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[1.2] Real Solar System v12.0 Dec 8


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It's true that Realism Overhaul makes some things harder--for example, limited throttling and ignitions, and ullage--but the same basic toolset that let you play KSP will apply. Orbital mechanics haven't changed, staging and Rocket Science in general are the same, etc.

Make sure you check out RP-0's tutorials and FAQ, and also it's well worth looking at Realism Overhaul's tutorials and FAQs as well (click the down arrow next to 'Pages'--and be sure to check out 'False KSP Lessons').

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Hi Nathankell, I really do appreciate the chime in and I did just try it and ... I was utterly lost, I got a rocket to launch.. it was okay... but there are the "real" stuff all added at once was too much.

Again, I am just over a month of playing KSP and I just wanted to change things up a bit. What would happen if I went with only RSS and no overhaul? I am just out of my element, because many in the community have been at this since it came out, trying to keep it fun. :)

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  gamerscircle said:
Hi Nathankell, I really do appreciate the chime in and I did just try it and ... I was utterly lost, I got a rocket to launch.. it was okay... but there are the "real" stuff all added at once was too much.

Again, I am just over a month of playing KSP and I just wanted to change things up a bit. What would happen if I went with only RSS and no overhaul? I am just out of my element, because many in the community have been at this since it came out, trying to keep it fun. :)

You could do that, but stock-part fuel fractions and TWR are quite poor compared to real-world parts -- basically, KSP fuel tanks and engines are about four times as heavy as a fuel tank or engine with the same fuel capacity or thrust. It's not impossible to get to space, but it's even harder (from a payload-fraction perspective) than we have it in reality.

To improve TWRs and mass-fractions in a simpler way, there's the ROMini.cfg patch and my own SMURFF. Basically the difference is that ROMini makes parts bigger (also improving fuel capacity, thrust, etc.), and SMURFF makes parts lighter. ROMini's method can be buggy with certain mod parts, like stuff by RoverDude and DMagic (due to a stock bug, not NathanKell's fault -- or maybe he can fix it now that he's working for Squad? :wink:), and SMURFF works but will work better when I make the time to update it.

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  John The Physicist said:
It would be awesome if this could be a whole entire different solar system you could travel to, instead of replacing it. Or is there a way to easily do that with the config??

Galactic Neighborhood adds RSS (Sol system) as separate solar system, but I think it changes it to 1/10 scale.


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just got RSS this week. Ive noticed that Earth has a very low lighting condition due to the fact its farther from the sun. Is there anyway to brighten earths blue skies more to match what Kerbin was?

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  lextacy said:
just got RSS this week. Ive noticed that Earth has a very low lighting condition due to the fact its farther from the sun. Is there anyway to brighten earths blue skies more to match what Kerbin was?

hi mate!!! I think you should try the Ambient Light Adjustment mod, which provides a neat scrollbar to adjust the ambient light levels whenever you want :D

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  pvnkb1tch said:
hi mate!!! I think you should try the Ambient Light Adjustment mod, which provides a neat scrollbar to adjust the ambient light levels whenever you want :D

thanks ! tried your suggestion and it worked fairly well.

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Real Solar System from my point of view is a cool but very challenging mod, can anybody leave a tutorial with the basics to RSS? Im having troubles getting into a orbit (Any Orbit Would Be Great As Long As It Doesn't Smash Me Into The Atmosphere) around kerbin. I also want to goto those big planets like Jupiter and land on one of its moons. It would be awesome if there was a tutorial on what mods and what designs make getting into orbit less challenging. Reach for the stars! Best Regards -DunaLandings

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Step 1: What kind of experience would you like?

(a) Realsitic rockets, with real life efficiencies? Get Realism Overhaul

(B) Kerbal rockets but boosted to real life efficiency? Get ROMini or SMURFF.

© stock KSP (i.e. horribly inefficient) parts? Change nothing.

The answer to your question depends on your answer above, though in all cases you need a real life quantity of delta V (9000-9500 vacuum dv, depending on liftoff TWR and burn time to orbit) and an orbit of ~150x150 or higher.

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  DunaLandings said:
what designs make getting into orbit less challenging

All real-world replicas that I have ever built, that can get to orbit in real life, can get to orbit in RSS. You can build something exactly like an Atlas V, for example, and it will make orbit. Use the wiki and copy its performance stats. Also, the Ariane 5 is great and maybe even easier to build in RSS.

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I'll echo Felbourn here, and also add my 2 cents:

First stage should start with ~1.2 to 1.4 thrust/weight. 1.5, 1.6 is getting a bit high. Any higher than 1.6 and it's going to be very hard, more than 1.8 is going to start to become impossible with burning up on the way up.

9,600 m/s is the standard I use, and I usually like a little extra to be safe.

Second stage needs at least ~0.6, preferably more around 0.8 T/W at start to make it easier. There's no real reason to not go higher, though. 1 to 1.5 won't add too much engine mass, and will make dealing with gravity a breeze.

