS pipes. KAS pipes work both ways so the whole backwards hookup kethane converter didn't matter.

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I love this mod, but I wish the pipes worked like the stock FTX-2. Would be really useful for assembling ships in orbit.

EDIT: Sorry, didn't notice this has already been discussed. And right above my post, no less.

Edited by Mitchz95
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They don't work like pipes. They work more like docking ports. If you hook a pipe directly from a Kethane converter to a fuel tank, the tank will NOT fill.

Trust someone who found this out on Mun.

You're not the only one. I make sure to keep buffer tanks on the vehicles so that small amounts can be transferred and TAC fuel balancer does the manual flow operations.

However Id still love for KAS to have a small electrical pump part that handles this sort of thing.

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I must be Turning into a kerbal, because i cannot get this to work in Career. I have the latest download, and extracted the files into my Gamedata folder. I do not see it on my tech tree (i have researched almost all the default tech). I really want to use this with Kethane, as it seems it is the only way I can easily create refueling stations

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I must be Turning into a kerbal, because i cannot get this to work in Career. I have the latest download, and extracted the files into my Gamedata folder. I do not see it on my tech tree (i have researched almost all the default tech). I really want to use this with Kethane, as it seems it is the only way I can easily create refueling stations

KAS as is has no tech tree integration. First post on the previous page has a Module Manager file that integrates them into the tech tree.

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Sorry for the video spam here, however it is related; Skip forward to the 6 minute mark for what I want to show.

Did my problem occur because I was not using ground pylons? The pipe angle seemed to be relatively shallow...

This is why I gave up on both KAS and IR. Spent two solid weeks building a modular base on Mun. Then, every single time I'd go back to it, something new would be broken. Parts will just fall off the base or ships randomly, the IR parts constantly move around quickly becoming ugly and/or useless, and sometimes the whole base just explodes like yours.

In hindsight, of those two weeks of design and testing, a majority of the hours were spent working around bugs in those two addons. And all for nothing, as a couple of critical parts fell off the base quietly so I didn't notice, the quicksave was overwritten, and my base was lost. I ended up uninstalling both those addons, and starting a new game.

Those two addons are by-far the coolest available...but they are just not ready.

None of this should be taken as complaints against the addon devs. I've been in IT for over 30 years; I know what I'm getting into when I play with alpha and beta software. :)

PS: I had ground pylons. Nope, they aren't the solution, though it did seem to damp the base shaking when I'd attach the pylon to the ground vs. dropping it.

Edited by Beowolf
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Loganbacca provided a .cfg to add Tech Tree integration for KAS but its a very basic implementation. I was thereby motivated (after discovering it wasn't already in my tech tree) to add these pieces via ModuleManager to the tech tree. It should be noted this was designed with Yargnit's tech tree in mind, NOT STOCK. I have absolutely no idea where the pieces will end up in stock. However, it might be a nice alternative to shoving them all into the last node. This shouldn't be needed, but simply copy-paste this text into a .cfg in your GameData folder and have ModuleManager installed.


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I'd like to add the basic Mk16 parachute to the grabbable / storable list. (The radial is already on there.) While I think I can figure it out from the Part Modules page on the wiki, I was wondering if anyone else out there has already done so and can save me the time? If so, thanks in advance.

Anything that can't radially attach reacts poorly with this mod. I tried to turn the smallest liquid fuel tank into a grabbable part and had no end of troubles. Eventually I got it to work but it still had to attach radially and didn't cross-feed fuel like I'd hoped. Yes, this was to hopefully fix a borked Kethane Refinery :D

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Hm. Well, if it comes to it, I guess I can use a radial chute, but it won't be as aesthetic.

(Actually, in the configuration I'm assembling, it IS a radial part - sort of. I have an interplanetary craft core I want to stick limpet probes to, but when I tried launching it with them pre-attached, it didn't go well. Maybe I just need to put a little more booster under it...)

So my current plan is to stick the probes on in orbit ... BUT, since the top of each is a mk16, nothing will attach to it (like a micro-tug, to do the sticking). So my current crazy plan was to send up the probes, attach them to the side docking-jrs, detach the RCS microtugs from the top heat shield, and have kerbonauts stick on the parachutes in their place.

... or maybe I should just try the pre-attached thing again, with a bigger booster. -_-;

Edited by Commander Zoom
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