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[1.2] Real Solar System v12.0 Dec 8


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I flew a small plane in stock-scale last night and I just can't get over how small the place is! Or how powerful the jet engines are w/out AJE. It felt very arcade. Almost silly, even. :)

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I hope so, Becouse I really like it and dont want to start again with out it, just to have to restart, when the update comes out. No I am not trying to jiggle your elbow or rush you in any way. becouse I dont think it will better the RO and its dependinceys are updated to

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If you check the GitHub repository, I believe you can download that and that should be more up-to-date than the release version listed here. Not sure if it's for 0.24 though.

Nathan, I don't mind if you take your time. New plane maps will be awesome! :)

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Will there still be a 10x scaled Kerbol?

I've been using the RSS and love the challenge it gives, but I want to explore the Kerbol system on hard mode.

Is that still going to be possible in the .24 mod?

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I dont see why there would not be, your not the only one that just wants to play in a 10x scaled kerben system. and I dont see why it would be all that diffaclute just to give that to them since part of makeing a real solor system would be first scailling it up, then redoing things like orbits and texters.... you just make the step one avialbe to people who what it

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  Furious1964 said:
Just wondering when the update will be available. I looked at github and couldn't find the nightly builds.

He doesn't do Nightlies. If you want something NOW you will have to pull the source and compile yourself. But he might not be done on the code changes so thats iffy to do. Your best bet it to wait unless you really know what you are doing.

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yeah I know I cant play at all right now.... because I dont see a point in starting and having to start over again... and I was just learning how to do things in RSS so I dont want to blunt my skills on stock sized so yeah....

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  Mr_Magpie said:
Will there still be a 10x scaled Kerbol?

I've been using the RSS and love the challenge it gives, but I want to explore the Kerbol system on hard mode.

Is that still going to be possible in the .24 mod?

  tmikesecrist3 said:
I dont see why there would not be, your not the only one that just wants to play in a 10x scaled kerben system. and I dont see why it would be all that diffaclute just to give that to them since part of makeing a real solor system would be first scailling it up, then redoing things like orbits and texters.... you just make the step one avialbe to people who what it

Did you read the first post?

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I have a problem, the planets are all in their proper places, but they do not have their proper names. Earth is still kerbin, Mars is still Duna, etc... Earth looks like earth and is definitely earth with its continents. It isn't a major problem, but it gets annoying after I've checked in the config files for "//bodyname= Earth" and things like it.

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As the OP states, the planets *represent* their counterparts. I have the name-changing disabled because it breaks tons of stuff.

Regarding an update: I have a workaround to the mesh issue in, and I have found a way that will not break saves. Waiting on getting the textures exactly sorted, and a couple bugs SpacedInvader reported. You can always download from git if you must play an unsupported version. :]

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