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[1.5.X] Rover Wheel Sounds v2.3 (2016-10-24)


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Thank you so much for the update!!

Driving is just SO sad without your mod.


Do you think you could update your RCS sounds, as well? I know they're in the stock game now, but they're so quiet I didn't even realize it until someone mentioned it, and I like your sound much better.

Edited by Rhedd
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Love this mod.  Driving rovers around without it sucks.

I noticed in Version 2.3 a bunch of the wheels have skidSoundVolume = 0 in ModuleManager_WheelSounds.cfg.  I'm not sure if it's changed from previous versions, but it's different from what I had in my own GameData directory.  Any reason the skid sounds for those wheels was disabled?

roverWheel1 has skidSoundVolume = 0.3 but all of roverWheel2, roverWheel3 and wheelMed have it 0.

Edited by Fwiffo
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  • 2 weeks later...
On ‎10‎/‎26‎/‎2016 at 7:45 AM, Rhedd said:

Regardless of how it's done, it SURE would be nice to have dust included in this!

Oooooh! Dust, gravel, AND ice/snow (but only for slow movements, honestly, since they'll be garbled out by the wheel sounds, themselves, at full speed).

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  • 4 months later...

Hey sorry for resurrecting this as it were but, how would I go about adding non stock wheels to use this mod? The yellow truck wheels form the SXT continued mod are currently silent and I would like to get some sound onto them even if it means borrowing another wheel sound for now.

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On 23/3/2017 at 6:10 PM, VShadow said:

Hey sorry for resurrecting this as it were but, how would I go about adding non stock wheels to use this mod? The yellow truck wheels form the SXT continued mod are currently silent and I would like to get some sound onto them even if it means borrowing another wheel sound for now.

No worries about resurrection, the project is still alive! It's pretty easy to add sounds to a new wheel. Open your GameData folder, then go to WheelSounds and open the file ModuleManager_WheelSounds.cfg in a text editor. In that file you can see all the other wheels that have sound added to them. Add a new section to the end of file like this:

		name = WheelSounds
		wheelSoundVolume = 1
		wheelSoundPitch = 1
		wheelSoundFile = WheelSounds/Sounds/MyWheelSoundFile
		skidSoundVolume = 0.2
		skidSoundPitch = 1
		skidSoundFile = WheelSounds/Sounds/gravelSkid
		damageSoundVolume = 1
		damageSoundFile = WheelSounds/Sounds/wheelDamage
		soundInVacuum = false

Replace the MyWheelPart on the first line with the name of the part you want to add the sound to. You can find it from the part's part.cfg file. It's at the top of the file, normally on the third line. For example, if you look at the stock RoveMax Model XL3 wheel's configuration file called roverWheelXL3.cfg, you can see that its name is roverWheel3:

	name = roverWheel3
	module = Part
	author = Squad
	mesh = model.mu
	scale = 1
	rescaleFactor = 1

Once you've put that name in, the only other change you need to make is to give it a sound file, replacing WheelSounds/Sounds/MyWheelSoundFile in the example. You can see the sound files already used for other wheels in ModuleManager_WheelSounds.cfg, for example WheelSounds/Sounds/RoveMaxXL3. Unity by default supports .ogg and .wav files for sounds. MP3s aren't supported without other addons unfortunately (Soundtrack Editor uses libmpg123 for instance). Be sure not to include the file extension (e.g. ".wav") when entering the filename into the wheelSoundFile section. The path to the file starts in GameData, so if your sound file is at C:\Games\KSP\GameData\SXT\Sounds\MyCoolWheelSound.mp3, you should put SXT\Sounds\MyCoolWheelSound for wheelSoundFile.

If you're looking for your own custom sound for the wheel, I normally find appropriately licensed sounds on freesound.org and edit them into loops using Audacity. If you find any cool ones, you should release your own mod for the SXT and WheelSounds mods! :D You can put your changes into a separate ModuleManager_MyCoolSXTWheelSoundsMod.cfg file and ModuleManager will load them for you once the game starts. Then all you have to do to release is the cfg file and your sound file.

Hope that heps! Happy modding!

Edited by pizzaoverhead
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@pizzaoverhead Thanks for the in depth explanation on how to do it, will try it out when I get some spare time. Never done any sort of mod editing/ making before so should be fun.  If I get anything that works well I will be sure to look in to getting it distributed out to the community so anyone else wanting it can use it.

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  • 2 months later...

Hello @pizzaoverhead! I just discovered your mod and I loved it!
But during installation I have noticed that your version file is at the root of your release package and not inside the WheelSounds folder in the GameData folder. I think you might want to move it in your next release. :)

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12 hours ago, canisin said:

Hello @pizzaoverhead! I just discovered your mod and I loved it!
But during installation I have noticed that your version file is at the root of your release package and not inside the WheelSounds folder in the GameData folder. I think you might want to move it in your next release. :)

Hi @canisin! Glad you like it! Thanks, I'd totally forgotten about this! It will be fixed in the next release.

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May I just leave this here?


        skidSoundVolume = 0.3

        soundInVacuum = true


It is a little MM patch to add skid sounds to all wheels except the one with "skid steering" (the one that steers like a tank, enabling skid sounds on that one is just a lot of noise!), and vacuum sounds. Enjoy!

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 12.06.2017 at 10:50 PM, PmThay said:

I tried it out and it seems to work OK.

Doesn't work for me for some reason( The files are listed in the debug toolbar and the volume settings seem okay in the cfg, but there's no sound on Kerbin. Just a barely audible hiss when you drive fast - more like aerodynamics rather than motors.

Any idea what else should I check?

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  • 4 months later...
This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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