Start climbing straight up, but then as early as 10 km altitude I like to be at about 70*, then slowly bring it over so that you're at ~40* or lower by 30 km. This is roughly the space shuttle's ascent trajectory, and it seems to work pretty well for pretty much all my designs. From there, watch your apoapsis - ideal is 100 km, 150 is acceptable, any lower than 100 km is going to be a bit dangerous. Also keep an eye on your vertical speed - make sure at first stage cutoff that you've got a good 500 - 800 m/s, if you've got a really low (0.6, 0.5) T/W on your second stage - then simply hold about 30 or 15* pitch and wait until your T/W climbs to about >1.1 or >1.2 to pitch higher than that to keep from plummeting. From there, simply adjust your pitch to try to keep vertical velocity nulled out, and cut off when you're at orbital velocity. (7,850 m/s for 100 km). [though I use mechjeb's report on my apoapsis and periapsis to determine when to cut off the engine(s)]

Ehh, I may have made that sound a bit too complicated; but that's how I do it and it seems to be very efficient.

Edited by Comet Tail
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I don't know if this is a problem in RSS, another mod I have (have quite a few) or just a glitch in my savegame. I'm playing RO/RSS/RP-0 with all their required and recommended mods (plus a few suggested). Recently I started to get a Contract Configurator error basically reporting that the RP-0 contract "flybyUranus" wasn't working because there was no valid option for "CelestialBody=Eeloo". I'm not exactly sure why Eeloo was being confused for Uranus since it looks like RSS uses replaces Eeloo with Europa and replaces Jool with Uranus, but that's what the error is showing.

I also have the "Transfer Window Planner" mod and in its Origin list I find an option for Europa which shows as a moon of Jupiter (just as it should). But in that same list, after Saturn and it's moons, there is a listing for Eeloo and no option for Uranus. And in the Destination list, there again is an option for Eeloo (this time before Jupiter) but again no option for Uranus.

I also came across a reference to Eeloo in my savegame files. It's in the "RemoteTechProgressTracker" SCENARIO section as a "CelestialBodyInfo" entry but every time I delete this entry, it gets recreated.

Finally, when I go to the tracking station and zoom out, I have the planet Eeloo showing just after Saturn.

If anyone has any ideas where I can look to try and figure out why Eeloo is still in my game, I'd really appreciate the assist.

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Well, I must say, this is one epic mod. I was looking through, and I told my friend via text that i installed RSS, and he asked for pictures. I took a picture of every single planet and moon, then named them, then sent it to him. 5 minutes of sending later, I get a response of "Holy *insert swear word here* that's cool". Lol.

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  RoketMan said:
Redstone engine that you use for the Juno one probe seems to be broken. I have a trust to weight of 1.39, but it won't lift off.
Forgive the simple question, but is that sea level or atmo. TWR? Cause I've built soooo many rockets only to get them out on the pad and realize I forgot to check the booster stage for SL vs Atmo TWR. :P
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Well, I am using a fasa clamp that goes on the bottom of the engine, as for twr, I'm using the one mechjeb gives me

Edit: that one must be broken because a used another lunch clamp and it worked just fine. Now my problem is, when I gets to 70 K meters, the engine turns off. I know this will be fine on it's own since I'm pretty sure I can get into orbit from there, but then the entire ship disintegrate. Please help!

Edited by RoketMan
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  winged said:
My Venus flyby recreation:

Hope you will like it :)

What mods did you use for the rocket? FASA?

- - - Updated - - -

Also, how'd you get the "USA" letters on the Rocket?

Is there some FASA paint mod I don't know about?

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  xiej said:
Nice! How many of the Gas Giant's moons have you done? And which ones will you add? Probably not all 63 (and counting) of Jupiter's....

Jupiter : Io, Callisto, Europa, Ganymede

Saturn : Dione, Enceladus, Iapetus, Mimas, Rhea, Tethys and Titan

Uranus : None

Neptune : Triton

Have a look at my submod if you want more moons, especially for Uranus.

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v10.3 the "Thanks Everybody!" update

  • RSS itself now contains groundstation definitions for RemoteTech, with the full networks appearing when RealismOverhaul is installed (via NEEDS--the files are here). Thanks Peppie, regex!
  • Patch AntennaRange antenna ranges, if that's installed. Thanks Kerbas-ad-astra!
  • Update CustomAsteroids config. Thanks Ascraeus1!
  • Various compatability patches thanks to Sigma88.
  • Fix some typos in body descriptions, biomes. Thanks Trollception et al!
  • Fix Mars scaled space fades. Thanks Raidernick!
  • Fix science altitude thresholds. Thanks Laie!
  • Update to Kopernicus 0.4

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Couple questions on the new update:

1) does the first bullet point mean we no longer need to download the RemoteTech for RSS configs? (Seems like yes.)

2) is this save compatible for people using RP-0?

3) separate: do you forecast RO/RSS to be compatible with 1.0.5 without changes, or no?

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